Casually Red
tomorrow belongs to me
Thanks but.. I'm not sure how relevant whether or not I'm scared of Islam is here, seeing as I've made concerted efforts to say that I think religion is pretty much irrelevant to what happened in Cologne. But being newish is definitely a handicap, as is being lumped in with CR.
I'll just add here...yet again..I've explicitly not blamed Islam from the very outset and can't make that any clearer . There's no doubt at all about that regardless of any additional snide insinuations about racism or..for fucks sake..fascism .
Have a look through the Charlie hebdo thread. I roundly condemned that publication for its gratuitous offensiveness to both Muslims and refugees. And spoke at length about the awful treatment the French Algerian minority have endured there for decades . Including their mass murder at the hands of the cops for daring to protest french mass murder in Algeria . Absolutely nowhere did I blame it on " Muslims " or anything like that .
The thread on the Paris massacres ...all I did there was raise concerns..thankfully would be taken as an opportunity by the French state to try and launch anti government air strikes . Absolutely zero in the way of blaming Islam or Muslims . Zilch .
And it's the very same here on this thread . You aren't islamophobic and neither am I . Ignore it is my advice .
And for by far the best part of my life , as long as I can remember , I've supported Arab causes . Namely Palestine , Hezbollah, Libya, Syria etc . Stuff i often get a serious amount of grief for on here . So, please try and bear that in mind when your getting stick from a few fuckwits because you've dared..the nerve of attach a few likes to posts you've agreed with .
It's also worth pointing out , as regards to your newness, that you've drawn the attention of a handful of characters who occasionally take it upon themselves to police the board , and who've previously driven off other posters for daring to disagree with them . With similar accusations of being unwitting agents of fascism etc . All nonsense . And the amount of people who rip the piss out of them behind their backs ..well it's a lengthy list . So my advice would be try not to take their admonishments all that seriously . They're testing you out is all .
Hope that's some help .
Btw as regard the fascism stuff, I spent the earlier half of new years eve outside a women's prison on a solidarity demo for a Turkish leftist lady , freezing my nuts off while most sensible people were in a nice warm pub . It's one of the reasons why I'm so angry about this actually . And I've a perfect right to be angry about all if this . Livid in fact .