You're too much into Western hate propaganda for me to deal with in a limited amount of time. Suffice to say, the West's propaganda campaign is due to lose again if China is pushed too much.
The issue I will gladly revisit from time to time is on the fact that the world's countries are choosing trade relations with China while they drop relations with the US. What a bummer eh Rimbaud!
And Dog bless the M.A.D. factor that has kept the world safe from a full scale US led nuclear war!.
Ehm, I have no love for the US. The US is nothing to do with this.
My opinion on China is formed by years living there, not by "western hate propaganda."
And you are deluded. Japan is subsidising their companies to decouple from China, India has blocked all Chinese investment and apps, Chinese trade talks with the EU are going nowhere because they aren't tolerating bullshit promises anymore and the EU has labelled them a systemic rival, Australia and New Zealand are reducing economic exposure to China, countries of South East Asia are pushing back against Chinese territorial claims and seeking to balance away from China by working with India and Japan, Taiwan is implementing a Southbound policy to reduce exposure to China and develop closer relations with SE Asia. The "17+1" summit was a flop and only Serbia and Greece bothered to turn up, the other Eastern European countries shunned you. India and Japan are working together on the Asia Africa Growth Corridor to compete with China in Africa, and within Africa there is a backlash against neo-colonialism and racism associated with One Belt One Road projects.
In what planet are countries dropping trade with the US in favour of China? You need to stop getting all your news from 今日头条and nationalist tabloid garbage on Wechat. Your leadership is fucking up their diplomacy so badly these days precisely because they are out of touch with reality by brainwashing themselves into thinking they are the centre of the world.
Everything points to the Asian economic centre of gravity shifting away from China and to the "Indo-Pacific" region of South East Asia, India, Japan, Taiwan, with China becoming peripheral in future, which is 100% down to their own diplomatic idiocy, aggressive nationalism, and the unattractive nature of their fascist political system.
By talking about the US you are missing the point. Is the US in decline? Undoubtably. Will China "replace" it? Not a chance in hell. We are heading to a more multipolar world, with India, ASEAN, China, the EU, Russia, Japan, and perhaps the African Union all playing major roles with no dominant power. By seeking too forcefully to create a sinocentric world order, all Xi has done is condemn them to return to a peripheral role for, very likely, the rest of the century.