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Hundreds of workers protest against Italians/Foreigners 'taking jobs'...


note the photo but also "..In a sober release, which made no political comment whatsoever, the ONS yesterday pointed out the total number of non-UK born workers increased by 214,000 - to 3.8 million - in the year to December.
At the same time the number of UK-born workers in employment fell by 278,000 to 25.6 million, as the country slid into recession."

better article from SWP - this made me laugh "..On catching sight of Socialist Worker’s headline, Blame the Bosses Not Foreign Workers, one blurted out, “That’s what we’ve been saying all along!” .. indeed but why then did the SWP not accept this???????

and the sentence could have continued "... while our erstwhile 'comrades' in the SWP were slagging us off as being a bunch of reactionaries and racists"

You going to apologise Jim and Co???
Your posts on the whole dont make sense, try to make your ideas more coherent before annoying me in the future, and i might be arsed to reply to them

Well heat of the moment it was- not that I need to justify myself to you in any event. Who do you think you are?.

As to failing to reply to posts of substance- as and when i see something worth replying to, i will. As it stands, you have failed to respond to a single point I have made in a coherent manner

You are a pathetic liar.

You demanded that I show where you had said you would be willing to break the strikes physically, as I had accused you of - I showed exactly where you said that and you have the gall to dismiss this as 'the heat of the moment'. What had you forgotten?

I actually thought for one moment that (as others had claimed on the SU site) BNP supporters could have been using your online name to spread divisive lies - to try and keep 'the left' you love so dearly isolated from those striking workers. That would have made a point in and of itself and I would have been the first to back off if you had said 'that not me'. But the truth was worse - you really did come out with that idiotic arguement and still defend most of it.

'heat of the fucking moment' - you were posting on fucking bulletin board Jim. Firstly, can't you tell the difference between REAL life and ONLINE boards?? Secondly, is expelling the shop stewards after calling them 'racists' your solution cutting across backward attitudes among those strikers??? If it is - you have completely lost the plot.

You have the gall to claim my posts are incoherent - Lets make this very clear to an idiot who 'stands by' his demand for the strikers leaders to be expelled from the union' and stands by all of the lies he has repeated on behalf of the bosses and their kept media.

Post after post after post from me on this thread - and plenty of other folk - have explained the simple point that this strike was not a racist strike - that the core issues behind the strike were about working people being cut out of jobs and trade union conditions and rates of pay being undercut by multinationals using cheap outside labour. The underlying EU bosses laws have been clearly explained and pointed out again and again.

You simply ignore all of those simple factual points and, instead, repeat boss and media lies. In doing this you have proven yourself to be a gutless, spineless idiot led by the nose. Now you claim your opponents are incoherent - that 'defense' after your recent outbursts, Jim is utterly pathetic.

You are utterly exposed Jim - your politics are bankrupt - your desperate attempts to pull a couple of irrelevant and pathetic 'left' grouplets behind you to prove some fantasy 'level of support' exposes you further. It shows your contempt for working class people.

And that, Jim, is why I have nothing but contempt for you.

Happy Valentines day, fella
Public meeting on lessons of the Lindsey oil refinery strike

7pm Friday 13 February, Small Hall, Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, NW1, opposite Euston station.

A Joint meeting hosted by the Socialist Party and Respect (Renewal)
Speakers include: Keith Gibson, Lindsey strike committee
Jerry Hicks, left candidate for Unite (Amicus) general secretary

Leaflet for meet can be downloaded from here: http://www.socialistparty.org.uk

Went to this.
Quite interesting.
Opposition seemed to be WP & SWP.
Looks like some elements of the left are maturing beyond petty squabbling.

SWP speaker, who was RMT rep accused SP of tampering with some part of a statement, based on some semantics around the using of the phrase workers. Seems to be based upon bitterness; being outflanked by the SP.

Wrack spoke well, as did Taaffe floor.

Lets hope this is the beginning of good things to come.

Out of interest in left sectariana, who are THE COMMUNE selling papers outside?
The Commune appear to be people who left the AWL (i.e dave broder) , like many leninists they discovered some solidarity pamphlets and now claim to be libertarian communists, without undertaking a proper critique of their old ideas (as fas as i can see anyway)- i.e they still have the usual crude anti-imperialist left position and their position on vanguards is leftist fudge - if anything they remind me of the orthodox trotskyism of mandel when he went on about self-management - the 4th international mixed with a partial appropriation of the worst elements of councilism (i.e the Institute for workers control type rather than the pannekoek type) I'm sure they'd disagree. They've put on some really interesting looking events in london.
The Commune appear to be people who left the AWL (i.e dave broder) , like many leninists they discovered some solidarity pamphlets and now claim to be libertarian communists, without undertaking a proper critique of their old ideas (as fas as i can see anyway)- i.e they still have the usual crude anti-imperialist left position and their position on vanguards is leftist fudge - if anything they remind me of the orthodox trotskyism of mandel when he went on about self-management - the 4th international mixed with a partial appropriation of the worst elements of councilism (i.e the Institute for workers control type rather than the pannekoek type) I'm sure they'd disagree. They've put on some really interesting looking events in london.

I think that two people left the AWL and they may have picked up a couple of other people since then. There's certainly less than five of them.

Their current political position won't last. As you note, the pieces don't really fit together. Their current trajectory suggests that they will end up speaking more fluent anarchoid/councillist, but they might pull back from that. If they've any sense they'll pull back from it anyway.
LOL maybe I did get far too generous

Combined will be more than 200 though (only 20-30 from WP granted, but AWL are doing particular shit at recruiting from No Sweat and other fronts if they can't muster 300-400)

The AWL have 90 to 100 members at this stage, which is the smallest they've been in a very, very long time. Workers Power are at 30-40.

If we really have to look at what the left thinks about the strikes:

Broadly Pro:
Socialist Party
The Commune
AWL (by the end)
Socialist Appeal

Broadly Anti:
AWL (early on)

Oooh, er, I dunno mate:

Not that any of this makes the slightest bit of difference, as none of these groups, apart from the Socialist Party, was actually involved in the ground.
A few SSP members went to Grangemouth with the SP leaflet and SSP support.

Good to hear.

I note that Workers Power, deep in their pro-scabbing mentalism, have an overjoyed report up of an SWP public meeting on the issue. Now Workers Power aren't to be trusted but they are presenting the meeting as one primarily concerned with attacking the strikes. Has anyone got a more reliable report?

Or has anyone got anything to add to Nigel's report of the Socialist Party / Respect meeting in London?
The SWP are the worse of the lot of them.
They must be purged from all working class politics, both physically and ideologically.:rolleyes::mad:
It was just meant as a joke!
On a strategic point though, being the opportunistic organisation that they are, I can understand why they sat on the fence in this dispute.

Without intervention from Trade Unionists and Political Activists, this could possibly have been very different situation.
What a ridiculous article - the whole point is that the law is a wrong 'un. At least they included the following:
Trade Union Councils (TUC) general secretary Brendan Barber said: "It is hardly surprising that the Acas enquiry has found that no laws have been broken, as the major union complaint is that the law does not properly protect UK-based workers - wherever they were born.

"The EU's Posted Workers Directive has been implemented in the UK in a way that fails to guarantee UK agreements, and recent EU court judgements have raised even more worries that the law favours employers that try to undermine existing standards."

Just check out the training courses that ACAS offers to firms on employing migrant workers and you'll see that ACAS aren't exactly an impartial body when it comes to fighting the undercutting of local rates of pay. In fact, it looks as though ACAS play a very active part in educating employers on how to employ migrant workers at cheaper-rates.

If this continues, workers would be better off if they stopped paying their union dues and hired a team of specialist employment lawyers to fight various the rash of agency-worker redundancies that we've been seeing over the last few months, only to see those agencies rehire at lower-rates of pay from outside UK. I'm told that this is happening to other Euro-state workers so again, Europe-wide communication with workers-on-the-ground is important (and I guess we need unions for that...)
A copy of a resolution going to my union branch AGM next week.

And yes, before Spion comes in and calls us various names from Horst Wessel to David McCalden ;) :D, the mover will also be critical of the original slogan of BJFBW.

This PCS branch notes with concern the continuing attempts by both government ministers and the Media to portray the striking workers at Lindsay Oil Refinery (LOR) as simply xenophobic and anti-foreigner. The BBC going that extra mile in misinformation by editing an interview with a Lindsay striker that, perhaps deliberately to undermine public support for the strikers, made him look like he was refusing to work with Portuguese and Italian workers. Contrast this with the unedited interview shown later on that night that gave a wholly different story to the one portrayed by the earlier news item.
The continuing gross misrepresentation flies in the face of the demands from the LOR Strike Committee that was passed overwhelmingly by a mass meeting of those on strike which was as follows

*Re-instatement of sacked worker John McEwan.
*No victimisation of workers taking solidarity action.
*All workers in UK to be covered by NAECI (National Agreement for the Engineering and Construction Industry) Agreement.
*Union controlled registering of unemployed and locally skilled union members, with nominating rights as work becomes available.
*Government and employer investment in proper training /
apprenticeships for new generation of construction workers - fight for
a future for young people.
*All Immigrant labour to be unionised.
*Trade Union assistance for immigrant workers - including
interpreters - and access to Trade Union advice - to promote active
integrated Trade Union Members.
*Build links with construction trade unions on the continent.

As DWP staff we recognise the continuing attempts by governments and multi-national companies to outsource work in an attempt drive down wages and attack hard won terms and conditions of workers in an attempt to keep costs down and profits up. The consistent attempts to pit British workers against their Italian counterparts by these companies in an attempt to take the heat of their own relentless attacks on workers rights is the where the LOR workers are really aiming their anger. The continuing demonisation of workers who take official and unofficial strike action as anti-foreigner and xenophobic will only add fuel to the fire and further play on peoples concerns in a world where the spectre of mass unemployment looms.

This branch offers solidarity to those fighting to stop yet more attacks on their terms and conditions.
Supports the demands of the LOR Strike Committee and welcomes them in light of the continuing demonisation of the strikers by government and media.
Sends a message of solidarity to the LOR UNITE union branch and the LOR strike Committee.

Passed overwhelmingly today at my PCS branch AGM.
Just check out the training courses that ACAS offers to firms on employing migrant workers and you'll see that ACAS aren't exactly an impartial body when it comes to fighting the undercutting of local rates of pay. In fact, it looks as though ACAS play a very active part in educating employers on how to employ migrant workers at cheaper-rates.

If this continues, workers would be better off if they stopped paying their union dues and hired a team of specialist employment lawyers to fight various the rash of agency-worker redundancies that we've been seeing over the last few months, only to see those agencies rehire at lower-rates of pay from outside UK. I'm told that this is happening to other Euro-state workers so again, Europe-wide communication with workers-on-the-ground is important (and I guess we need unions for that...)

Jees you guys make me laugh, just keep blaming everyone BUT YOURSELVES!!!!!
Saw the report from the Commune blog. Good report of the Lindsey dispute meeting. 60 attended.

Saw the report today in the Socialist that says the meeting had 200 attendees!!

Who is right or were there two meetings?

the pics in those two links are handily taken from opposite sides of the room, so you can kinda piece them together (the john pearson lookalike in the foreground on the commune pic is handy for seeing where the join should be made - probably the only time JP will be central to anything....). It looks like 90-100 to me
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