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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

The argument simmering on the 'talk' page of that disputed wikipedia entry is quite interesting. Most people seem to be voting against the idea that it should be for some reason deleted from the encylopedia.

Talk:Taharrush gamea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It could be simply that Wikipedia has to check the neutrality of the article and is currently assessing that. However,I'm not surprised people are showing concern about the possibility that political correctness may be used to censor a wikipedia page.
It could be simply that Wikipedia has to check the neutrality of the article and is currently assessing that. However,I'm not surprised people are showing concern about the possibility that political correctness may be used to censor a wikipedia page.
No, it's not about neutrality it's been proposed for deletion. Disputes about neutrality are good.
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I'm curious - do you think that more arrests will be made in Cologne now ?
I hope so but can't even find out how many people are currently suspects. It seems to be 21 people but no clue whether anyone's been charged with any crime at all.
The last news about the police's efforts to identify the culprits that I can find being 10 days old now.
Not suggesting any conspiracy/ coverup just it was dark and crowded etc.

I don't know if more arrests will be made.
What I do know is that Germany's lack of a UK-type "surveillance culture" means that identifying participants in the NYE sexual assaults will be a lot more difficult for the police than it would be here, and will require a lot more footwork and public engagement to solicit stuff like private photos and video footage from the night.
I don't know if more arrests will be made.
What I do know is that Germany's lack of a UK-type "surveillance culture" means that identifying participants in the NYE sexual assaults will be a lot more difficult for the police than it would be here, and will require a lot more footwork and public engagement to solicit stuff like private photos and video footage from the night.

Considering the amount of videos made with mobiles which show just about every angle of everything newsworthy, it is incredible that nothing has yet appeared.
Considering the amount of videos made with mobiles which show just about every angle of everything newsworthy, it is incredible that nothing has yet appeared.

Not really. 80 officers on investigation, about a dozen (at best) of which will be tasked to go over the footage (apparently 350 hours-worth and growing) in real time, and to cross-reference between different recordings. That's easy enough to do with the output of 2 or 3 or half a dozen cameras for a single "person of interest", but gets very complex and messy when you're talking about dozens of sets of output for multiple "persons of interest".
Looks like something went off in a small town in Holland a few days ago. Not sure when or where though.

Update: Geldermalsen, reported in guardian yesterday. 2000 residents went berserk. Tried to storm council meeting. Police fired warning shots.

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Not necessarily. . . you might not want to put something like that on the internet. . .
Apparently the two suspects found last week had footage on their phones of the attacks. But standing around filming women being attacked is probably not a criminal offence, so they let them go.
Looks like something went off in a small town in Holland a few days ago. Not sure when or where though.

Update: Geldermalsen, reported in guardian yesterday. 2000 residents went berserk. Tried to storm council meeting. Police fired warning shots.

Worth bearing in mind that the rural Netherlands are pretty much politically-opposite to the cities, and are where a lot of Wilders' support comes from.
The grundgesetz guarantees certain basic freedoms, and they're incredibly hard to legislate around

That's the point of it though isn't it? To stop the government legislating away freedoms on a whim. A bit like the US constitution, although they seem to ignore that whenever they like these days.
Not really. 80 officers on investigation, about a dozen (at best) of which will be tasked to go over the footage (apparently 350 hours-worth and growing) in real time, and to cross-reference between different recordings. That's easy enough to do with the output of 2 or 3 or half a dozen cameras for a single "person of interest", but gets very complex and messy when you're talking about dozens of sets of output for multiple "persons of interest".

It's probably too late now but if there were even a couple of convictions of the perpetrators it might help calm things down a bit, both the feelings of injustice / coverup and the ripples of these individual mens' actions into an ongoing massive right / left media-political posturing punch up.
That's the point of it though isn't it? To stop the government legislating away freedoms on a whim. A bit like the US constitution...

That's kind of my point - that the only way curfews could be enacted is by state-level states of emergency, because outwith that, there's no legal provision for doing so.
That's kind of my point - that the only way curfews could be enacted is by state-level states of emergency, because without that, there's no legal provision for doing so.

What happens in places where there's perceived to be a high chance of women getting assaulted / harassed in public places after dark is that women impose a curfew on themselves. Men's ownership of public space becomes complete after the sun goes down.
That's how things work in many places all over the world and until relatively recently here too. Did 'nice' women walk the streets of London unaccompanied after dark in victorian London? I don't think so.
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What happens in places where there's perceived to be a high chance of women getting assaulted / harassed in public places after dark is that women impose a curfew on themselves. This is of course how things are in a lot of places in the world and until relatively recently here too. Did 'nice' women walk the streets of London unaccompanied after dark in victorian London? I don't think so.

"Nice" women - i.e. middle-classwomen - only ever left the house accompanied.
What happens to women in high-risk areas will vary with the legal terrain. Here, women are encouraged to carry "rape alarms" because more straightforward preventive and/or defensive measures aren't allowed, so no Mace, no batons/ASPs, no knuckle-dusters, just a screecher and/or impromptu chemical defences such as spraying perfume, hairspray or deodorant into the face of an attacker - and risking an assault charge.
"Nice" women - i.e. middle-classwomen - only ever left the house accompanied.
What happens to women in high-risk areas will vary with the legal terrain. Here, women are encouraged to carry "rape alarms" because more straightforward preventive and/or defensive measures aren't allowed, so no Mace, no batons/ASPs, no knuckle-dusters, just a screecher and/or impromptu chemical defences such as spraying perfume, hairspray or deodorant into the face of an attacker - and risking an assault charge.

A sharpened tail comb used to be popular;)
"Nice" women - i.e. middle-classwomen - only ever left the house accompanied.
What happens to women in high-risk areas will vary with the legal terrain. Here, women are encouraged to carry "rape alarms" because more straightforward preventive and/or defensive measures aren't allowed, so no Mace, no batons/ASPs, no knuckle-dusters, just a screecher and/or impromptu chemical defences such as spraying perfume, hairspray or deodorant into the face of an attacker - and risking an assault charge.
Yep ok. I've never even vaguely considered carrying a weapon, or using hairspray for anything at all .. but probably would if I lived in Cologne and had to go up and down those steps to the central station.
I meant 'nice women' as in not prostitutes, not as in hooped skirts. But anyway was just saying in reference to the bonkers calls for a curfew on men: no need, when things are really bad women sort it out by just not going out after dark unaccompanied ever.
Yep ok. I've never even vaguely considered carrying a weapon, or using hairspray for anything at all .. but probably would if I lived in Cologne and had to go up and down those steps to the central station.
I meant 'nice women' as in not prostitutes, not as in hooped skirts. But anyway was just saying in reference to the bonkers calls for a curfew on men: no need, when things are really bad women sort it out by just not going out after dark unaccompanied ever.

I'd say that while it's better socially to expect people to exercise self-governance, there are always outliers to acceptable social behaviour, and there do need to be sufficient means to deal with that problematic behaviour. If the problematic behaviour is mass behaviour, then there need to be tools to deal with misbehaviour on that scale.
We can do a fair amount of stuff regarding modifying environments to make them less amenable to such behaviour - mass or individual - but "at the end of the day" here in the UK, we're supposed to put our trust in the police service and the goodwill and decency of our fellow members of the public. Sometimes that isn't enough.
I was joking by the way, I just thought Thora's suggestion was the right retort to people suggesting that women should alter *their* behaviour.

Phew. Cos it would be kind of boring down the disco if it was always and strictly "ladies' night". :)

But seriously, what the stupid mayor said about women taking precautions, that is what actually happens I think, it's just that she was an idiot for saying it.
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