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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
I know you didn't ask me, but it's been fucking shite. Nearly everyone we know has been treating us like we have AIDS in the 80s. We feel so alone, even though we are better and probably immune.
I had a couple friends very kindly drop stuff off to be but were too scared to see me. I felt low even though I understand
I'm a hermit in normal times! Have been at work non stop apart from when I was ill. We have extra staff in at the mo so work is busy. We do not (we can not) socially distance at work so that side of things has been very normal. No-one has treated me differently for having been ill. I think the count out if our team is now 11 have been off sick with suspected covid, 2 tested and confirmed, 1 tested neg. So far ..
Have just had an opportunity to perform an antibody test which confirms immune response to SARS-CoV-2 (at manufacturer's claimed 92% accuracy [95%CI: 89%~94%]), which in turn would indicate my earlier documented symptoms very highly likely were COVID-19.
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I think I had it months ago and didnt realise it. Which sounds silly I know. I was feeling pretty rough for a week or so, but with none of the symptoms I read at the time. Checked temp daily, no cough, nose was streaming. Thought I had a cold.

I still don't have my normal energy and get hit by waves of fatigue from time to time. Most telling is what feels like a tight band round my chest when I try and exercise. I was reading a thread on a Facebook running group and it was like snap for so many things.

I suppose I'm pretty lucky it wasn't worse, but still feels far from great. Given the work I'm doing (keyworker ha!) I fully expected to get it, just not quite like this.

My OH has similar. She was really ill, back at the start of February. However when she went to hospital last month with chest pain, it must have been before the testing kits were wide spread and they diagnosed her based on symptoms and said she didn't have it and was told to speak to her GP about some of the meds she was on...
Have just had an opportunity to perform an antibody test which confirms immune response to SARS-CoV-2 (at manufacturer's claimed 92% accuracy [95%CI: 89%~94%]), which in turn would indicate my earlier documented symptoms very highly likely were COVID-19.

How do you feel about that?
How do you feel about that?
Not at all surprised given the symptoms I experienced, the timeline and the circumstances of origin of the infection.

I would have been surprised to see a negative result (though one can't entirely trust testing yet; I may get the chance to perform further alternative tests in the near future which will be interesting).
Reckon I has had SARS-CoV-2's making bebbeh's in my lungs for a high number of days (58). They occasionally fuck orf a bit and pretend like everything's hunky-dory (Oh, were those your lungs? I'm really sorry mate, we were told we could have full occupancy. I've invited a load of mates over and everything), but then 48hrs later - guess who's back? I reckon it's a bit of a pernicious fer-pick.

Recovery curve - longer than previously considered:

alsoknownas I love your description of the squatter virus and it's mates - made me smile. Of course it's probably not as smiley for you at the time.

That facebook group I linked a few posts ago is really useful for hearing just how long people are experiencing symptoms for
alsoknownas I love your description of the squatter virus and it's mates - made me smile. Of course it's probably not as smiley for you at the time.

That facebook group I linked a few posts ago is really useful for hearing just how long people are experiencing symptoms for
Yeah, I mean, I had initially discounted SAR-blah-Paul-McGrath as a possibly because of the linger time. But it's now seeming quite feasible (read: probable) given the emerging convo.
I'm a hermit in normal times! Have been at work non stop apart from when I was ill. We have extra staff in at the mo so work is busy. We do not (we can not) socially distance at work so that side of things has been very normal. No-one has treated me differently for having been ill. I think the count out if our team is now 11 have been off sick with suspected covid, 2 tested and confirmed, 1 tested neg. So far ..

My brother was saying no one in virology lab or his lab have caught it. Also that they only have 29 covid patients and under 5 in itu. Icu? Of course it only takes one and they have as little distancing as you do.
I still have ongoing fatigue two months later. It sucks. I can't do what I normally do, can't exercise properly, and it's difficult to keep a positive mood even though my life is in general pretty good. It's been so long now that I've started to get a bit scared of the tales of getting CFS after a virus.
The other day I did about hour working out, pushs up, planking, sit ups, kettle weights, streches and stuff. It wiped me out, I slept for about 3 hours afterwards. This on back of recovering about 12 weeks ago, so its still a drain on my body.
Sounds familiar. Went for an hour long walk the other day and had to go to bed after and was still a wreck the next day (bear in mind I usually cycle up to an hour a day). It's about two months since I was actually ill.

One problem is that I keep feeling better, then I try something too ambitious (like an hour long walk). I'm not very good at being inactive.
Sounds familiar. Went for an hour long walk the other day and had to go to bed after and was still a wreck the next day (bear in mind I usually cycle up to an hour a day). It's about two months since I was actually ill.

One problem is that I keep feeling better, then I try something too ambitious (like an hour long walk). I'm not very good at being inactive.

This week was 6 good days of being able to work online, some walking and a little exercise. One day was iffy, just felt worn out, late night the day before thou. Occational afternoon naps could be a regular thing for me now
I thought I had it at the end of February/early March. I had a sore throat, swollen glands and felt fluey, then a few days later I suddenly completely lost my voice and developed a horrible dry cough which lasted for ever. I spent a whole night sitting in the kitchen crying because I couldn't breathe - at the time I thought it was just my asthma playing up but then later wondered whether it might have been the virus. I spoke to my GP on the phone a few weeks later at the start of the lockdown, and she said if I had had those symptoms 2/3 weeks earlier, they would have assumed I had Corona. Anyway, I went for an antibody test at our local pharmacy two days ago and.. it came back negative :oops:
I had negative on the Abbott IGG antibody test too. My GP is unsurprised and thinks that very few under 40s are getting the antibodies. Not sure what that means in practice.

I am still ill unfortunately. But slowly getting better. Back living with my parents, which is much better than being alone like I was for 3 months... although challenging in a different way. Things do feel like they are starting to move but I have a lot of fatigue, tinnitus, sore throat, weak voice, on off crazy head and face pressures and as of 3 weeks ago - body twitches and movements. Been trying to listen to music and do light dancing, some gentle regular movements, humming singing and making sounds etc... had a good cranial osteopathy session yesterday too. But Im not well enough to work or do my masters. Or even go for a proper walk. It really sucks.
this week getting better health-wise.
Work has decided to take a large dump on my desk, 55% pay cut, longer work week and more responsibilities, I ve yet to sign the new contract. 3 other headteachers have quit, I may do to, lot to think about.
I had negative on the Abbott IGG antibody test too. My GP is unsurprised and thinks that very few under 40s are getting the antibodies. Not sure what that means in practice.

I am still ill unfortunately. But slowly getting better. Back living with my parents, which is much better than being alone like I was for 3 months... although challenging in a different way. Things do feel like they are starting to move but I have a lot of fatigue, tinnitus, sore throat, weak voice, on off crazy head and face pressures and as of 3 weeks ago - body twitches and movements. Been trying to listen to music and do light dancing, some gentle regular movements, humming singing and making sounds etc... had a good cranial osteopathy session yesterday too. But Im not well enough to work or do my masters. Or even go for a proper walk. It really sucks.
So they think people are getting ill with Covid-19 yet not getting antibodies?
A friend of mine and her family are part of an antibody research project as her son was hospitalised with Covid. Her husband was sick but she and her daughter were not. I'm not sure what antibodies they were testing for, one assumes a broad range in the context of national research, but only her 2 children had antibodies.
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