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Hong Kong: what next?

How dare they run into baton charges and live rounds? The inconsiderate fools. If only they listened to Lam, who undoubtedly has their best interests at heart.

Oh yes.
How dare the police respond with batton rounds after being attacked with acid bombs and some rioters trying to set them on fire? they should be arrested,the fact is what the hell do they hope to acheive,whats the end game?
How dare the police respond with batton rounds after being attacked with acid bombs and some rioters trying to set them on fire? they should be arrested,the fact is what the hell do they hope to acheive,whats the end game?

Does lying for Beijing pay well?
I wouldn't know do you?

I'm not the one trying to drum up sympathy for fucking cops. CCP cops at that.

Throwing acid? Setting people on fire? These are serious accusations. I've not heard of anything of the sort happening, certainly doesn't help that you just spew that shit without a source.
Do you often blame entire groups of people for the actions of an individual?
No of course not,but i get sick and tired of all the bullshit propaganda,we saw the same thing in Ukraine after a Fascist coup took place,rioters there killed police officers set some of them on fire,bt it was all Russia's fault,the question i keep asking about Hong Kong is what do they think the Chinese are going to do hand the place over? its part of China,and i don't give a rats arse what someone like Chris Patten the former Gualieter of Hong Kong or that fat bastard Pompeo has to say on the matter.
No of course not,but i get sick and tired of all the bullshit propaganda,we saw the same thing in Ukraine after a Fascist coup took place,rioters there killed police officers set some of them on fire,bt it was all Russia's fault,

The involvement of fascists in the Euromaidan thing was obvious from the start. You're not comparing like with like.

the question i keep asking about Hong Kong is what do they think the Chinese are going to do hand the place over? its part of China,and i don't give a rats arse what someone like Chris Patten the former Gualieter of Hong Kong or that fat bastard Pompeo has to say on the matter.

Do you give give a shit about the five demands that the Hong Kong protestors have outlined? Because none of them involve China "handing the place over".
No of course not,but i get sick and tired of all the bullshit propaganda,we saw the same thing in Ukraine after a Fascist coup took place,rioters there killed police officers set some of them on fire,bt it was all Russia's fault,the question i keep asking about Hong Kong is what do they think the Chinese are going to do hand the place over? its part of China,and i don't give a rats arse what someone like Chris Patten the former Gualieter of Hong Kong or that fat bastard Pompeo has to say on the matter.
The protesters should be taken off the streets bundled into dungeons, raped, tortured, mutilated, and their dead bodies publicly dumped in the same streets or outside their families residence as warnings to others. They need to do this to tens of thousands of people as a start. Children should especially be targeted for the worst of this sort of thing - cut their cocks off, rip their eyes out, opposition singers should have tongues snipped off, opposition writers should have their hands sliced off etc.

I take it people haven't since this prat's post on syria on other threads?
The protesters should be taken off the streets bundled into dungeons, raped, tortured, mutilated, and their dead bodies publicly dumped in the same streets or outside their families residence as warnings to others. They need to do this to tens of thousands of people as a start. Children should especially be targeted for the worst of this sort of thing - cut their cocks off, rip their eyes out, opposition singers should have tongues snipped off, opposition writers should have their hands sliced off etc.

I take it people haven't since this prat's post on syria on other threads?
You sound hysterical with that nonsense.
Yeah we have, he shat all over the Trump thread withh bullshit claims regarding Syria.
Yes and some of you clowns talked a load of Bollocks on Syria,it sounded like a press handout from Trump and Pompeo,and they get there press handouts from Al Qaeda in Syria.
The involvement of fascists in the Euromaidan thing was obvious from the start. You're not comparing like with like.

Do you give give a shit about the five demands that the Hong Kong protestors have outlined? Because none of them involve China "handing the place over".
It all involves China because its happening in china,thats what you don't get.
Deadstick 1944. The new gold standard in irrideemably stupid. The Americans have no interest in toppling Assad. Not under Trump nor Obama before him.
It all involves China because its happening in china,thats what you don't get.
You can't even read a sentence - "does not involve China handing away control of Hong Kong." Pick a team and stick to it. Who cares why or what they do? And it's not even the people.
How dare the police respond with batton rounds after being attacked with acid bombs and some rioters trying to set them on fire? they should be arrested,the fact is what the hell do they hope to acheive,whats the end game?

It IS worth remembering when SAR was somebody's else's responsibility Hong Kong Police armoury for dealing with riots and the like included L7A2 GPMG. How ever, what they hope to achieve is keeping the S in SAR as per the hangover agreement.. The end game, if they are lucky is a re-education camp. and if we are unlucky, their message of if you want peace prepare for war drowned out
You talked of China "hand[ing] the [Hong Kong] over". Handing it over to who? That's not in any of the five demands. Please retract that erroneous statement.
Well at the start they demanded the new extradition law was taken down,well it was and the violence got worse,there will always be another demand.
It IS worth remembering when SAR was somebody's else's responsibility Hong Kong Police armoury for dealing with riots and the like included L7A2 GPMG. How ever, what they hope to achieve is keeping the S in SAR as per the hangover agreement.. The end game, if they are lucky is a re-education camp. and if we are unlucky, their message of if you want peace prepare for war drowned out
If the end game is a re-education camp they should give it up,anyone would think before the Chinese got Hong kong back it was a democracy and not a Colonial throwback to Victorian times,where were the protesters then?
Well at the start they demanded the new extradition law was taken down,well it was and the violence got worse,there will always be another demand.

Demanding changes to the law is nothing like trying to secede. The extradition law is just one thing. Do you think that none of other issues brought up by the protesters have any merit? You know, the stuff about people being wrongly prosecuted and subjected to police brutality in the course of trying to get an unjust law changed?
Deadstick 1944. The new gold standard in irrideemably stupid. The Americans have no interest in toppling Assad. Not under Trump nor Obama before him.
They don't have any interest in taking Assad down LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you really that stupid?they have been sponsoring Jiadi terror against the Country along with their Zionist gangsters for years,they have illegal occupation troops East of the Euphretes stealing oil,get real.
Demanding changes to the law is nothing like trying to secede. The extradition law is just one thing. Do you think that none of other issues brought up by the protesters have any merit? You know, the stuff about people being wrongly prosecuted and subjected to police brutality in the course of trying to get an unjust law changed?
They have an agenda thats supported by outside forces,and we know who they are,they will get nowhere and they know it.
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