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Hong Kong: what next?

Oh well.

It's 3:30am again, after the usual late Friday, and we're trollyed.

The strange, Arab, East German, watchmaker, HongKonger is, again, snoring unconscious on the sofa.

Before he fell over, he asked me to send this message to the Urbanites that watch the "Hong Kong: What's Next?" thread.

He says, what's next is this ...

"You came from the Big Bang and I came from the Big Bang.

You came the the small star and I came from the big star.

And were all just some strange part of this gaseous."

And, frankly, I find it hard to disagree.

I say ... Blessings from Hong Kong.

Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Have a hug. Be nice to each other.

I fuckin' love my Fridays!

And I love him. And I love you all.


(Edit: But, then again, maybe you know me? ;) )

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The Arab HongKonger also says to send you Urbanites this, again.

Listen carefully. Watch the video.

And ... Get Your Fuckin' Hands Up!


I love you peeps.

Be nice to each other.

Keep thinking!



Remember the HKU Student Union leaders, who apologised, retracted their commiserations (for the guy that stabbed the cop and then committed suicide,) and then resigned?

Well, Carrie Lam, the CE, mused at a press conference a couple of days ago, that perhaps the NSL Police should still go after them for "inciting terrorism".

Aaaand, about an hour ago ...



Hong Kong University has handed a list of names of students who may have been involved in "advocating terrorism" to the National Security Police.

The NS Police have alerted the airport and all other exit points of Hong Kong, to ensure that nobody on the list can leave the region.

Happy days!


(Edit: To add the below.)

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I really like this photograph of Alex (Grandma) Wong. On the 1st of July this year, she was out again with her usual props - especially the large UK flag.

The cops told her to stop waving the flag (maybe they thought it was breaching the NSL - who knows?).

Anyway, she refused and fell over in a bit of a scuffle. So they arrested her (again!). And, obviously, it took at least twenty cops to finally subdue her and get her into the wagon - feisty indeed, a superwoman! 😍


(Unfortunately, currently serving a month in jail :( )

We love you Alexandra.

I really like this photograph of Alex (Grandma) Wong. On the 1st of July this year, she was out again with her usual props - especially the large UK flag.

The cops told her to stop waving the flag (maybe they thought it was breaching the NSL - who knows?).

Anyway, she refused and fell over in a bit of a scuffle. So they arrested her (again!). And, obviously, it took at least twenty cops to finally subdue her and get her into the wagon - feisty indeed, a superwoman! 😍

View attachment 279225

(Unfortunately, currently serving a month in jail :( )

We love you Alexandra.

Fair play to her, but who'd a thought that awful rag would become a symbol of freedom and defiance?

Mad aul' world.
What is a "Sau Juk"?

What is a "HongKonger"?

Sau Juk is difficult to translate (isn't Hong Kong Cantonese always?!), perhaps most literally it would be "hands and feet", though in the current context/usage "brothers and sisters" would be more accurate, or simply "comrades".

It is usually used to describe the (typically younger,) "frontliners" in the protest movement (as opposed to the drivers, mappers, supply liners, strategists, lookouts, parents, artists, writers, online-ers, activists, medics, social workers, documentarians, supporters, etc. etc. - although all of these are also Sau Juk).

The protest movement is also marked by the concept of "HongKongers" - those identifying as being a "HongKongese" person, a Hong Kong belonger. Essentially, anyone who considers Hong Kong to be their permanent home (generally NOT "expats", although often "immigrants"), loves Hong Kong and shares the values of HongKongers.

HongKongers are, typically, open minded, well informed, worldly, educated (though not necessarily), tolerant, inclusive, freedom loving, democratically inclined, socially aware, demanding of more social housing and social welfare for the disadvantaged, supportive of public healthcare, often well travelled, always gay friendly (or at least tolerant), socially and politically engaged, community oriented, welcoming of immigrants (and refugees,) though usually fairly distanced from high-earning locals or expatriates (it depends on their values - money or community), etc. etc. You get the picture.

A couple of examples of Frontline Sau Juk, are Dave and Sam.

Dave is Hong Kong born, aged early 20's, ethnically Indian, speaks-not-much-Cantonese, not socially advantaged or uni' educated. Just an ordinary HongKonger. Arrested at a protest in late 2019 for "unauthorised assembly" and subsequently imprisoned for three months, he speaks to the racism in prison and his desire to just be a HongKonger (not an Indian-HongKonger). Please read the very, very short thread first and then watch the not-great-quality, two minute video, in English, worth watching twice. Local people. True HongKonger. He is Hong Kong!

Sam, on the other hand, is a Hong Kong born, highly privileged, very expensively private International School educated, white HongKonger (spawned by German expats). A committed socialist-anarchist. Still a teenager when Bloomberg captured him, very briefly (24 seconds!) in October 2019 on the Frontline. He is one of us! A HongKonger!

A few months ago, barely 20 years old, Sam came out as a transgender (we kinda figured there was something queer!) and is currently on high-dosage oestrogen pills, charting a new direction, with courage, wherever that leads - They/Them henceforth.

And we love them. They are HongKongers. We are HongKongers. We are Hong Kong!

For my own (small,) part, I've been out on the Frontline, multiple times a year, each and every year (and especially with a candle on the 4th of June and boots on the 1st of July), in torrential tropical rain, brutal heat, intolerable humidity, trudging for mile after mile, returning home spent, again and again - since before these young HongKongers were even born!

I am a HongKonger. We are HongKongers. We are Hong Kong!

The future is uncertain but we will never forget, never forgive.

We are Hong Kong!

Blessings all. Be nice to each other.

(Edit: 'Cos I fucked up the videos.)

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Fair play to her, but who'd a thought that awful rag would become a symbol of freedom and defiance?

Mad aul' world.

It's complex for HongKongers. Especially Alex.

She's British. Has only ever been British. Only ever a BNO passport, nothing else. And yet (I think,) has never been to the UK.

She's obviously, a wholly committed HongKonger.

Her defiance is aimed at the UK's perfidious abandoning of Hong Kong and also a definitive, barbed, poke in the eye to the CCP, 'cos she knows it pisses them off!

A true HongKonger.

And we love her.

And this, is another true HongKonger. A pure, TRUE, HongKonger.

A black bastard. A mixed race, multi-mongrel, nigger-bitch.

Born and bred and abandoned on the streets by starving, feral, scabby, mangy, fucked up parents.

Despised for her colour and racial identity and thus spurned by humans so often obsessed with breed-specific, expensive, puppy-milled, petshop-bought, pushchair-carried, easily-discarded, fashion-accessorised, frequently-abandoned, just-for-Christmas-presents, pedigree-toy-dog, throwaway-tomorrow nonsense. Not true HongKongers.

And yet, against all odds - against impossible odds - she somehow survived. And, somehow, five years ago, she found another, true, HongKonger.

She's about twelve years old now. She's my best friend, the centre of my universe, a gift beyond compare, beyond value, beyond comparison, a companion for all time. And each night, to sleep, aside my bed, with my hand on her shoulder, we rest, together.

She is Belladog. A true survivor. A true HongKonger. And we love her.


Say hello to Bella.


Night peeps.

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
You been out ridin' fences for so long now
Oh, you're a hard one
But I know that you got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow

Don't you draw the Queen of Diamonds, boy
She'll beat you if she's able
You know the Queen of Hearts is always your best bet

Now, it seems to me some fine things
Have been laid upon your table
But you only want the ones that you can't get

Desperado, oh, you ain't gettin' no younger
Your pain and your hunger, they're drivin' you home

And freedom, oh freedom, well that's just some people talkin'
Your prison is walking through this world all alone

Don't your feet get cold in the winter time?
The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine
It's hard to tell the night time from the day
You're losin' all your highs and lows
Ain't it funny how the feeling goes away?

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
Come down from your fences, open the gate
It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you

You better let somebody love you (let somebody love you)

You better let somebody love you

Before it's too late ...

Love each other peeps. Take care of each other. Be safe. Be Hong Kong.

Hong Kong: what next?


And the purge continues. Wed 21/07/21.

Lam Man-chung, former Chief Editor at Apple Daily, was arrested by National Security Police this morning, in an early-morning raid. Few details as yet.

(Edit: Initial reports are saying he's been charged under the NSL with "colluding with foreign forces".)

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Freedom of speech?

Nah! Today it's known as "Separatism"!

"New rules laid down for RTHK over Taiwan stories

RTHK staff have been banned from using “inappropriate” terms such as “Taiwan’s president” or “Taiwan government” in all radio, television and online output, to comply with the one-China principle."

Freedom of speech?

Nah! Today it's known as "Separatism"!

"New rules laid down for RTHK over Taiwan stories

RTHK staff have been banned from using “inappropriate” terms such as “Taiwan’s president” or “Taiwan government” in all radio, television and online output, to comply with the one-China principle."

Bad times ahead
On this day two years ago (21st July 2019), commuters were returning home on a late train to Yuen Long station on the MTR (Tube). Some were young protesters, who'd been out on the streets, peacefully, earlier but there were also many families, children, workers, elderly, etc. heading home.

The train doors were opened and passengers repeatedly instructed to leave the train over the various tannoys, both within and outside of the train, by station staff.

As the train doors opened, passengers were viciously attacked by about 100 Triads and Triad-linked thugs wearing white Tee-shirts and wielding bamboo and metal canes and wooden poles. Meanwhile, two policemen were filmed walking away and glancing back at the scenes as they strolled out of the station.

In a frenzy of chaotic brutality, for some 30 minutes, unarmed commuters were indiscriminately chased down and repeatedly whipped, truncheoned, punched and beaten bloody, without mercy. Old and young, men and women, girls and boys, news reporters and even a lawmaker, were savagely assaulted. There was little chance of escape, the station staff had (deliberately?) closed the vast majority of the exits.

Many, many dozens required hospital treatment and forty five (45,) of the most seriously injured were admitted to various hospitals for ongoing treatment.

During this time, hundreds - probably thousands - of "999" calls to the police went unanswered. Several different groups of people tried to alert police, in person, at the local Yuen Long police station but were turned away at the entrance of the station and told to leave.

It took thirty nine (39) minutes for the first police officers to arrive on scene, by which time the majority of the perpetrators had disappeared into the night and no arrests were made that evening, not one, (although in later days, some of the victims, including the lawmaker, were arrested and charged with rioting).

In subsequent months, the police have attempted to characterise events at the station that evening as "an evenly matched fight between two rival gangs" and tried to assure the public that there was no collusion between police and Triads (like no such thing has ever happened in the past - oh no - of course not!) and that, under the circumstances, they did everything they could to arrive and intervene in a timely manner. To this day, the public remain highly skeptical.

At time of writing this, only six of the perpetrators have been convicted and await sentencing. No others have been charged (apart from the aforementioned victims of the attack).

Two short (3' 20" total), grainy, videos below show some of what happened that evening. At the end of the second video, you can briefly see a few of these Triads liaising with a couple of their "brothers" in the aftermath of the night's events.

(Edit: Below - hopefully, I'm not good at this stuff - is the second, one minute video. You'll see the Triads with their "brothers", briefly, at the end.)

Never forget! Never forgive!


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And here is a brand new, 23 minute documentary on the subject of the 21st July 2019 attack, courtesy of Stand News.

Hi quality video. English subtitles.

(Edit: The video is very fast moving and, for non-Cantonese speakers, difficult to watch and read the English subtitles [which are also very/too fast moving,] at the same time.

So, a brief synopsis:

The documentary pulls together a series of events that link the attack to a pro-CCP rally held in mid-July 2019, which was organised by the CCP appointed and stalwart supporter, Hong Kong legislator, Junius Ho, during which Yuen Long Triad types were incited to take canes to beat children in Yuen Long on 21st July to "teach them a lesson".

[On the night of the attack, Junius Ho was later, around midnight, filmed in Yuen Long celebrating and shaking hands with the leading organisers of the "white shirts" and hailing them as "heroes". He has subsequently been struck off by the UK Law Society, where he was previously registered.]

On the 16th of July, a leaflet was posted on Weibo [the mainland China version of Twitter], by the wife of a HK policeman, purporting to represent a democracy protest due to occur in Yuen Long on 21st July. This leaflet was rapidly forwarded and re-posted widely around the the Inter-web BUT predominately by the Hong Kong democracy camp, with "FAKE NEWS" stamped diagonally across it in large, red letters - no such event was ever planned by the pan-democrats. It was concocted by the CCP in order perpetrate and try to legitamise and justify the ensuing brutality.

And yet, speaking at an event on 18th July, a representative of the CCP's Liaison Office [one of the major, official, CCP-offices in Hong Kong,] again referenced the supposed upcoming democracy protest in Yuen Long, urging people to turn out in opposition.

Hmmm ... The plot thickens.

After resisting any investigation for many months, the police finally "investigated" the whole protest movement of 2019, including the events of July 21st, through the IPCC [The "Independent" Police Complaints Committee - I've had occasions of personal interactions with this bunch of white-washers over the years!].

[To try to enhance the credibility of the investigation, they invited, flew-in, paid, hotel-ed - and expensed - an international panel of six experts, headed by the UK's Professor Clifford Stott - a specialist in the policing of protests - to assist in their enquiry.]

Within 5 weeks, of the start of the investigation, the whole international panel resigned and left Hong Kong citing the lack of independence of the IPCC and lack of credibility of its purported investigation.

Professor Stott later released his own academic report - [[ Patterns of ‘Disorder’ During the 2019 Protests in Hong Kong: Policing, Social Identity, Intergroup Dynamics, and Radicalization - sorry, restricted access, abstract only - but interviewed and reported on by the HKFP here - Interview: UK expert says Hong Kong police lost credibility during protests due to 'completely inept' decisions | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP ]].

In his paper, Stott concludes that, essentially, the Hong Kong Police Force had provoked and escalated the whole shebang through the police hierarchy's "completely inept" decision to authorise an army of heavily-weaponised riot police to remove any identifying badges or numbers [and, therefore, although not mentioned in his report - how was he to know? - allowing a veritable plethora of thousands of mainland-imported security forces to participate,] to indiscriminately tear gas, water cannon and rubber bullet MILLIONS of Hong Kong people, peacefully marching for democracy.

It was after this that the frontline Sau Juk took to the streets.

When the IPCC report was finally published, it heavily referenced the, fake, protest leaflet on Weibo [and completely ignored the many, many more pan-dem re-posts, clearly labelling it as CCP propaganda].

And the, new, police hierarchy now constantly use the IPCC report to justify their re-framing of the 21st of July 2019 Triad/CCP/Police terrorist attack in Yuen Long as "a fight between equally matched gangs".

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And the rest is history.

The CCP's history ... Whitewashing and re-writing history since 1949.

It is what it is. We are where we are.

Be safe, good Urban peeps. Be nice to each other. Wear a mask.



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Hong Kong has been used to "suppress China" according to Carrie Fucking Idiot Lam.


And she's now prominently regurgitating the myth (extensively pushed and broadcast by her predecessor CE, The Wolf, CY Leung, since 2012), that "foreign forces" have been behind all the protests since 1997 - especially those starting from 2003 - and ALL of those continuing thereafter.

And despite the local government being asked to provide any evidence of this supposed "foreign influence" since 2012 ... She continues to repeat the same mantra used: "Now is not the time to produce the evidence".

Yet again, blatant CCP Gaslighting.

There is no "local government" in Hong Kong - there hasn't been for a long time - there are only CCP stooges being paid upwards of GBP 600K per annum (of our fucking taxes!) and living in - grace and favour - multi-million GBP mansions in the most exclusive areas, without having to spend a penny of their ill-gotten gains on anything. Anything! Everything is paid for by the HongKongers - every meal, every first class flight, every personal housemaid and servant and driver and all overseas education expenses and accommdation and living expenses for their children. BUT NOT A PENNY FROM THEM.

And yet they continue to assert that HongKongers have no agency, no mind of their own, no ability to protest the injustice, no rationality, no capacity to try and organise.

No. It's all a CIA plot to stage a "colour revolution".

Fuck that!

Those of you that understand that the Tory Party are - and always have been - "lower than vermin" should wake up! The Tories are fucking amateurs compared with the monstrosity that is the CCP.

And they will come for you too. All of you. Unless they are stopped. Soon!

Wash your hands peeps. Wear a mask. Give each other a long, tight, smooth, gentle hug.

And keep thinking.


I've just learned that the respected political science professor and democracy activist, Prof. Joseph Cheng, has retired into exile in New Zealand.

I first met him during the protests in 2003 and he's always been a sane and moderate voice. Sharply intelligent, quietly spoken, deeply modest and always cheerful, he's been a fellow traveller for nearly two decades.

It's terribly sad. He had intended to retire and live in Hong Kong but has been vilified across the pro-Beijing media and feared he would be arrested. Cultural Revolution Mark 2:0 continues.

Interviewed in New Zealand, he said "Almost all my friends are in jail". He felt he had no choice but to permanently leave his lifetime home.

It's heartbreaking.


For those of you that haven't had the chance to see it yet, "Ten Years" 2015 (not the unconnected 2011 US nonsense of the same title), is a superb little vignette of five short films released in 2015. Five separate directors. No professional actors, just local peeps and local kids. One hour, forty minutes in total. And includes a short (the last one "Self-Immolation",) by Kiwi Chow (of recent Cannes fame).

It's a series of fictional, dystopian and yet prophetic portrayals of the Hong Kong to come in 2025, imagining how things would look, ten years after 2015.

Little did we expect, then, that it would actually happen in 2020. (It should have been called "Five Years"!)

It really is essential viewing. An astonishing, low budget, local, collaborative production that was made for a total budget of under 60,000 quid. Less than GBP 60,000!

It won the Best Film award at the 2016 Hong Kong Film Festival.

It's still available on Netflix but only for the next seven days.

It can be found free online elsewhere but, unfortunately, typically low quality copies.

It's in local Cantonese (HongKongese,) with English subtitles.

Watch it. Twice. (Once for the subtitles and then for the film-work.) Beautiful acting by local amateurs and kids.

Two minute Trailer on Yuotube:

Keep thinking peeps. Wear a mask. Hug each other.





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Thanks for your posts Jessiedog . This thread seems to attract little attention despite the quite shocking nature of what's going on. Maybe, like me, people don't really know what to say.

I went to Hong Kong in 2018 - had never been before and now it looks like maybe I never will again.That was to visit an old friend, Hong Kong Chinese family but UK educated. When we were there we made some jokes about the military style training routines you could see going on inside some kind of police compound that you could see in the distance from his flat. Now just three years later here we are. I now am unsure to what extent he is not giving the full answer to things I ask about on WhatsApp messages. In fact I feel cautious asking.

I don't really know what we can do here on the outside that can help anyone.
Thanks for your posts Jessiedog . This thread seems to attract little attention despite the quite shocking nature of what's going on. Maybe, like me, people don't really know what to say.

Pretty much. It seems like such a massive problem, and yet at the same time the solutions seem unclear. I've no idea how much harder Xi Jinping and/or the CPC can tighten their grip before something breaks.
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