Why does it matter so much to you what I think
Gramsci ?
I know very little about local politics beyond the basics, and I know you are very involved with local politics, and I’m glad I don’t have to do it and I can keep an eye on things by looking at the Brixton forum without having to attend the meetings. (I have attended meetings and no doubt will again but it’s not my natural habitat.)
But it just seemed to me that you were so focused on the stuff about the politics that you were sucking the fun out of the joke.
As I said before, the meeting isn’t the joke, the long involved detailed and wide ranging response is the joke.
You said you were nonplussed by the reaction, slightly disturbed by the laughter, and because Novaro Media were joining in with the joke, you now doubt their leftie credentials.
And that struck me as cheerless and - dare I say it - a bit po faced.
The meeting wasn’t funny. Taking the piss out of the bullying is funny. It really is.
Hopefully from now on in these meetings, when someone tries it on with the bullying the catchphrases from this incident will be usefully deployed to knock it back.