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Three found guilty of homophobic murder of Dr Jenkins in Bute Park, Cardiff

You get scumtards in all walks of life. At least these turds didn't get to join the police, armed forces, a city bank or even the Conservative party where their wanton cruelty may well have resulted in even more victims.

The prosecution QC was an absolute disgrace and it is heartening to see the extensive pushback to his display of attitudes that half a generation ago would have widely been deemed acceptable.
I can't say I've met the kids of any outrageously rich or privileged people, but the ones that do hear about seem to have a fuckton more issues any most people brought up on the other types of estates.
Its almost as though our entire society was fucked from top to bottom.
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It's a big park in the centre of town and there's a culture there of meeting up with friends and big groups of people intermingling. I can see how a young person could easily end up with a crowd of wrong 'uns and get drawn into their actions to fit in/be accepted.

Not condoning her behaviour in any way, she was a willing participant. But knowing the culture over there and how wrecked up people get I can see how she ended up behaving monstrously.
"I really needed that" also made me cringe. 16 years old ffs. Those I've known who have been convicted of murder that were a little older than her were out and out psychopaths.
Decent sentences, they will be old men before the hit the streets again, she will have to spend longer inside than she has outside. Scum.
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