香港中文大學升起中華民國國旗 - 新·品葱
The Republic of China (Taiwanese) flag has been raised by the protestors occupying Chinese University of Hong Kong. This is actually quite a serious escalation and a kind of brinkmanship - it raises the spectre that it may not remain a rebellion of Hong Kong, but rather will begin to undermine the legitimacy of the CCP's claim over Mainland China as well, and it threatens their claim to be the sole representative of Chinese civilisation and ruins their attempts to blur the distinction between their party and "China" and "Chinese people." If the use of the Taiwanese flag by protestors becomes widespread, it is very dangerous brinkmanship as it could foreseeably trigger a sequence of events leading to a Chinese invasion of the island.
Meanwhile, the Global Times, heavily linked to the Communist Party, tweeted today that a curfew will be announced this weekend. The protestors are hunkering down on campus with food supplies and are building fortifications and defenses - including walls, barricades, catapults, petrol bombs, traps, and bows and arrows with flammable cladding, and preparing to face the crackdown.
It seems this weekend will be a climatic battle in which the police attempt to retake the campus. The possibility of the PLA coming out the garrison is higher than ever. Also, the following weekend is the district council elections, which makes "restoring order" and arresting as many people all the more urgent for the authorities.
If it is only police, it is possible that through ingenuity, planning, youthful energy and determination they could rout the police and hold the campus, take the symbolic victory prior to elections and then disperse.
If the PLA come out, then it will likely be a massacre and Hong Kong will be finished.
Looking at pictures like those posted above by Yossarian, at schoolkids being lined up by heavily armed police in the subway, it strikes me that almost every teenager in HK will have had such an experience. That will stick with them. Beijing has lost the young generation of Hong Kong, and even if they crush resistance for now, they will never have the allegiance of Hong Kong people and the city will probably end up as something like a cyberpunk Northern Ireland. Its status as a financial centre is over for sure, and with it, so are China's dreams of being a superpower.