Yossarian said:
Since the British have probably sent more emigrants abroad than any other country in the world, taking over entire continents, slaughtering and dispossessing the original inhabitants and replacing them with their offspring, it seems more than a little mean-spirited to complain about a few migrants coming in the other direction!
I don't think truly open borders is something we'll see in our lifetimes, but it's not a bad ideal to be working towards.
Bit of a one sided view isn't it?
I mean, hasn't England and Britain as a whole been a hotbed of immigration from Europe through-out most of its history? Wasn't we invaded and taken over, wasn't our early Kings in fact French?
This whole idea that somehow, we only count the 200 years from the industrial revolution and pretend that somehow we are the only ones guilty of mass emigration is pretty sad to see.
So should all us English folk go emigrate to france and demand something because they came here 400 years ago, or maybe the Netherlands they were quite good at invading, or perhaps Germany, I mean their bloodline remains in our Royal family today.
Yes lets all rush into Germany and DEMAND something because 600 years ago they turned up here!!
Twatish argument.
Besides which, much as the English colonial years were harsh and caused much suffering they also brought about much improvement in many of the countries that we 'visited' just like much improvement was brought to this country by the Romans, oh nearly forgot about them, lets go to Italy and demand something too they were here nearly a thousand years ago, so clearly we DESERVE something from Italy now!!
Stupid stupid argument that only bothers to look at the last 200 years of history and ignores any positives in favour of harping on about the negatives.
Open borders is a ridiculous idea that would create poverty the world over, we are not capable as an industrial nation right now of housing the people that are already here, but somehow when 5, 10, 15 million people turn up because they think they will get something better here, things will improve?
We shouldn't be talking about open borders as a way to improve the lot of the worlds poorest people, we should be talking about improving conditions in their countries so that they don't feel the need to emigrate for a better life.