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Hong Kong: what next?

They have an agenda thats supported by outside forces,and we know who they are,they will get nowhere and they know it.

No, we don't know who they are. That's because you're using innuendo and implication to say shit that you know will sound fucking stupid if you say it explicitly. So who are you blaming for this? The CIA? That's a popular one for fake "anti-imperialists" to bring up.
They don't have any interest in taking Assad down LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you really that stupid?they have been sponsoring Jiadi terror against the Country along with their Zionist gangsters for years,they have illegal occupation troops East of the Euphretes stealing oil,get real.
As I said to you before the Syria thread thataway -----------------> please go read it before spouting ill-informed gibberish.
If the end game is a re-education camp they should give it up,anyone would think before the Chinese got Hong kong back it was a democracy and not a Colonial throwback to Victorian times,where were the protesters then?

A lot of them weren't born. But it did have a fair degree of autonomy. I always thought given the way things worked back then should have been seats in the Lords for territories like that. I do remember getting very drunk and playing too much croquet at a glorious but slightly melancholic garden party in Hampstead 97 with most the HK FCO crew.
No, we don't know who they are. That's because you're using innuendo and implication to say shit that you know will sound fucking stupid if you say it explicitly. So who are you blaming for this? The CIA? That's a popular one for fake "anti-imperialists" to bring up.
Off course you know who they are,the same ones who just can't stop sticking their noses into other Countries,the US and their prostitutes,its not fucking rocket science.
Off course you know who they are,the same ones who just can't stop sticking their noses into other Countries,the US and their prostitutes,its not fucking rocket science.

Yes, that's right. The protests in Hong Kong are entirely cooked up, and there is no possibility of genuine grievances being aired. After all, being extradited to mainland China and/or being tortured by the police is just how things are done, right?
Yes, that's right. The protests in Hong Kong are entirely cooked up, and there is no possibility of genuine grievances being aired. After all, being extradited to mainland China and/or being tortured by the police is just how things are done, right?
No they are probably not all cooked up,but they are exploited by the usual suspects,and my question still remains,what do they hope to acheive other than causing damage to their own City and economy?
No they are probably not all cooked up,but they are exploited by the usual suspects,and my question still remains,what do they hope to acheive other than causing damage to their own City and economy?
This kid of bollocks was cooked up by the usual suspects against civil rights movement in the 6 counties.

Fuck off you imperialist cunt.
Posting irrelevant videos does not obscure the fact that you're taking the side of one of the capitalist world's biggest and most powerful states. That sounds pretty imperialist to me.

That vid isn't irrelivent,its Imperialism in action,the General was talking about taking seven Countries down in five years,they gave it a bloody good go,i didn't notice China invading half the planet by force like the US with this Country helping them.

Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending a country's rule over foreign nations, often by military force or by
gaining political and economic control of other .
That vid isn't irrelivent,its Imperialism in action,the General was talking about taking seven Countries down in five years,they gave it a bloody good go,i didn't notice China invading half the planet by force like the US with this Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending a country's rule over foreign nations, often by military force or by gaining political and economic control of other . Country helping them.

China also seeks to extend its power. They just do it differently to the US, preferring to build up economic soft power, while in the US a series of increasingly sclerotic administrations have been steadily pissing away whatever economic advantages the US has. This changing state of affairs has been noted by many observers.

I'm sure you're aware of how China's importance in the world economy has enabled it get away with all kinds of shit, e.g. the situation in Xinjiang. Also, if you haven't heard of the Belt and Road Initiative, then what the fuck makes you think your opinions on geopolitics have any merit?
China also seeks to extend its power. They just do it differently to the US, preferring to build up economic soft power, while in the US a series of increasingly sclerotic administrations have been steadily pissing away whatever economic advantages the US has. This changing state of affairs has been noted by many observers.

I'm sure you're aware of how China's importance in the world economy has enabled it get away with all kinds of shit, e.g. the situation in Xinjiang. Also, if you haven't heard of the Belt and Road Initiative, then what the fuck makes you think your opinions on geopolitics have any merit?
Thats International trade,not smashing half the planet up with cruise missiles and stealing resources of countries you have invaded,big difference,thats real Imperialism and the US have been at it for decades.
Thats International trade,not smashing half the planet up with cruise missiles and stealing resources of countries you have invaded,big difference,thats real Imperialism and the US have been at it for decades.

"War is the continuation of politics by other means" - Carl von Clausewitz

Just because China isn't drone bombing farmers in Pakistan right now, doesn't mean they aren't being imperialist. There are other ways of projecting power other than pure force, even the US doesn't always do that.
That was my first thought but I think this one's like the House Gimp. Does it for free.
He hath slithered down the same trouser leg as casuallybrown. It wasn't too long ago when crankleft godhead Galloway was cheering on carnage in 'Raq, hailing Al Zarqawi as being the Zhukovesque Iraqi resistance hero, and shouting at someone on his phone in show about how "the IRA were worse than Al Qaeda" because "they tried to kill our prime minister". As long as the yanks and joos are on the receiving end it's different. Despite its appropriation and amplification of war on terror breastbeating, that swamp's unconditional support for the Islamic Republic Of Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad etc still holds firm.
Reportedly a big turnout at the protest today - despite swarms of riot police, tear gas, water cannons, and the very real prospect of 4 years in prison for rioting. Hong Kong may be doomed but its people aren't going down without a fight.


"Ultimately, no one can win in this revolution - but please stay with us & bear witness."
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