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Horse Meat found in Tesco Beefburgers

well its obviously the musings of a paid up feminazi, but there was no humour in your original post.

Why is any other interpretation necessary?

Feminazi? Bit pathetic, don't you think? I expect braindead rightwingers to use that load of old bollocks, not generally sane and rational people like yourself.
Sorry, but it's fairly obvious from bignose's post (where bignose says, in reference to the horsemeat scandal "a guy was trying to have the banter with a check out girl over it" [my emphasis]) that "the guy" wasn't chatting the checkout worker up, he was having a josh with her about horsemeat.

Check your sexist privilege, sister!

True, but it was equally obvious that ymu's "sex pest" comment was also posted in the spirit of having a josh - As she later went on to clarify (not that she should've needed to though).
Hate to take away some of your moral high ground, but unless you're mincing and sourcing the meat yourself, it's hard to have that much confidence that things are invariably better if you make burgers. Mince from supermarkets is likely to come from the very same processors and plants. If your local butcher is mincing stuff themselves there's a comparatively high chance of cross contamination, most not having meat specific mincers or prep areas.
Hate to take away some of your moral high ground, but unless you're mincing and sourcing the meat yourself, it's hard to have that much confidence that things are invariably better if you make burgers. Mince from supermarkets is likely to come from the very same processors and plants. If your local butcher is mincing stuff themselves there's a comparatively high chance of cross contamination, most not having meat specific mincers or prep areas.
Yep mince made in my well equipped kitchen, dont trust anything I cant identify as a part of an animal when it comes to meat. :)
E2A as I mentioned I don't have anything against eating horse meat so cross contamination wouldn't worry me, so long as it is with a form of meat or edible animal organ, its more the whole "protein powder" and other industrial products I object to.
Yep mince made in my well equipped kitchen, dont trust anything I cant identify as a part of an animal when it comes to meat. :)
E2A as I mentioned I don't have anything against eating horse meat so cross contamination wouldn't worry me, so long as it is with a form of meat or edible animal organ, its more the whole "protein powder" and other industrial products I object to.
I've got lidl burgers (95%#) in my freezer as stuff not used on my Autumn BBQ,s, damn tasty shit.....not that bothered about the pork, but, to me, the protein powder's are a real no no..........might get me a mincer perhaps......
I've got lidl burgers (95%#) in my freezer as stuff not used on my Autumn BBQ,s, damn tasty shit.....not that bothered about the pork, but, to me, the protein powder's are a real no no..........might get me a mincer perhaps......
Its worthwhile, I got it mainly because the risk of microbial contamination is much reduced by buying whole cuts of meat and mincing it yourself, compared to ready, supermarket mince, all to do with surface area apparently. The taste is definitely better aswell.
Yep mince made in my well equipped kitchen, dont trust anything I cant identify as a part of an animal when it comes to meat. :)
E2A as I mentioned I don't have anything against eating horse meat so cross contamination wouldn't worry me, so long as it is with a form of meat or edible animal organ, its more the whole "protein powder" and other industrial products I object to.

Smug twat.
True, but it was equally obvious that ymu's "sex pest" comment was also posted in the spirit of having a josh - As she later went on to clarify (not that she should've needed to though).
Thank you!

The joke might not have been obvious to those not following the Laurie Penny/identity politics thread(s), but smilies were deployed in an attempt to make up for my lack of comedic genius.

The irony is that I've now been accused of precisely the brand of politics I was having a pop at, by someone who appears to subscribe to its mirror image. These accusations are based on simplistic stereotyping of feminism; they bear no relationship to anything I've ever written on these boards. There are lots of brands of feminism around and I am not well read enough on the subject to have a name for the one I subscribe to, but it is pro-male, pro-sex and views patriarchy as equally damaging for men as it is for women.

Not that I expect people to have seen, let alone remember, everything I've ever written on a topic. But I think I'm a great deal more justified in drawing assumptions about 1927's take on feminism from his use of the word 'feminazi' than he is based on a joke he didn't understand.
The joke might not have been obvious to those not following the Laurie Penny/identity politics thread(s), but smilies were deployed in an attempt to make up for my lack of comedic genius.

You were way over the UJOT* on that one, as was I sixteen posts later.

Respect the UJOT - wandering close is encouraged but it's a fucking tightrope and very easy to slip over the line.

* - Urban75 Joke Opacity Threshold
You were way over the UJOT* on that one, as was I sixteen posts later.

Respect the UJOT - wandering close is encouraged but it's a fucking tightrope and very easy to slip over the line.

* - Urban75 Joke Opacity Threshold
It is, yes. Often interesting to see who crawls out of the woodwork though. I was surprised at this one; less so at some of the cheerleaders who then turned up.
It is, yes. Often interesting to see who crawls out of the woodwork though. I was surprised at this one; less so at some of the cheerleaders who then turned up.

I missed the joke and had a WTF moment at that tbf - it was a bit abrupt.
Thank you!

The joke might not have been obvious to those not following the Laurie Penny/identity politics thread(s), but smilies were deployed in an attempt to make up for my lack of comedic genius.

The irony is that I've now been accused of precisely the brand of politics I was having a pop at, by someone who appears to subscribe to its mirror image. These accusations are based on simplistic stereotyping of feminism; they bear no relationship to anything I've ever written on these boards. There are lots of brands of feminism around and I am not well read enough on the subject to have a name for the one I subscribe to, but it is pro-male, pro-sex and views patriarchy as equally damaging for men as it is for women.

Not that I expect people to have seen, let alone remember, everything I've ever written on a topic. But I think I'm a great deal more justified in drawing assumptions about 1927's take on feminism from his use of the word 'feminazi' than he is based on a joke he didn't understand.

Trading points with thick bastards, it's a thankless gig.TBH, you've got my massive respect coz you do attempt to engage with people instead of descending into insults which is my natural inclination.

As for brands of feminism, I dunno, I'd never describe myself as a feminist coz a bloke doing that, well, it's pretty corny isn't it? But I have read a bit of Emma Goldman and there was a chick who knew the script - Her writings on prison were bang on and even though she's from hundreds of years ago, she's properly relevant to nowadays.
Trading points with thick bastards, it's a thankless gig.TBH, you've got my massive respect coz you do attempt to engage with people instead of descending into insults which is my natural inclination.

As for brands of feminism, I dunno, I'd never describe myself as a feminist coz a bloke doing that, well, it's pretty corny isn't it? But I have read a bit of Emma Goldman and there was a chick who knew the script - Her writings on prison were bang on and even though she's from hundreds of years ago, she's properly relevant to nowadays.
I descend to insults all the time. I just try not to make them content-free insults. ;)

You've picked up on precisely what I think is wrong with the way feminism is generally perceived and often practised. In opposition to men. I don't think that can get us anywhere we would want to go. Men suffer under patriarchy too and focusing on what is wrong for women and with men just sets up conflict and invites the kind of deeply unpleasant backlash discussed in this thread without achieving anything meaningful in terms of equality.

Feminism has had some significant achievements but ultimately giving women equal access to high-profile jobs, equal pay and the right to treat men like worthless sex objects doesn't make anything better, it just changes who suffers from the abuse of power by others. So now we have men being objectified in magazines, taken the piss out of in advertising, a massive rise in eating (and related body image) disorders in males, programmes like Loose Women being seen as socially acceptable (even progressive), and two incomes being worth as much as one was thirty years ago.

There have been some victories, but mostly I see abject failure. Middle-class feminists have louder voices and so it is their agenda which gets pushed. Identity politics pushing out class politics to the detriment of all bar the most powerful. Same old same old.
I descend to insults all the time. I just try not to make them content-free insults. ;)

You've picked up on precisely what I think is wrong with the way feminism is generally perceived and often practised. In opposition to men. I don't think that can get us anywhere we would want to go. Men suffer under patriarchy too and focusing on what is wrong for women and with men just sets up conflict and invites the kind of deeply unpleasant backlash discussed in this thread without achieving anything meaningful in terms of equality.

Feminism has had some significant achievements but ultimately giving women equal access to high-profile jobs, equal pay and the right to treat men like worthless sex objects doesn't make anything better, it just changes who suffers from the abuse of power by others. So now we have men being objectified in magazines, taken the piss out of in advertising, a massive rise in eating (and related body image) disorders, programmes like Loose Women being seen as socially acceptable (even progressive), and two incomes being worth as much as one was thirty years ago.

There have been some victories, but mostly I see abject failure. Middle-class feminists have louder voices and so it is their agenda which gets pushed. Identity politics pushing out class politics to the detriment of all bar the most powerful. Same old same old.

Mint post - Everything I've kinda felt but put into words, you know it, you do check this out, I always want to share this with people...
I missed the joke and had a WTF moment at that tbf - it was a bit abrupt.
Missing the joke is perfectly understandable - comedy is not my strong point, and you'd need to get the reference (or be able to interpret the use of smilies) to be sure it was a joke.

It's what people reveal about their underlying attitudes in expressing their objection that is interesting. Descending to insults is not a problem, but the choice of insults is often revealing.
Missing the joke is perfectly understandable - comedy is not my strong point, and you'd need to get the reference (or be able to interpret the use of smilies) to be sure it was a joke.

It's what people reveal about their underlying attitudes in expressing their objection that is interesting. Descending to insults is not a problem, but the choice of insults is often revealing.
This is what I mean about arguing with trumpets
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Can you buy horse meat in the uk? I wanna try it to see what it's like. :)

(and before anyone says "tesco" i mean horse meat actually labled as "horse meat" on the packet!)
Guardian offers some more mouth-watering details....

Industry insiders have told the Guardian they believe that an ingredient called "drind", dehydrated rind or skin, may be at the heart of the scandal. It is commonly used to bulk up cheap meat products.
Additives made from boiled hide or offcuts of carcasses are typically used to bind in added fat and water and increase the protein levels of economy beef products that have a low meat content. These may legally be identified simply as "seasoning" on the label.

Put that in yer nosebags!
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