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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
I’ve got a terrible earache and haven’t got out of bed today, as I feel rotten. That’s not one of the symptoms is it? It’s easy to forget that it is winter and we tend to get other infections at this time of year
I’ve got a terrible earache and haven’t got out of bed today, as I feel rotten. That’s not one of the symptoms is it? It’s easy to forget that it is winter and we tend to get other infections at this time of year

It’s listed here as a symptom of ongoing covid. I’m not sure about it as initial symptom.
Do you have any sign of sinus problems?
Ear, nose and throat symptoms

  • Tinnitus
  • Earache
  • Sore throat
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of taste and/or smell
Felt shivery, had a sore throat and really tired over the weekend. No obvious Covid symptoms but weird so phoned NHS 111. None of the main symptoms so they reckoned I didn't need a test. Felt ropey again this morning so rang my GP. Get a test, they said. Just been in and had it. Very efficient. Now isolating for 8 days / until my results come back clear. 🤞

Pretty much how it started with me if you replace the sore throat with achy limbs.
It’s listed here as a symptom of ongoing covid. I’m not sure about it as initial symptom.
Do you have any sign of sinus problems?
Nope, no cold either. Just one blocked ear and pain and feeling of shittiness. Have had ear infections before. I visited the NHS symptom website and it just said to take painkillers
Nope, no cold either. Just one blocked ear and pain and feeling of shittiness. Have had ear infections before. I visited the NHS symptom website and it just said to take painkillers

Right now I’ve got ear ache, sinus problems, a bit of a sore throat and tinnitus. I think it’s the long covid kicking in, but for all I know I could have picked up something else. It’s getting hard to tell.

Ear ache on its own doesn’t sound like the most obvious covid symptom but I’m not sure it’s safe to rule it out.
Test came back negative - phew! Still knackered but relieved it's not Covid.

Impressed by the Penzance testing centre. Reported my symptoms and had an appointment within the hour. Results back by the next morning. NHS 111 not so great but I've worked in call centres, I wouldn't want to be diagnosing people over the phone tbf.
Right now I’ve got ear ache, sinus problems, a bit of a sore throat and tinnitus. I think it’s the long covid kicking in, but for all I know I could have picked up something else. It’s getting hard to tell.

Ear ache on its own doesn’t sound like the most obvious covid symptom but I’m not sure it’s safe to rule it out.
Spoke to Dr and they think it’s just infection and prescribed ABs.
A month today since Mr Oula started getting symptoms. We're all a lot better but I've walked my daughter to and from childminders today and my legs ache so much. I wonder when that will stop.
How's everyone doing?

I'm a month since my positive test and all my joints ache so much I feel tearful. I also had a weird turn yesterday where I think I just overdid it and went all shaky and light-headed and then had to lie down for an hour.

I'm fed up of this, now. I'm concerned as to whether I can work like this.
I'm fed up of this, now. I'm concerned as to whether I can work like this.
you shouldnt work if you dont feel up to it - and i wouldnt by what you describe - can you get furlough money if not stat sick pay?

two weeks in im feeling much recovered but have been left with wheeziness - feels like mild asthma i had as a kid. woke me up too early today, short of breath. i do hope it fucks off soon.
you shouldnt work if you dont feel up to it - and i wouldnt by what you describe - can you get furlough money if not stat sick pay?

two weeks in im feeling much recovered but have been left with wheeziness - feels like mild asthma i had as a kid. woke me up too early today, short of breath. i do hope it fucks off soon.
I'm a freelance photographer. My work dries up with the lockdowns so I'm not working much but I get the odd job that makes it worth not furloughing myself. I've had a job come up that's something exciting and stretching for me as well as a reasonable bit of money. I just hope I can physically manage to do it.

Sorry to hear about your wheezing. My asthma got worse for a bit but that cleared pretty quickly.
I read the NHS website and it said that the joint pain can be caused by not moving about enough while you're ill. I thought that was bollocks but went for a medium walk on Saturday and walked more than I have for a month and a half on Sunday and haven't cried due to joint pain since Saturday morning, so maybe that's right. I was ill with a leg infection before covid so haven't been moving about much since early December. Joints still ache but it's manageable.

Also, just started my period. Are any other women with longer term covid symptoms finding they are much worse in the lead up to their periods? It would seem to make sense.
Day 21 update.

No longer feel ill, been a steady day on day improvement and I'm relatively back to normal again. Not a hint of fever for well over a week, no cough.

Sicknote officially ran out yesterday, supposed to be back to work today (wfh as is now normal). Problem is, I'm still getting chronic fatigue - as in, not just 'a bit tired', but the occasional wave of overwhelming, can't see my hand in front of my face exhaustion. 2 months ago I thought nothing of running 5 miles, now a less than a mile walk is (albeit temporarily) crippling.
Zapp Brannigan I'm about a week or two ahead of you (I think - symptoms started and tested positive on 22nd December) and my fatigue had really lifted a lot in the last week. I'm still tired and don't feel refreshed at all after a 9 hour sleep but I can make it through the day fine. I can also walk for an hour now comfortably. I hope you're about to turn a corner on that too.
Zapp Brannigan I'm about a week or two ahead of you (I think - symptoms started and tested positive on 22nd December) and my fatigue had really lifted a lot in the last week. I'm still tired and don't feel refreshed at all after a 9 hour sleep but I can make it through the day fine. I can also walk for an hour now comfortably. I hope you're about to turn a corner on that too.

Thank Oula. Good to hear you're on the mend, and somewhat reassuring too from a personal point of view. Waiting to get a call back from my gp, I'm asking for my note to be extended to the end of the week; I'm not that far off "normal", but I really don't think I'd do myself justice at work.
Thank Oula. Good to hear you're on the mend, and somewhat reassuring too from a personal point of view. Waiting to get a call back from my gp, I'm asking for my note to be extended to the end of the week; I'm not that far off "normal", but I really don't think I'd do myself justice at work.
Absolutely don't go to work, you clearly need to keep recovering.
Best wishes to everyone
Has anyone found anything that you can take that helps ease breathing difficulties? As opposed to breathing exercises that is.

Cant tell if asthma inhaler (salbutamol) is doing anything much.
Saw a doctor yesterday who prescribed antibiotics, but that sounds like a terrible idea to me, so not going to take them - will just make me feel worse.
Has anyone found anything that you can take that helps ease breathing difficulties? As opposed to breathing exercises that is.

Cant tell if asthma inhaler (salbutamol) is doing anything much.
Saw a doctor yesterday who prescribed antibiotics, but that sounds like a terrible idea to me, so not going to take them - will just make me feel worse.

A mate of mine that was REALLY ill from Covid over xmas was prescribed antibiotics and he said they helped hugely. He felt a lot better as soon as they kicked in.
A mate of mine that was REALLY ill from Covid over xmas was prescribed antibiotics and he said they helped hugely. He felt a lot better as soon as they kicked in.
thanks for that
ive had bad experiences with antibiotics, but will give it some thought
Has anyone found anything that you can take that helps ease breathing difficulties? As opposed to breathing exercises that is.

Cant tell if asthma inhaler (salbutamol) is doing anything much.
Saw a doctor yesterday who prescribed antibiotics, but that sounds like a terrible idea to me, so not going to take them - will just make me feel worse.

I would take them; could have picked up a secondary bacterial infection. Antibiotics make me feel pretty rough too so I do empathise. I find I always get the shits on antibiotics, live yoghurt / those probiotic drinks really help. Take them well apart from each other though.
A mate of mine that was REALLY ill from Covid over xmas was prescribed antibiotics and he said they helped hugely. He felt a lot better as soon as they kicked in.

Ditto (well a work colleague not a friend per se) - turned out to be a bacterial co-infection taking advantage of the virus-ravaged lungs.

thanks for that
ive had bad experiences with antibiotics, but will give it some thought

In terms of previous adverse reactions - not all antibiotics are the same (by any means) - an adverse reaction to one does not mean an adverse reaction to another. Don’t suppose you remember what the problematical one was? (And what are these ones?)
This is what im worried about as it seems to be getting a bit worse at the three week mark. I wish there was some way of knowing if this is just part of the covid course or not

It’s certainly not outside the range of normal courses of the disease. If as your doctor suspects you’ve picked up a co-infection it might be that that’s making you feel worse at this point.
It’s certainly not outside the range of normal courses of the disease. If as your doctor suspects you’ve picked up a co-infection it might be that that’s making you feel worse at this point.
well he was far from certain, and also said its common to get lungy at this stage, particularly with this cuntish kentryside strain.
id rather not take ab's unless there was absolute need, dont want to take just to cover all bases. Im going to sit on it a couple more days i think. ive got the script if i need it
This is what im worried about as it seems to be getting a bit worse at the three week mark. I wish there was some way of knowing if this is just part of the covid course or not

Appreciate I don’t know how bad you react to them, but think I would want to avoid ending up in hospital having got more poorly at all costs at the moment.
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