Has anyone tried converting a hot water cylinder into a mash tun or boiler? The mash tun should be a piece of piss, just slice top off with an angle grinder, remove elements, add sparging thing, false bottom and tap, replace top and neaten insulation where needed.
The boiler is a bit trickier, part of the domed top needs to remain to maintain structure in a rolling boil (not too much of a problem really) and it needs to be possible to maintain the temperature. Second part is tricky, most of the cylinders on ebay are indirect (they have a big copper coil in the bottom that has hot water from the boiler running through it - this will be bonus wort cooling coil) so a) they need to be upside down (thus putting the boost heater at the bottom) or b) they need an extra immersion element, bit of a faff. Then need to override the immersion safety cut off (pretty easy I think), but that needs to be replaced with a thermostat that will cut out at 110c or so. Would also be useful to be able to set it at 70-80c for sparging water. Get something off a tea urn maybe? Any plumbers around?