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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

'I was a swappie so I know the left and how it works'


No, he gave you an example of thinking within one prominent left faction in the uk which he derived from his own practical experience, which you've taken as just an opportunity to engage in some petty left sectarianism . Like a bald man fighting over a comb . Others here have given similar personal examples of what happened elsewhere in other factions . If we look through this thread we can see plenty of examples of this type of thinking .

From the very outset of this thread it was being dismissed as a right wing conspiracy and openly scoffed at . It had to be repeatedly pointed out, as if it needs pointing out in cases of sexual assault , that the true picture could be a great deal worse . Which it was,significantly .Then it deteriorated into a series of Jesuitical attempts to dismiss any migrant involvement , completely ignoring the accounts of the victims themselves . Which means ...logically..they should be disbelieved , that their accounts were inherently untrustworthy . That no great weight should be attached to their reliability or veracity . ( one of those women was smeared by a supporter of open borders as a lying nazi whore empowering the fascists with false propaganda against migrants, just as you smear others on here as " useful to the right, and myself as an actual fascist )
Then it deteriorated further into assertions there was no media cover up for political reasons , and a number of suggestions that the journalists were all on holiday . Despite an apology from state tv acknowledging they'd known all about it but said nothing . Again knee jerk denial , obfuscation and minimisation from the lefties on here . While accusing everyone else of over dramatisation and hysteria . While all the while even more horrendous accounts were coming to light all over the place that hadn't been reported on either .
And when it became apparent that incidents such as these have happened before , and been similarly covered up by the media for the same reasons, we had attempts to dismiss that as well on the grounds that far right sites had been reporting the attacks against women, ergo it means it was a far right conspiracy .

So, no, the pattern of reaction on here is pretty much as I and others have described . And for that it seems you've taken it upon yourself to rebut it with some pretty snide and atrocious, factually incorrect and disingenuous smears against other posters .

Maybe your finest hour is long behind you or long in front of you . But this certainly ain't it .
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The "right" will make hay with this because
A it happened and migrants/refugees were responsible and the rights doesnt care as long as brown men were to blame.
B their was an attempt at a cover up which never fucking works
C arressting using the water cannon on anti rape protestors whiles seemingly unable or unwilling to arrest rapists

Z: and the finally at bottom the lefts total inability to face the reality of what happened .
<snip> lefts total inability to face the reality of what happened .

I can see plenty of people on the left acknowledging what they would say is the reality of what happened.

A bunch of networked criminal shitbags robbing and sexually assaulting women in Cologne ... check. However the 'left' that I'm aware of also want to talk about other aspects of sexual harassment now that the media is suddenly interested in that subject. That isn't at all the same as denying that the first happened.

A refugee issue caused by capital collapsing states all over the middle east (and balkans before that) and not giving a shit if gangsters of whatever ideological stripe take over as long as they produce marketable loot ... check.

Elected governments utterly unable to intervene in that process except to facilitate it and in denial about the human cost (Marshall Plan for refugees? Forget it old chap, austerity y'know, got to keep the markets happy.) ... check.

Austerity putting huge pressure on public services and standards of living of the global middle class, which is exacerbated by flows of more or less destitute refugees ... check.

A resurgent far-right, eager to make use of the above (note that's not the same as claiming that the far-right *invented* the above) ... check.

What is this "reality" of which you speak, and what "left" is it that you're talking about? A bunch of corrupt nuLabour councillors in Rochdale, SWP / Respect .. maybe ... but certainly not everyone on the left and certainly not many of the people here who are getting really fucked off about being lumped in with nuLabour (and their EU equivalents) and the SWP.

If you want to talk about 'reality' then maybe pay attention to the reality of what people are actually saying and not to what some right wing talking points claim they are saying.

ETA - if you're not lumping us all in with the SWP/nuLabour and just being unclear ... my apologies in advance.
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Explain to me the "nuance " regarding mass sexual sexual assault and rape right across germany and Europe ? Explain to me your " measured response " to mass sexual assaults right in front of the cops ?

Apparently it doesn't even involve deportation . It involves continuing blindly with an open borders policy ..which is precisely what resulted in European cities becoming extremely unsafe places for women, as unsafe in some respects as middle eastern cities..and sitting down and having a chat. A ridiculous belief that simply being nice to everyone will result in them being nice back .

You have no fucking idea full stop .

Cool so you are one of those people that can only see things in binary form. You seem to have read things in my reply that were not actually there. I can see that a "conversation" with you will just end up in a shouting match.

Who said we should sit down and have a chat? It wasn't me in that post I made it clear that I wanted these people caught and punished which you seem to ignore because hey arguing with a strawperson is easier than engaging people in good faith. I will leave you with your copy of Schopenhauer's 38 stratagems so that you can mumble incoherently to yourself.
I've never been in a Mosque and would like to go, just out of curiosity really. I've been in most places of worship but not a mosque.
I've been in one, in Turkey, got given tea and cakes after. Was stopped trying to get into Al-Alsqua in Jerusalem (spotted as a nosey interloper hiding under a headscarf) which probably it was wrong of me to try to enter anyway.
What truly pisses me off about any such debates is the insistence by some participants that it's necessary to take sides before all the facts are in. That goes as much for right-inflected views as for left-inflected views.
I'm curious - do you think that more arrests will be made in Cologne now ?
I hope so but can't even find out how many people are currently suspects. It seems to be 21 people but no clue whether anyone's been charged with any crime at all.
The last news about the police's efforts to identify the culprits that I can find being 10 days old now.
Not suggesting any conspiracy/ coverup just it was dark and crowded etc.
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I'm curious - do you think that more arrests will be made in Cologne now ? I hope so but can't even find out how many people are currently suspects. It seems to be 21 people but no clue whether anyone's been charged. The last news about the police's efforts to identify the culprits that I can find being 10 days old now.
Not suggesting any conspiracy/ coverup just it was dark and crowded etc.
30 seconds search revealed there are currently 19 suspects Protests in Stuttgart, Cologne against racism, violence - CCTV News - CCTV.com English

2 more apparently ?
This was dated 8th : "The overnight arrests bring the total amount of suspects in custody to 21, and Friday saw the amount of criminal complaints rise to 170 - 117 of them for sexual crimes."
But all of that is just suspects anyway.
So yeah, it's unclear to me if anyone has been charged with anything yet and also whether there are more suspects now than there were 10 days ago or if actually there are fewer ?
So yeah, it's unclear to me if anyone has been charged with anything yet and also whether there are more suspects now than there were 10 days ago or if actually there are fewer ?
perhaps some people have been ruled out of the investigation. or the german police don't know what they're doing. or something else entirely.
The city of Rheinberg has cancelled its Carnaval parade this year.

Personally, I think it's a serious error to cancel such an event as I know how much work goes into the preparation of one. People from all walks of life give up many hours of their free time (for months in advance) to collectively make everything run smoothly, you may, for example, find a float organized by 200 people from the local market or schools and workplaces. Now multiply that by 20 and you get an idea of how many people have just had their illusions shattered and how far reaching and stupid such a measure can be. The broader population will be further alarmed and it can only feed more fear.

Why the hell they couldn't just police it, I don't know.
The city of Rheinberg has cancelled its Carnaval parade this year.

Personally, I think it's a serious error to cancel such an event as I know how much work goes into the preparation of one. People from all walks of life give up many hours of their free time (for month in advance) to collectively make everything run smoothly, you may, for example, find a float organized by 200 people from the local market or schools and workplaces. Now multiply that by 20 and you get an idea of how many people have just had their illusions shattered and how far reaching and stupid such a measure can be. The broader population will be further alarmed and it can only feed more fear.

Why the hell they couldn't just police it, I don't know.
why don't you contact the mayor and ask him? Frank Tatzel | Bürgermeister für Rheinberg
So, no, the pattern of reaction on here is pretty much as I and others have described . And for that it seems you've taken it upon yourself to rebut it with some pretty snide and atrocious, factually incorrect and disingenuous smears against other posters .
repeated lies from the 3 AM culture warrior. We've seen this before. Just you repeating the lie over and over in the hope it becomes true. Bernie Gunthers answer to likefish neatly skewers your windbaggery so I'll leave you to it. No doubt at 3 am tomorrow morning, three sheets.
The city of Rheinberg has cancelled its Carnaval parade this year.

Personally, I think it's a serious error to cancel such an event as I know how much work goes into the preparation of one. People from all walks of life give up many hours of their free time (for months in advance) to collectively make everything run smoothly, you may, for example, find a float organized by 200 people from the local market or schools and workplaces. Now multiply that by 20 and you get an idea of how many people have just had their illusions shattered and how far reaching and stupid such a measure can be. The broader population will be further alarmed and it can only feed more fear.

Why the hell they couldn't just police it, I don't know.

Yep that's a mistake. I liked Thora's idea of curfews for men and laws against congregating in groups instead.
How come the wikipedia entry for 'Taharrush gamea' has all this going on? Is it because the term itself is deemed to be deeply offensive in some way even though its been used for years in writing by women from the middle east about the phenomenon of mass sexual assault?
Screen Shot 2016-01-18 at 12.50.39.png
Yep that's a mistake. I liked Thora's idea of curfews for men and laws against congregating in groups instead.

A measure straight out of a police state which couldn't be implemented due to a thing called human rights.

Would this curfew be for migrant men or for all men?
How come the wikipedia entry for 'Taharrush gamea' has all this going on? Is it because the term itself is deemed to be deeply offensive in some way even though its been used for years in writing by women from the middle east about the phenomenon of mass sexual assault?
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Let's wait for Violent Panda to give you Wikipedia's phone number so you can ask them yourself. :)
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