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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
Don't think I've got it, but am getting a test this afternoon as I have a bit of a temperature - I think it's more likely a response to the heat of the past few days - i've been very hot and sweaty the past few days, but it's a lot cooler today and I still feel that way. I'm also feeling a bit done in - but that's probably cos I haven't slept for the past three nights plus the stress of working in a face to face customer service environment. Best be cautious though and get a test. Pain in the arse though (well, throat, more like)
On Friday evening I had a sore throat and felt rubbish, pretty sure I had a temperature but couldn't find my thermometer anywhere. Sent off for a home test which arrived this morning. Cept I feel absolutely fine and like a paranoid fraud! I think I did pick something up but I tend to get rid of things in 24hours....i just sleep drink herbal tea and eat loads of salad and take vitamins etc- which is what I did.

I will still take the test but can't till Tuesday cus of bank holiday and sending it off.
Daughter's consultant (Prof. of) at her West London hospital told her a couple of weeks ago that 'everyone' at the hospital had had Covid. He added that there were longer than usual delays for ENT appointments as these consultants were among the first to be exposed to the virus ('when nobody really knew what we were dealing with') and, consequently, became the first few fatal casualties there.

Just posting this really as the anti-COVID demo has pissed me off.
It's not you it's most of us. What would have been incidental health incidences are now centre stage as potential dreadful illnesses - that's not us, it's the context of covid testing and spreading. Damned If you do etc
Aye, and it’s not just Covid-related symptoms that are causing anxiety- I’ve got a lump in my mouth that I would normally not worry about - probably a sebaceous cyst - but I’ve been googling and fretting that it has to be the Big C. Every twinge or ache or headache or sneeze or cough is a sure sign of imminent demise
Being a hypochondriac with anxiety "issues" is just grrrreeeeaaaatt in a global pandemic :D

And all the students are back at college tomorrow. And us Success Coaches are on a rota in pairs doing refectory policing

If its any consellation and help, I've managed not to catch covid despite being close up and personal with patients and there being no social distancing at work. I just keep washing my hands and wear different clothes in to work and diffefent clothes home (scrubs go in a special cotton drawstring bag, or a pillowcase will do- straight into washer at 60°) shower as soon as home and wash my hands. Doing those things might help your mind? Don't forget to have hand cream due to amount of washing- ie between classes and hand sanitiser after you have touched a door handle etc. Wipe down where you are working from before and after. That's all you can do really .
If its any consellation and help, I've managed not to catch covid despite being close up and personal with patients and there being no social distancing at work. I just keep washing my hands and wear different clothes in to work and diffefent clothes home (scrubs go in a special cotton drawstring bag, or a pillowcase will do- straight into washer at 60°) shower as soon as home and wash my hands. Doing those things might help your mind? Don't forget to have hand cream due to amount of washing- ie between classes and hand sanitiser after you have touched a door handle etc. Wipe down where you are working from before and after. That's all you can do really .
Thanks lovely
I'm doing all the things I can, yeah. Mask in any communal areas/corridors despite it not being mandatory, using my handsan every time I touch something that might have been touched by someone else, staying as far from people as possible as much as possible. There's still too much relying on other people to also do the right thing but I can't do much about that. Good thing is my office is going to have staggered attendance - tutors not teaching can be at home - and I'm allowed to WFH Wednesdays as the whole department (staff/students) is also WFH Wednesdays.
I've never considered private health care, but I'm really considering an antibody test. Because frankly I feel fucked. Not ill. Just fucking knacked the whole time, got weird skin shit going on I've never had, my bowels aren't quite right. I can just about run 3km, last year I was doing Ultras. I'm pretty sure I have had it along with my partner. Shes in a far worse stait then me and is really worried about developing fibromyalgia.

I guess I just want to know. Because there's a small part of me that's worried that I havnt had it and all this is something else. Fucks sake.
I tested positive last week with the swab test. I think I’ve been completely asymptemática. I only tested as I was supposed to go offshore for work. I can’t work again until I get a negative test, so fingers crossed for next week.
I've never considered private health care, but I'm really considering an antibody test. Because frankly I feel fucked. Not ill. Just fucking knacked the whole time, got weird skin shit going on I've never had, my bowels aren't quite right. I can just about run 3km, last year I was doing Ultras. I'm pretty sure I have had it along with my partner. Shes in a far worse stait then me and is really worried about developing fibromyalgia.

I guess I just want to know. Because there's a small part of me that's worried that I havnt had it and all this is something else. Fucks sake.
Thank you. I saw it on a list of symptoms reported on the other thread about long covid, but that's the most definite thing I've seen.
any advice from the hive mind?

i've come down with something since yesterday evening -

felt reasonably ok until late evening when i felt freezing cold (it wasn't that warm but it wasn't as cold as i felt), then woke up couple of times in the night very hot and sweating (again, i'd not got enough duvet for that.) i'm possibly a bit warm now (i don't have a thermometer so can't say with any accuracy) but not drastic.

rotten headache, guts don't feel quite right but nothing too bad, no obvious rash but skin feels sort of itchy.

bit of a sniffle, coughing occasionally - certainly not a 'continuous cough' but some of the advice says if you cough more than than 3 times a day then that counts. smell / taste seems ok

i had a flu jab about 10 days ago and felt a bit shit for a couple of days after but was ok after that.

i think it's a cold or something like that, what's the advice on covid tests? i don't want to clog up the system, or is it now 'if in doubt, get a test?'

i'm working from home, and did a big food shop late afternoon yesterday so could just self isolate for a few days (although i have got a job interview where they actually want me to go there planned for tuesday, which i'll have to try and postpone) - bugger
any advice from the hive mind?

i've come down with something since yesterday evening -

felt reasonably ok until late evening when i felt freezing cold (it wasn't that warm but it wasn't as cold as i felt), then woke up couple of times in the night very hot and sweating (again, i'd not got enough duvet for that.) i'm possibly a bit warm now (i don't have a thermometer so can't say with any accuracy) but not drastic.

rotten headache, guts don't feel quite right but nothing too bad, no obvious rash but skin feels sort of itchy.

bit of a sniffle, coughing occasionally - certainly not a 'continuous cough' but some of the advice says if you cough more than than 3 times a day then that counts. smell / taste seems ok

i had a flu jab about 10 days ago and felt a bit shit for a couple of days after but was ok after that.

i think it's a cold or something like that, what's the advice on covid tests? i don't want to clog up the system, or is it now 'if in doubt, get a test?'

i'm working from home, and did a big food shop late afternoon yesterday so could just self isolate for a few days (although i have got a job interview where they actually want me to go there planned for tuesday, which i'll have to try and postpone) - bugger
You've got a continuousish cough and feel feverishish - I would get a test.

Hope you feel better soon.
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