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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

modern feminism makes me sick actually. endless stuff about men spreading their legs on the tube or complaining about books like gone girl or girl on the train ... while THIS is happening in reality.
yes but that's because the 'feminism' of which you complain is more interested in the appearance of activity and therefore consists solely of endless frothing, than in actually doing anything.
modern feminism makes me sick actually. endless stuff about men spreading their legs on the tube or complaining about books like gone girl or girl on the train ... while THIS is happening in reality.
Couldn't agree more. And is anyone shouting at us for being racist, that tory rallying cry? Can't see it.
let's not forget all the women forced back home after having kids or having to fork out endless amounts for childcare, or for that matter not being able to see their kids at all due to their shift patterns. or the ones who'd like to have kids but are scared of losing their job if they get pregnant. lets never mention that either.
hundreds of women getting harassed and groped in a single night, loads more getting street harassment on a less frequent and intermittent basis, but no let's complain about a guy stretching his fucking legs out sitting on a train.


The few examples I've seen of groups like this even talking about these events have been to condemn all men for them, which is a curious way to conspicuously say that you are going to ignore the background of all the perpetrators since I am sure that they would not condemn all Muslims or refugees or whatever.
Squaddies can be aresholes but dont do mass sexual assualt apart from (3 para mortars and women are safe from them:D)
The few examples I've seen of groups like this even talking about these events have been to condemn all men for them, which is a curious way to conspicuously say that you are going to ignore the background of all the perpetrators since I am sure that they would not condemn all Muslims or refugees or whatever.

well some germans and americans have also been arrested so we don't know that all of them were muslim.

and likesfish various war zones where rape has been used as a weapon of war demonstrate that this is likely to be untrue.
Squaddies can be aresholes but dont do mass sexual assualt apart from (3 para mortars and women are safe from them:D)
Greeks do the cat calling thing even tried it on with a bunch of us in drag:facepalm: then got outraged that they'd cat called a load of squaddies in drag so tried to get punchy ended badly for them and the night was still young :oops::hmm:
well some germans and americans have also been arrested so we don't know that all of them were muslim.

and likesfish various war zones where rape has been used as a weapon of war demonstrate that this is likely to be untrue.

Think it was only bosnia where it was deliberate policy :( rather than an offshoot of war breakdown of law and order and normal behaviour.
Even chencheya where the russians really went full hostel their wasnt a plan to rape anything that moved.
itd more common than we think but isnt usually brought up in polite conversation. Google marocchinate for an eg - this is already being used by some with an agenda with reference to Koln .

I genuinely cannot read the detail of stuff about sexual abuse and rape. I just cannot get my head around anyone who considers doing this, irrespective of any back story.
That horror movie hostel. Had the misfortune to get some happy snaps from a russian veteran.
Lets just say the rules of armed conflict isnt something they bother with:( and they got inventive :mad: really really inventive :mad: isis level of inventiveness:eek:
it's always good to know our gallant russian allies are practical men and women
what about in world war 2 after the red army takeover?

Dont think the red army had it as policy they just didnt give a shit.
Fomer yugoslavia it was organised and encouraged and done delibratly with the idea of getting women impregnated which was a new level of :mad:
let's not forget all the women forced back home after having kids or having to fork out endless amounts for childcare, or for that matter not being able to see their kids at all due to their shift patterns. or the ones who'd like to have kids but are scared of losing their job if they get pregnant. lets never mention that either.

Tbf, that stuff is a big thing that is not exactly not talked about as far as I can see.
hundreds of women getting harassed and groped in a single night, loads more getting street harassment on a less frequent and intermittent basis, but no let's complain about a guy stretching his fucking legs out sitting on a train.


It's known as "manspreading", I believe.
been brouhgt up a few times now but this NYE fallout could see Merkel ousted and a wholesale revision of schengen and access to the EU

Merkel ousted = unlikely, unless her party Thatchers her.
Revision of Shengen = more likely, especially given the sheer volume of pressure eastern and southern members are exerting. Even the Big Two are having difficulty ignoring around half the membership, new-ish members or not.
That was kind of my point as well.
One point being that yes men gather in mass groups in this country too, not just in the Islamic world and the other being that it's easy to portray the situation as something it isn't iyswim?

there's nothing wrong with men gathering in mass groups, it's when they organise a rape spree that's the problem.
yeah i agree that the early reports weren't helpful but at least in some cases there was some degree of coordination between a large number of perpetrators?
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