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Horse Meat found in Tesco Beefburgers

I can't believe people are so fucking naive in this country; there are far, far worse things than horse in your mass produced factory meat... in fact, horse is the least of your problems, in fact, if you get some horse in yer mince you should consider yourself lucky...

To be fair i dont think its the fact that its is horse that is the problem. Its the fact that there is meat which shouldnt be there in the burgers so is untraceable etc.
To be fair i dont think its the fact that its is horse that is the problem. Its the fact that there is meat which shouldnt be there in the burgers so is untraceable etc.
That's kinda what I'm saying...there's meat that shouldn't be there in most meat you buy from supermarkets....? Regardless of what type of animal or what part, nothing is the truth on meat labels anyway.
That's kinda what I'm saying...there's meat that shouldn't be there in most meat you buy from supermarkets....? Regardless of what type of animal or what part, nothing is the truth on meat labels anyway.
stop being all serious and get in the other thread and post some flesh.lol
That's kinda what I'm saying...there's meat that shouldn't be there in most meat you buy from supermarkets....? Regardless of what type of animal or what part, nothing is the truth on meat labels anyway.
Well, yes. And that shouldn't happen. Hence studies like this to find out if it is happening.

On which point, does anyone know if this was a routine audit which came up with unusual results, or a one-off project which came up with newsworthy results?
Neither. It's a ploy.
Is this some weird kind of conspiracy theory? :hmm:

Lot's of things shouldn't happen, but they do, all the time with your food...
Pretty sure everyone on this thread is aware of that, but thanks for the tip.

The question is why you think this is a non-story. Is it because you believe we shouldn't have any food safety standards, or just that we should never bother to check that they're being adhered to? Or some other reason that I can't guess at?
Pretty sure everyone on this thread is aware of that, but thanks for the tip.

I would've thought so too.

The question is why you think this is a non-story. Is it because you believe we shouldn't have any food safety standards?

Fuck, can you imagine... Cameron and his cunt toff lot will have em' all eating Chav Chow Mein, the OAP's Battenberg would be soaked in arsenic, and spaghetti hoops would spell out nothing but ATOS... No seriously...

Or just that we should never bother to check that they're being adhered to?

Well, ''we'' do check. But that ''we'' isn't me or you is it, it's a ''they'' and ''they'' don't tell you what they do, or do not find.
Reminds me of that Torchwood episode where that giant alien was being carved up whilst still alive; and its flesh was being sold into the cheap burger/sausage food chain.
This is the inevitable consequence of industrialization of the food supply. The more you eat processed food, the more likely you are to eat something "dodgy".

The big supermarkets put relentless pressure on their suppliers to give them the lowest price possible.
The suppliers respond in turn by downgrading the quality of their meat and using cheaper ingredients.
In its classic form, a burger should be nothing more than minced beef, salt and freshly ground pepper. But in the supermarket, even a premium burger has to contain only 80 per cent of the meat named in the title, usually beef or chicken. Burgers are particularly vulnerable to such downgrading because they are made of processed meat, which dramatically widens the scope for adulteration compared to, say, a chicken breast or a piece of steak. Indeed, the process of mincing hides a multitude of sins.
The rest can be made up of assorted additives, fat and soya protein to bulk out the mixture.
When it comes to economy burgers (like those tested from the four major chains by the Irish Food Authority’s horse meat investigation), just 59 per cent of content needs to be meat.
Even this 59 per cent is allowed to include the unsavoury-sounding ‘mechanically recovered meat’ (MRM), which is little more than a pink slurry produced by grinding every last remnant from the animal’s carcass under high pressure.
Although if this substance is added to the cheap and uncheerful mix, it would have to be labelled.
Until recently, MRM was allowed to contain even the spinal column of cows, though this was finally banned after concern that such a source could be passing on BSE to humans. Yet the quality remains poor.

(Apols for the link to the Daily Fail, but Joanna Blythman is a decent food writer, and has written a lot of stuff about supermarkets and and industrial production of food.)
Apols for the link to the Daily Fail, but Joanna Blythman is a decent food writer, and has written a lot of stuff about supermarkets and and industrial production of food.)

T'is tru dat. Surprised she's in the Snail. Yep, Blythman will tell you things that churn your stomach in more ways than one and tell ya things that'll leave bitter taste in your mouth.
it allowed a percentage of horse meat in loads of meat products ffs

anyone like salami


I just do not understand why they do these things to innocent animals... or children

Fairy hearts, yum yum

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