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Hong Kong: what next?

... And while (mostly,) young people in Hong Kong are being arrested by the CCP for "inciting terrorism" when they lay a white flower down in the street, to commemorate someone who committed suicide.

... Meanwhile, in mainland China ...

"China gave a warm and very public welcome to a senior Taliban delegation."

I'm confused!



It's all fucking horrifying, I miss Hong Kong every day and always thought I'd be back for at least a few years, but it's getting harder to see that ever happening.

Perhaps Xi sees a power vacuum in Afghanistan after the withdrawal?

Well, yes. Of course. Obviously. I was being facetious.

As it happens, I was briefly in Kabul between late 1988 and early 1989 - and got out just two weeks before the Soviets finally completed their withdrawal, a decade after the invasion.

The ongoing pullout was hurried, frantic and chaotic. It was complete fucking mayhem: guns everywhere, tanks, flares, missiles, explosions, machine gun fire, everything riddled with bullet holes - or completely destroyed - rubble, ruins, dust, everywhere. Wounded, bandaged, bloody, crippled people - and children, too many, far far FAR too fucking many, wounded fucked up and broken children. Fear, mistrust, paranoia, corruption, cruelty, murder (for money), complete anarchy. Entirely brutal. A human life meant nothing. A single US dollar meant everything. A city, people, society and country completely and totally destroyed, finished - gone. Lawless. Utter fucking madness. The epitome of hell on earth. Really, really, REALLY, fucked over and fucked up!

I got out ... just!

And I was very, very fucking lucky to do so! My relatively-youthful-at-the-time, blind ignorance, over confidence, blithe stupidity, oblivious arrogance and obvious "immortality" - somehow carried me through and served me well. Just. The ensuing PTSD lasted years. And as I've matured, over the decades, I'm still trying to integrate and synthesise the experience into my psyche. Funny that. Gulp!

Aaaanyway ... Just as they have on the African continent and elsewhere (together with the dictators they bribe and finance), the CCP will do far better in Afghanistan than the Soviets did (and the Brits that fucked up the middle East before them, back in time) - and THAT'S THE FUCKING PROBLEM!

The CCP own more than half the world now. They already have more votes at the UN and in every other international forum (WHO anyone?) than the so-called "West". Democracy is failing.

And they're coming after me, coming after you. It's just a matter of time. Wake up!

My point was to point out the hypocrisy of arresting teenagers in Hong Kong and threatening them with life in jail for "inciting terrorism" for laying a white flower on a street, while at the same time hobnobbing with real terrorists in Tianjin on Wednesday.

Wake up peeps.

This is not a joke.

Meanwhile, I need to sleep before the black bitch bites me again - she's already giving me the eye. She tries to take care of me. She knows that four hours kip a night, every night, is not healthy (especially after a mental, musical, drunken, Friday-night, 7:00am-finish Saturday with the mad-nihilist-East-German-Arab-watchmaker this morning). Holy Mother of God - I'm too old for this shit!

Rest well peeps. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. And then hug each other.

There's not much time left.

And then ... Muh! ............. Climate change! It's already too late. 😞



Imagine that you live in the city centre - or distant suburbs - of London, or Manchester, or Liverpool, or Leeds, or Southampton, or Birmingham, or Glasgow, or Edinburgh, or Swansea, or Newcastle ... or your home place.

And that, suddenly, a heavily armed, fascist regime invaded and took over your city by force. You tried to defend yourselves for a year - pitched battles on the streets - David against Goliath - tens of thousands of your youth beaten, battered, bloodied, broken - ten thousand arrested, jailed.

Your leaders, intellectuals, academics, professors, teachers, unionists, activists ... all jailed without trial. Every civic institution taken over and subjugated. The whole of your society completely undermined and taken over and subsumed and transformed into a totalitarian, dystopian police state.

Forced you to send your kids to school to be brainwashed by a National Security dominated education.

Your - supposedly guaranteed - freedoms of speech, association, press, media, assembly, education, publishing, protest, legal system, courts, independent judiciary; every freedom you've always known, completely crushed. Lost. Gone. Forever. For all time. Finished.

Trust me. You can't imagine it. You have no fucking clue.

Only those who've experienced it could possibly understand.

It's completely unimaginable! Shocking. Terrifying. Stultifying. Stupifying. Stunning. Horrifying. Inconceivable. Brain exploding. Catastrophic.

And yet, it's not a dream. And I can't wake up. It's happening now. In real time. Somehow in slow motion and yet dizzyingly swiftly, day after day after day.

A living nightmare.

And they're coming after me; coming after you.

It's real.






What is a "Sau Juk"?

What is a "HongKonger"?

Sau Juk is difficult to translate (isn't Hong Kong Cantonese always?!), perhaps most literally it would be "hands and feet", though in the current context/usage "brothers and sisters" would be more accurate, or simply "comrades".

It is usually used to describe the (typically younger,) "frontliners" in the protest movement (as opposed to the drivers, mappers, supply liners, strategists, lookouts, parents, artists, writers, online-ers, activists, medics, social workers, documentarians, supporters, etc. etc. - although all of these are also Sau Juk).

The protest movement is also marked by the concept of "HongKongers" - those identifying as being a "HongKongese" person, a Hong Kong belonger. Essentially, anyone who considers Hong Kong to be their permanent home (generally NOT "expats", although often "immigrants"), loves Hong Kong and shares the values of HongKongers.

HongKongers are, typically, open minded, well informed, worldly, educated (though not necessarily), tolerant, inclusive, freedom loving, democratically inclined, socially aware, demanding of more social housing and social welfare for the disadvantaged, supportive of public healthcare, often well travelled, always gay friendly (or at least tolerant), socially and politically engaged, community oriented, welcoming of immigrants (and refugees,) though usually fairly distanced from high-earning locals or expatriates (it depends on their values - money or community), etc. etc. You get the picture.

A couple of examples of Frontline Sau Juk, are Dave and Sam.

Dave is Hong Kong born, aged early 20's, ethnically Indian, speaks-not-much-Cantonese, not socially advantaged or uni' educated. Just an ordinary HongKonger. Arrested at a protest in late 2019 for "unauthorised assembly" and subsequently imprisoned for three months, he speaks to the racism in prison and his desire to just be a HongKonger (not an Indian-HongKonger). Please read the very, very short thread first and then watch the not-great-quality, two minute video, in English, worth watching twice. Local people. True HongKonger. He is Hong Kong!

Sam, on the other hand, is a Hong Kong born, highly privileged, very expensively private International School educated, white HongKonger (spawned by German expats). A committed socialist-anarchist. Still a teenager when Bloomberg captured him, very briefly (24 seconds!) in October 2019 on the Frontline. He is one of us! A HongKonger!

A few months ago, barely 20 years old, Sam came out as a transgender (we kinda figured there was something queer!) and is currently on high-dosage oestrogen pills, charting a new direction, with courage, wherever that leads - They/Them henceforth.

And we love them. They are HongKongers. We are HongKongers. We are Hong Kong!

For my own (small,) part, I've been out on the Frontline, multiple times a year, each and every year (and especially with a candle on the 4th of June and boots on the 1st of July), in torrential tropical rain, brutal heat, intolerable humidity, trudging for mile after mile, returning home spent, again and again - since before these young HongKongers were even born!

I am a HongKonger. We are HongKongers. We are Hong Kong!

The future is uncertain but we will never forget, never forgive.

We are Hong Kong!

Blessings all. Be nice to each other.

(Edit: 'Cos I fucked up the videos.)


And, again, this!

And this, is another true HongKonger. A pure, TRUE, HongKonger.

A black bastard. A mixed race, multi-mongrel, nigger-bitch.

Born and bred and abandoned on the streets by starving, feral, scabby, mangy, fucked up parents.

Despised for her colour and racial identity and thus spurned by humans so often obsessed with breed-specific, expensive, puppy-milled, petshop-bought, pushchair-carried, easily-discarded, fashion-accessorised, frequently-abandoned, just-for-Christmas-presents, pedigree-toy-dog, throwaway-tomorrow nonsense. Not true HongKongers.

And yet, against all odds - against impossible odds - she somehow survived. And, somehow, five years ago, she found another, true, HongKonger.

She's about twelve years old now. She's my best friend, the centre of my universe, a gift beyond compare, beyond value, beyond comparison, a companion for all time. And each night, to sleep, aside my bed, with my hand on her shoulder, we rest, together.

She is Belladog. A true survivor. A true HongKonger. And we love her.


Say hello to Bella.

View attachment 279337

Night peeps.


And, of course, again and again and forever ... this!


Aaaanyway ... Just as they have on the African continent and elsewhere (together with the dictators they bribe and finance), the CCP will do far better in Afghanistan than the Soviets did (and the Brits that fucked up the middle East before them, back in time) - and THAT'S THE FUCKING PROBLEM!

The CCP own more than half the world now. They already have more votes at the UN and in every other international forum (WHO anyone?) than the so-called "West". Democracy is failing.

And they're coming after me, coming after you. It's just a matter of time. Wake up!

See, this is what right wing Americans keep saying over here to justify their bases, that Japan will be invaded by China.

Is that really likely, do you think? Wouldn't it be another empire stretching itself too thin?
See, this is what right wing Americans keep saying over here to justify their bases, that Japan will be invaded by China.

Is that really likely, do you think? Wouldn't it be another empire stretching itself too thin?

Japan is a tricky one.

I certainly don't think there is any imminent likelyhood of a Chinese "invasion" per se. And neither do I think it's likely over the medium term (10 - 20 years).

I think though that it's entirely possible that there could be skirmishes on, over or around contested islands like the Senkakus, which could erupt at any time. It would most likely be boats/ships(or bases,) spraying bullets or even lobbing a few missiles around. Whether this could/would escalate into something more serious is hard to predict, though I'd like to think that saner heads would prevail and see the damage limited rather than intensified.

I think what's more dangerous is the possibility of some miscalculations/provocations erupting around China's military installations dotted along the South China (West Philippines ;) ) Sea. With the UK and, particularly the US seemingly committed to continuing "freedom of navigation" missions close to the islets/reefs, the opportunities for something going amiss are rife and the potential for escalation cannot be dismissed although, again, would hopefully be contained. In the event of serious naval clashes between US/UK/(AUS even,) and China, it's foreseeable that things could escalate and we end up with something very, very nasty, with ongoing military engagement and potentially verging on a state of war. In such circumstances, it's possible - or even likely - that Japan, especially given its location, would find it difficult to remain neutral and could be drawn into an explosive scenario. At that point, NATO may also feel obliged to stick its oar in and all bets are off and WWIII becomes a distinct - and obviously horrifying - possibility.

(Edit: "off", not "of".)

Taiwan, of course, remains a very real potential flashpoint that could rapidly escalate into a full on war between the island and the mainland, which would inevitably lead to a Chinese invasion and massive casualties on both sides - Taiwan would fiercely defend itself against any such incursion. Depending on any potential US involvement, again Japan could also be drawn into the conflict and, again, things could fairly rapidly deteriorate into an ongoing regional conflict (potentially also involving other, smaller, regional players,) and, again, potentially NATO. I think that this scenario continues to represent one of the most dangerous threats to the region - and indeed the world - in today's geopolitical landscape.

All rather sobering really.

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Yeah, Taiwan is looking like the next phase of the expansion. As for the disputes over islands, Russia and South Korea also have a stake.

Then there's the ultra nationalists who stir up both anti-Chinese and anti-Korean sentiment. In the case of the latter, especially when statues to commemorate the "comfort women" go up in South Korea, or when the annual controversies arise over the Yasukuni shrine...

The US presence, esp in Okinawa, is another fucked up situation. The mouthpieces for the occupiers repeatedly telling opponents that it's for their own good. The opponents to the bases being villified by American civilians here, business owners in the region and, oddly, some anti-foreign right wingers.

Then there's a smaller grouping who want independence for the Ryukyu islands, and up north some kind of restitution for the Ainu. Which is fair enough, but such movements are seen as fringe.

Here is a two minute reminder of what happened at Prince Edward MTR Station on 31/08/2019, ten days after the Triad attacks at Yuen Long Station.

Riot Police - as usual, with no identifying numbers on their uniforms - entered a train carriage and brutally beat and pepper sprayed the young occupants and then chased down and brutally beat many others . There was no attempt to arrest the vast majority of those they attacked. It was simply a deliberate and brutal series of assaults.

The Professional Teachers Union ...



Update ...

Following mainland media criticism of the union, the government has cut all ties with the PTU and essentially suggested that members abandon the union.

This is really, just so important. The PTU is one of the longest established unions in Hong Kong. It currently has about 95,000 members and represents 90% of all educational practitioners in Hong Kong. (Edit to add: It is by far, Far, FAR, the largest union in HK.)

Effectively, the PTU no longer exists. This finalises the takeover of the entire education sector - from nursery schools to universities - by the CCP.

It's truly shattering. The implications are utterly chilling.

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Oh fuck me!

It's a terrible decision to make, but I fear I need to leave Hong Kong ... permanently. And that the time for this is coming all too soon.

It's my home. I don't want to leave. The prospect is gut wrenching. Difficult to process. And yet the inevitability of this decision is becomingly increasingly apparent. (Assuming, of course, that I'm not on the watch list for arrest at the airport - in which case, all bets are off.)

It's tearing me apart. My only viable option for exit would be the UK, which I'm unfamiliar with and, last time I was there, many years ago, seemed frighteningly foreign.

I will need a place to live but I've had absolutely zero income for more than five years now, and my savings are all but completely depleted. (The social security system here is wholly rudimentary - and I don't, yet, live in a cage home - so I've had zilch support from the government, despite all the taxes I've paid in over the decades - this is not a forgiving place to be poor in).

I'm, obviously, no spring chicken but am willing to work hard, physically if necessary, though preferably intellectually; sales or writing or similar. I'm good at customer facing roles (though not exactly a pretty or youthful face,) and can provide a full curriculum vitae upon request (I have vast and wide ranging corporate experience with multinationals and also in starting and managing small enterprises).

I'd appreciate some info/advice on negotiating any UK social security benefits that might be available.

But mostly. Essentially. I'll need a place to live. To get started. And also some ideas and emotional support when I arrive.

Oh! And I have a lovely, kind, friendly, sweetheart of a wee dog that would need accommodating too. She's about twelve years old now and we've been together, daily, for five years. I can't abandon her. I rescued her in the first place.

Private messages (and plenty of them!) with suggestions - particularly on a place to live - would be highly appreciated.

After living for years on Hong Kong Island, I made the decision to leave the Big City and suffer a lengthy commute many years ago and, after a couple of years renting a place on a mountain and looking around, I finally found a place to rent that I thought would be my forever home; forever and ever and ever ...

... In a tiny, 600 square foot, ground floor maisonette, with a small, fenced, crazy-paved garden in a little village, off a winding country road, at the foot of a mountain, by the edge of the sea, with astonishing topography and coastal mangrove swamps by a small, sheltered, shallow, cove, surrounded by ancient hills, trickling out into the South China Sea, in the midst of a canopy-draped, primary tropical rain-forest ...

... With astonishing wildlife; monkeys, mount-jack deer, civet cats, huge porcupines, absurdly massive wild boar, feral cattle and water buffalo, countless species of astonishingly beautiful butterflies, humongous spiders, dozens of tiny, purely-endemic dragonflies, snakes ranging from tiny poisonous Brown Kraits, through Chinese Cobras, Green Bamboo Vipers and too-large King Cobras and fucking enormous (but thankfully non-poisonous!) Boa Constrictors - and an amazing plethora of tropical bird life too; more species than the whole of Europe.

I thought I'd never leave. Never imagined it. I don't want to. I've spent two decades cultivating potted plants around the garden fence - various trees, shrubs, differently-coloured varieties of flowering bougainvilleas, purple and yellow flowered vines, annually fruiting papaya and mango and jack-fruit trees. Unique cross-bred orchids.

I've lived in this wee maisonette for twenty three (23) years now.

But I fear I must leave. Leave it all behind. All too soon.

The UK is my destination. Help would be appreciated (by private message).

Bella and I will need a place to live.

It's heartbreaking.

Not great quality, I'm afraid, but here's view of my village from the seaside (the edge of the cove) ...


And a view of the cove from the front of the village (with the tide way, way out - it comes right up to the shore when it's in).


And a view of the wee dog.


We are heartbroken but we need to get out.

Heading for the UK. Any potential help would be deeply appreciated (by PM's) - especially a place to live; anything/anywhere will do.

Rest well peeps. I'll post more pictures of the cove next week. It's so fucking amazing. The centre of the universe.

What a fucking shame!

(Edit: Oh! And I forgot to say ... Fuck the fucking fascist CCP!)

Stay safe.


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I said I'd post a few more pictures of The Cove.

And so, with a nod to Alexander Theodore Shulgin - of PIHKAL & TIHKAL fame - (oh maaaaan, I've been there!).

Thank you for your contribution to this universe, Sasha, you fucking lunatic. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

And you too Ann. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for your contribution to this universe. Still cracking on at 90 years old. What a fucking star! Thank you!

And also ... 153 is a curse for me! It's just another fucking head fuck!

So ... let's focus upon what's important.


(This Is Just One Small Part Of The Hong Kong I Have Known And Loved.) ;)

Pics to follow ...

An old poem ...

Between the line of night and day

A whispering will dance,

The twilight wind will twist her way

A'rustling leaves, perchance,

The witching hour has come, and passed

This early August night,

The changing moon she comes, at last

To shine for our delight.

(Copyright: Jessiedog @ 1977)

G'night peeps. Remember ... Never forget ... Be nice to each other.

Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Have a hug.

Be safe.

Oh no! Not Steve Vines. Gone.


I first met Steve in 1993, just after he became the founding editor of the now-long-defunct "Eastern Express", a daily broadsheet established to compete with the South China Morning Post, back in the day (and a bloody good old rag it was too!). We used to drink at the old "Royal's Pub" in Causeway Bay after work and, over the years, we'd meet occasionally for beer-and-chat at the FCC (Foreign Correspondents Club,) where he was a long-term member.

Best known for his hosting of the highly regarded (really top notch!) half-hour-weekly TV "The Pulse", political talk show on RTHK (you can probably still find some episodes on YouTube, though for how long now is anyone's guess) - he quit the show in June this year, after fifteen years, citing the National Security Law.

Not sure what kind of pressure he's been under but, anyway, he's now fled back to the UK.

It's yet another sad loss. Terribly sad.


An insightful piece from Vincent Wong at lausan.hk - from one year ago today.

Please forgive me. I know I'm selfish. But I'm lonely (other than Bella,) and hungry for some human interaction. I've barely left home in five years (apart from twice, earlier this year, for my two BionTech jags (aye ... jags! Get in there!) - and have not posted on any medium for too long; too scared. So, Urban it is. Resort to type I suppose.

Please allow me to indulge myself, jus fur a wee munnut, with a little reminiscence.

Back in May 1981, when my older friend and mentor, John - a genial long-haired, long-bearded, hippy sort - and I were driving along some nondescript, twisty-wind-y, suburban/country road, somewhere, in this old 1966-rust-bucket Mini. The music we were listening to on the car radio was interrupted with the news that Bob Marley had just died.

John just burst into tears - I'd never seen anything like that from him before - it shocked me. "Fuck!" he said. "What kind of a fucking six months is this meant to be? First, John Lennon as a fucked-up Christmas gift last year, and now this shit!". (I'd never heard him swear before over the four years I'd known him - and we were close. He was, steady, mature, deep, relaxed, engaged, gentle, quiet, cheerful, calming, reassuring, soothing, an example to us all.)

His tears surprised me and moved me. I wept too. We pulled over and held each other for a few minutes and wept together. I remember holding him and weeping as we sobbed as babies. It felt weirdish, unusual. I'd never seen him so bereft.

And then, a week later, my friend John died of a heroin overdose. He was 29 years old. I wept again. His older sister, Maggie, overdosed on smack six months later. She'd just barely turned 30. Oh fuck! I wept again. Two funerals I shall never forget. They were nary a decade ahead of me in life.

So ... Thank you Mr. Lennon and Mr. Marley for your contributions to this universe. Bless you Maggie.

And thank you, so much, John, for you're contribution to this universe; you were a gentle gift to so many, to everything, everyone, everywhere - the depth of your compassion reached me, touched me, guided me, shaped me - and so many others. You taught us empathy. Fuck I miss you. :(

And so to the point ... An oblique allusion to the current Exodus from a pimple on the bottom of China, with a nod Bob, Maggie and both the Johns along the way.

An epic, sweeping political dirge from 1977 (but three fucking minutes too long!)

AND then followed by an altogether sweeter, shorter, more melodic little ditty (and yet also presciently appropriate; both back then, and then again now).

Gregory Isaacs from 1980. (I shared a toke or two with him a few times back in the old days in Harrow Weald.) He died in 2010. Thank you for your contribution Greg.

Take it away Bob ...

Open your eyes, and look within. Are you satisfied with, the life you're livin'?

Exodus! Alright. Oh yeah. Movement of Jah people!

And now over to you Greg ...

Now that your departing real soon,
What more can I say?
But, sad to know that you're leaving,
And even though it's kinda grieving,
I'm sad to know that your leaving,
But I hope that you'll return real soon,
And I know that you'll return real soon.

Blessings peeps.

Be safe.

Rest well.

Be nice to each other.



The Civil Human Rights Front has helped organise just about every major, lawful, protest since 2003. But has not been involved in any events since the National Security Law was introduced on 30th June 2020.

We were told that the NSL would not be retrospective (hence the recent dragging out and dusting off, from the old colonial chest, sedition charges that have not been used since the 1960's,) and yet, here we are.

(Update: The Civil Human Rights Front has been disbanded.)

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The typically pro-Business, pro-Beijing Law Society is being warned but The HKBA is being targetted.

A commentary from the mainland's "The People's Daily":

"Hong Kong's Bar Association is now a running rat. It's more than certain that it will be defeated,"


They're coming for the barristers now.

(There are only @ 1,500 barristers in Hong Kong, in total, and most are quite junior and few very experienced - there are still only @ 100 "Senior Counsel" in Hong Kong [Queens Counsel/Senior Silk equivalent], including those QC's transferred before the handover; sure, it's a qliche club but it's also a buttress of and to the judiciary).

The Hong Kong Bar Association was also the last bastion of an independent judiciary.

Secretary for Justice, Teresa Cheng, has already said she's going to elevate government solicitors, with no barristerial experience whatsoever, to the role of "Senior Counsel". This is the antithesis of all previous practice where such appointments have always been made by the Judiciary in conjunction with the Bar Association - and only properly tutellaged and vastly experienced barristers have ever been considered.

The sweeping away of all and any democratically-inclined civil institutions has been brutal and swift.

Unfortunately, the news cycle has moved on to Plymouth and Kabul - Incels and Taliban do seem to share some similarities.

Meanwhile, Thailand and (particularly,) Burma are also being fucked by authoritarian cunts.

And the news moves on again.

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