It's one of the documents from NAYPIC that I often go on about. It was from a bunch of notes that the charity made back in the day when it was talking to some victims and the female manager of the guest house (who subsequently died). It, and a lot of other, less interesting, documents from the same source were crudely photographed and released onto the net, if memory serves me correctly approximately 18 months ago. The police subsequently took away the files as part of their Fernbridge/Fairbanks investigation, files which had been sitting in a shed for a couple of decades. Files that were being looked after by a woman from NAYPIC who does not trust the police and, according to some parts of her historical internet footprint, sometimes suffers from some problems of the mind (e.g. thinks she is related to royalty).
That page is certainly one of the major sources of fuel for the persistent, but rather sloppy and on legally dodgy ground, twitter and broader internet mini shitstorm thats been going for quite some time now.
I'm pretty sure that even Chris Faye, who worked for NAYPIC back in the day, characterised the documents as being a starting point for proper investigation, not some cast iron smoking gun thing. For example I don't think its in dispute that Elm Guest House was a gay brothel, and evidence of attendance is not, on its own, evidence of child abuse.