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Horse Meat found in Tesco Beefburgers

The "or" matters because I present alternative interpretations of the anecdote, only one of which can be true. In other, more pedantic, words I called one of two hypothetical realisations of the unknown gentleman in the anecdote a sex pest.

And I have no idea why anyone gives a shit. The guy is not a poster here, he's not even known to a poster here, he's a random who was chatting up a woman in a supermarket late last night with a small crowd cheering him on. :rolleyes:

TBF bignose1 didn't indicate that the conversation was anything like "chatting up" or sexpesty in any way, and it's kind of disrespectful to [URL='http://www.urban75.net/forums/members/bignose1.49229/']bignose1 to suggest that they would have recounted the anecdote in the way they did if the alternate possibility you present was true.[/URL]
The "or" matters because I present alternative interpretations of the anecdote, only one of which can be true. In other, more pedantic, words I called one of two hypothetical realisations of the unknown gentleman in the anecdote a sex pest.

And I have no idea why anyone gives a shit. The guy is not a poster here, he's not even known to a poster here, he's a random who was chatting up a woman in a supermarket late last night with a small crowd cheering him on. :rolleyes:

thats a bollocks interpretation of your post and you know it. You stated that you didnt know whether to applaud their support for his stance against the bosses or deplore their support of a sex pest. meaning that the two scenarios were not exclusive and that their behaviour could be construed either way.

then you state in the above quoted post that he was "chatting up a woman in a supermarket late last night with a small crowd cheering him". where the fuck have we ever been told he was chatting her up while they cheered him on? even if he was chatting her up how does that make him a sex pest?
TBF bignose1 didn't indicate that the conversation was anything like "chatting up" or sexpesty in any way, and it's kind of disrespectful to bignose1 to suggest that they would have recounted the anecdote in the way they did if the alternate possibility you present was true.

No, he didn't, and I am sure he is sincere in his interpretation. That doesn't mean that no other interpretation is possible.

It was originally intended as a lefty/feminist identity quandary joke, but whatever.
No, he didn't, and I am sure he is sincere in his interpretation. That doesn't mean that no other interpretation is possible.

It was originally intended as a lefty/feminist identity quandary joke, but whatever.

well its obviously the musings of a paid up feminazi, but there was no humour in your original post.

Why is any other interpretation necessary?

Yah...seriously, 29%.

Noooooo way, yer shittin me man!
Feminazi? Now I know where you're coming from.

Fuck off.

If ya dont like it dont fucking act like one. i knew where you were coming from from ya first post. man talks to shop assiatant therefore he must be a sex pest, If you made assumptions about someones behaviour because of their race or sexuality you'd be hung on these boards, and you expect not to get called for inventing a back story cos the guy is male, if theres any fucking off to do, be my guest!
Talking of Wurst, when I was little my grandad told me that Bratwusts were made of very naughty children.

I was always scared I'g get made into a sausage. :(
My dad told me that donner kebab was made of bats, that's why they mash it up - so you can't tell. :(

The Mail has a lot of good articles. There's no more need to apologise for linking to the Mail when they've got a good one out than there is to defend the Guardian when they've (yet again) run a shit one. William of Walworth ;)
If you link to them and someone looks you are giving them ad money. :(
My dad told me that donner kebab was made of bats, that's why they mash it up - so you can't tell. :(

If you link to them and someone looks you are giving them ad money. :(

then we should link to good articles like the food woman ones so that they see they get better advertising revenue from talking sense than hateful bile.
Fuck me Im sorry for something I may have started its lead to a barney. Nobody should fall out over it. The guy wasnt aggressive nor rude and unpleasant but really just 'banter' not innuendo or fruity That said it was 15 mins after match and theres always a fair few 'supervisors' about as some of the footy punters come in for beer. Its pretty clear that they may have (Tesco) had to endure some hassle in the day and their may have been incidences...fuck its news and people can get pissed off and tell them...vote with their feet...or have a wind up.But all this guy did was tell a gag...cant remember but something similar to on here.

He most certainly wasnt chatting up a woman and there wasnt a crowd cheering him on that is absoulte rubbish. There is no alternative needed when I as an eye witness two yards away saw and heard it. End of.
Fuck me Im sorry for something I may have started its lead to a barney. Nobody should fall out over it. The guy wasnt aggressive nor rude and unpleasant but really just 'banter' no innuendo or fruity That said it was 15 mins after match and theres always a fair few 'supervisors' about as some of the footy punters come in for beer. Its pretty clear that they may (Tesco) had to endure some hassle in the day and their may have been incidences...fuck its news and people can get pissed off and tell them...vote with their feet...or have a wind up.But all this guy did was tell a gag...cant remember but something similar to on here.

He most certainly wasnt chatting up a woman and their wasnt a crowd cheering him on that is absoulte rubbish. There is no alternative needed when I as an eye winess two yards away saw and heard it. End of.
You shouldn't post if you don't like barnies. This is, after all, urban75.
Yum, yum..;)
The Tesco burgers that contained up to 29% equine DNA were likely to have been made with high-protein powders derived from horse rather than fresh meat, the Guardian has been told.
The main focus of efforts to trace the source of adulteration in the Tesco economy burgers has now shifted from the meat itself to additives used in the manufacturing process. The Irish processors ABP have pointed the finger at suppliers of the "beef ingredient products" it uses to make cheap burgers. The Tesco burgers were only 63% meat and 37% other ingredients.
Economy burgers are typically bulked out with additive mixes of concentrated proteins extracted from animal carcasses and offcuts. Industry sources said the 29% horse DNA was more likely to have originated with these high-protein powders from rendered horses rather than any fresh horse meat.

Keep troughing it down:eek:
The "or" matters because I present alternative interpretations of the anecdote, only one of which can be true. In other, more pedantic, words I called one of two hypothetical realisations of the unknown gentleman in the anecdote a sex pest.

And I have no idea why anyone gives a shit. The guy is not a poster here, he's not even known to a poster here, he's a random who was chatting up a woman in a supermarket late last night with a small crowd cheering him on. :rolleyes:

Sorry, but it's fairly obvious from bignose's post (where bignose says, in reference to the horsemeat scandal "a guy was trying to have the banter with a check out girl over it" [my emphasis]) that "the guy" wasn't chatting the checkout worker up, he was having a josh with her about horsemeat.

Check your sexist privilege, sister!
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