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Horse Meat found in Tesco Beefburgers

Are Tesco able to handle bad publicity?
They've taken out full page adverts in all the newspapers today to say sorry. So they must be worried. (In fact, their US operation Fresh 'n Easy is on the rocks, and their euro operation isn't going to plan either. I wonder whether they've peaked in terms of their power/dominance?)
I was in Tescos near me.....the big new fucker in Stretford late last night after the match and a guy was trying to have the banter with a check out girl over it and he was told by a supevisor to leave the store.....3 people in other aisles left big trolleys full of stuff in support and walked out..........touchy...!
I don't know whether to applaud their solidarity against the bosses or deplore their support for a sex pest. :confused::(
Even the cashiers in Lidl had got the bit between their teeth with the not so glad tidings.
I don't know whether to applaud their solidarity against the bosses or deplore their support for a sex pest. :confused::(
Surely that would depend on whether it was taken as banter or whether the cashier felt it was rather more aggressive than just a bit of fun.
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wtf does this have to do with sex tho?
Read the post above mine?

I was in Tescos near me.....the big new fucker in Stretford late last night after the match and a guy was trying to have the banter with a check out girl over it and he was told by a supevisor to leave the store.....3 people in other aisles left big trolleys full of stuff in support and walked out..........touchy...!
it means how the fuck is he a sex pest!
You're getting upset because I raised the possibility that some random guy in someone else's anecdote might have been harrassing a woman rather than indulging in 'banter'?

If my insulting this stranger really does bother you, I didn't call him a sex pest. I said I couldn't work out whether he was from the information given.
I just can't believe that fucking store manager having the gall to get arsey while wearing the front half of a horse costume! :mad:
You're getting upset because I raised the possibility that some random guy in someone else's anecdote might have been harrassing a woman rather than indulging in 'banter'?

If my insulting this stranger really does bother you, I didn't call him a sex pest. I said I couldn't work out whether he was from the information given.

you didnt say he might be harrassing her, you called him a sex pest.
Depends whether he said "Those lasagne ready meals you are scanning through the till for me, I hope they don't have horse meat in lol" or "Can you scan my sauasges love, that's right you're handling them like they're massive horse cocks oh yes"
The "or" matters because I present alternative interpretations of the anecdote, only one of which can be true. In other, more pedantic, words I called one of two hypothetical realisations of the unknown gentleman in the anecdote a sex pest.

And I have no idea why anyone gives a shit. The guy is not a poster here, he's not even known to a poster here, he's a random who was chatting up a woman in a supermarket late last night with a small crowd cheering him on. :rolleyes:
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