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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

A small price to pay ...

Actually a very small price if we're not buying rounds any more. Solves the alcohol problem too at a stroke, win-win :)
The stupid Mayor must be losing sleep over the up and coming Carnaval, as unlike Rheinberg they are going ahead with it. It's the biggest in the region and will attract thousands upon thousands. The additional policing costs will no doubt be astronomical as the Mayor's future in politics depends on nothing going wrong. Oh to be a politician.
Heavy police presence determined not to let anything like it happen again would have made a strong statement that it's not acceptable.
The stupid Mayor must be losing sleep over the up and coming Carnaval, as unlike Rheinberg they are going ahead with it. It's the biggest in the region and will attract thousands upon thousands. The additional policing costs will no doubt be astronomical as the Mayor's future in politics depends on nothing going wrong. Oh to be a politician.

Maybe I'm being too cheery but I reckon that fallout from NYE has probably gone quite a way to reducing the chances of this happening again on anything like this scale in the near future.
Not just because of police prep but also because everyone, including the men who did this, will now be well aware of how seriously it was taken (by some people).
I hope that's true even though the actual response, in terms of anyone getting caught / convicted of a crime has apparently been a total failure.
Maybe I'm being too cheery but I reckon that fallout from NYE has probably gone quite a way to reducing the chances of this happening again on anything like this scale in the near future.
Not just because of police prep but also because everyone, including the men who did this, will now be well aware of the response?
I hope that's true even though the actual response, in terms of anyone getting caught / convicted of a crime has apparently been a total failure.

On the other hand there's going to be a fair few at the event hyped up and ready for a confrontation with anyone they don't like the look of.
It could be simply that Wikipedia has to check the neutrality of the article and is currently assessing that. However,I'm not surprised people are showing concern about the possibility that political correctness may be used to censor a wikipedia page.

It's already been used to censor a string of sub reddits .
Cool so you are one of those people that can only see things in binary form.

I have this old fashioned belief that a string of mass rapes and sexual assaults involving about 1800 perpetrators is absolutely fucking outrageous . So too is covering it up for reasons of political correctness . Like anyone who isn't a complete fuckwit I'm extremely angry about it . To be outraged by the outrageous isnt binary, its completely fucking normal . Indeed healthy .
Its not binary, whatever the fuck thats a clever word for .

There are absolutely no " nuances " when it comes to this stuff ,none whatsoever . You've tried to suggest there were, now you've drawn back . Good . That's less fuckwittery to have to endure .
I have this old fashioned belief that a string of mass rapes and sexual assaults involving about 1800 perpetrators is absolutely fucking outrageous . So too is covering it up for reasons of political correctness . Like anyone who isn't a complete fuckwit I'm extremely angry about it . To be outraged by the outrageous isnt binary, its completely fucking normal . Indeed healthy .
Its not binary, whatever the fuck thats a clever word for .

There are absolutely no " nuances " when it comes to this stuff ,none whatsoever . You've tried to suggest there were, now you've drawn back . Good . That's less fuckwittery to have to endure .
I don't see why you get to accuse anyone of fuckwittery. You liar
It's already been used to censor a string of sub reddits .
I've had a look at the other wikipedia pages that are listed as in danger of deletion and they are all (far as i can tell) either attempts at self promotion or just totally out there made up nouns / categories which make no sense at all.

Mass sexual assault in public places is a thing. It's a different thing from 'gang rape' and it's a different specific thing from what is described by the word 'assault' for instance.
I personally didn't know it was a thing until very recently but women in the middle east did, and they've come up with a word for it that they've been using for years.
Because it is a useful word - seeing as the thing it refers to actually exists - I see no way to excuse the proposed deletion of the wikipedia page, unless it's somehow offensive to talk about the thing by using an imported word. Like it's so offensive - to whom? - that silence/ the proposal on wiki talk to "merge article into the page on 'rape in Egypt" is a better idea than having a word for this horrific thing that happened, that is happening, to women.
Please can we try not to "solve this problem' either by banning all men from going outside after dark OR by creating chivalrous bands of left wing vigilates to escort women to and from wherever. I mean great idea guys but:facepalm:

My suggestion was that women participate in it too . Absolutely nothing " chivalrous " in the suggestion . Nor did I suggest escorting anyone either . That was a strawman somebody else made up .
repeated lies from the 3 AM culture warrior. We've seen this before. Just you repeating the lie over and over in the hope it becomes true. Bernie Gunthers answer to likefish neatly skewers your windbaggery so I'll leave you to it. No doubt at 3 am tomorrow morning, three sheets.

I haven't lied about anything. Everything I've pointed about what happened on this thread is true , as can be checked by just reading the fucking thing . And you've a fucking nerve coming out with that while snidely tossing the fash smear about with such gay abandon .

And while I'd love to be 3 sheets at 3 in the morning , me having to go to work at 5 am makes that quite impossible . And for future reference I'll post stuff here at whatever time of the day or night suits my fucking very unsocial schedule , not yours.
as I said, I'll leave you to it. You've hit your script now and you'll not deviate. Same with the ukranian arguments, same with syria. You might change your rant to suit what you just read on reddit. But that'll be it. So I'll leave you to it. Feel free to post at any time, you have my permission
oh I'll still be here I just won't engage with you in any meaningful way. As its been shown to be a fruitless task.So it is you who can fuck off.
Maybe I'm being too cheery but I reckon that fallout from NYE has probably gone quite a way to reducing the chances of this happening again on anything like this scale in the near future.
Not just because of police prep but also because everyone, including the men who did this, will now be well aware of how seriously it was taken (by some people).
I hope that's true even though the actual response, in terms of anyone getting caught / convicted of a crime has apparently been a total failure.

They're opportunists , like most lowlife criminals . If its too heavy at the carnival they can just pick off stragglers on the way home . Or bide their time in the knowledge cops can't be everywhere all the time. The problem hasn't gone away by any means and they can just bide their time and act as and when it suits . This is a fact of life now and these attacks will happen again, at some place and at some time . That people have to attend social events behind a massive screen of overt and covert security is an absolute disgrace , and is highly unlikely to calm tensions either . It's an open admission of the failure of their idiotic policies .
Quote: Fuck off no you fuck off etc etc. :rolleyes:

Hello DotCommunist . It hurt my feelings a bit yesterday when you accused dimble all in one day of :
- being useful to right,
- lapping up CR's rants like a slovenly sidekick
- being some sort of a white supremacist loon because I confessed that I didn't know before about mass sexual assault in public places being a thing, even though women in the middle east have known it for years (cue you saying 'isn't that the whole point" of me)
- not having the sense of humour to appreciate your 'joke' because my university was so shit..

Was miffed enough by all this that I took a look back and I can't see any post on this thread where you've done anything apart from have a go at other posters or condemn the right wing imperialist-media complex etc.

I mean, have you got an opinion on the actual issue that's been under discussion here (the mass sexual assault of women, no arrests, what might be done to prevent it happening again etc) ? it looks like you're just a bit upset by the whole thing and take refuge in posturing against those you perceive to be saying unacceptable not very nice things.
On other threads I can see you're not always like that at all but here maybe it's just more comfortable to have a pop at people and suggest vaguely that capitalist imperialism is a causal factor for what has been happening.
couldn't give a toss about your feelings, fact is you joined the 'any analysis is apologism' line early on and accused me of being willing to look away from the crimes. So tough titty.
it looks like you're just a bit upset by the whole thing and take refuge in posturing against those you perceive to be saying unacceptable not very nice things.
not the case. I just refuse to be drawn into the emote or you are a dafto trot trying to deny it happened line. Bernies detailed answer to likefish covers pretty much my position
couldn't give a toss about your feelings, fact is you joined the 'any analysis is apologism' line early on and accused me of being willing to look away from the crimes. So tough titty.
Tough titty ! :D
But I honestly don't get where you're coming from then, because analysis is exactly what I've been hoping for, shouty condemnation is just assumed, that's no more help than pinning concern about mass sexual assaults on imperialism / a right wing media agenda.
yeah, bimble doesn't come across as islamophobic to me tbh - just someone a bit ignorant of this stuff (not in a bad way) who's trying to find out more and is also new here so hasn't been party to many of the discussions with other posters on here
Thanks but.. I'm not sure how relevant whether or not I'm scared of Islam is here, seeing as I've made concerted efforts to say that I think religion is pretty much irrelevant to what happened in Cologne. But being newish is definitely a handicap, as is being lumped in with CR. :(
Tough titty ! :D
But I honestly don't get where you're coming from then, because analysis is exactly what I've been hoping for, shouty condemnation is just assumed, that's no more help than pinning concern about mass sexual assaults on imperialism / a right wing media agenda.

Worth remembering here as rehards these accusations of a right wing media agenda , that the very same media they accuse of having an agenda ...for reporting on this apparently ...buried all this for almost a week until they were finally shamed out of their self imposed silence by the social media accounts of the victims . And that it's also a right wing party responsible for the open borders policy that brought this social catastrophe about .

I'm also not sure if the open borders lefties are claiming the idiot mayor as one of their own, or if they're happy to let the open borders loony right have her . I've no idea what end of the spectrum the woman belongs to, other than the complete idiot category . Complete unapologetic idiot too now I think of it . She hasn't retracted a single word of her fuckwittery regardless of the europe wide outrage she caused .
Gone on your list, have I?

As a reminder that this creep (CR not VP) is coming from a particularly shady quadrant of the loonosphere, recall once again that he announced on here that he feels he has "more in immediate common, more personal identification with the fash" than with 'lefties' and the like, expended a good deal of energy claiming that raping a sleeping woman isn't really rape and not only backs Argentina's dictatorship but hero worships one of its officers who was stationed at one of the most notorious rape/torture/murder centres. Before wafting in here like a piss stinking bus pest, he racked up 20,000 posts on politics.ie under the name "Merle Haggard" - and a cursory glance at his content shows that it's much the same old empty scrappy doo shouting shit as here only moreish. Loads of violent fantasies, homophobia, more violent fantasies, giddy support for Hezbollah, the Islamic Republic of Iran, jihadis in Iraq, weird stuff about how christians should "give serious consideration to joining the Byzantine tradition and the orthodox faith" because the catholic church is a "corrupt and decadent homosexual death cult" (although this didn't stop him from trying to deploy the few bad apples defence here for the Vatican's paedophilia scandals), a denunciation of snowboarding action man (cos he claims it's a gay), yet more violent fantasies, and so on. In short, I don't know what his motivation for flooding this thread is exactly, but I tend to suspect that someone with such wretched reactionary politics who spends his holidays hanging around with fash and gleefully supports regimes that have subjected women to the most disgusting depths of depravity might not have a particularly well rooted interest in the rights and welfare of women.

(A grass on top of everything else. Politics.ie is a shambles btw, full of CRs and actual scumfronters)

fash grass.jpg
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