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Griffin and BNP strategy

dash_two said:
But increased inequality and a situation where the lower-paid are still worse off than they would otherwise have been.

Funny how some leftists sound like they're giving a speech to the CBI when they start defending the importation of cheap labour.

Where in that post have I stated what you have just spinned me to have said pray tell?
JimPage said:
if this passes for analysis of the BNP vote, god help us

Yes- the BNP % vote was down to an average 14.7% , down from 19.2% in 2006, conveniently ignoring that the number of canddiates has doubled- with them going into places wards where they havent stood before- and polling modestly as a result

It ignores the increase in the BNP vote in many areas- and the correct anlaysis which is that they didnt do as well as they expected- but are far from down and out

And that they will learn from their mistakes for 2007- if not in by-elections before then

It is a bit of fun - get a grip.
KeyboardJockey said:
I found the site entertaining but took a very lacksadaisical view of the bnp.


I keep going on about this and people still don't pick it up. The fash have treated this election as a training ground. They are on the cusp of ditching (at least in public) the meatheads for more electable candidates and that is the time to really worry.

The fash are picking up votes because of worrys that cannot be brushed under the carpet. By the time we've sorted the long term problems out ie inequality, access to council housing etc the fash will have overtook many of the left in terms of support.

I think that you over estimate the fash, they have suffered a set back - the worst vote since 2000 isn't it? So at a time when they have put in 742 councillors they have been rejected by and large. So far it has been very easy for the BNP - the political conditions worked in its favour, the debris of empire, alienation and political change. However, the first serious test of Griffin will be if he can come up with politics to make their own first breakthrough for themselves. I doubt it, certainly not on the basis of their expressed plans, 2008 will be another year of the BNP treading water/ going backwards. 2009 and the Euro elections will be different though, they will be held throughout Europe during 11–13 June 2009.
MC5 said:
Listen knobhead, I didn't blame working class youth in that post for not taking up those sort of jobs did I spinmister? I know I wouldn't pick sprouts for minimum wage, so why would I expect anyone else to do it ffs?


Because they are Immigrants?:rolleyes:
becky p said:
MC5 said:
Listen knobhead, I didn't blame working class youth in that post for not taking up those sort of jobs did I spinmister? I know I wouldn't pick sprouts for minimum wage, so why would I expect anyone else to do it ffs?


Because they are Immigrants?:rolleyes:

Becks, I know it's difficult to comprehend for someone like you in your comfortable middle class bubble, :D but at one time during the late 70's and early eighties this work was carried out by young people who were unemployed and went off in search of work (until they were banned by the then tory government from claiming benefits if they were new to an area). I know because I did it for a short time. Now it's european migrants. Not great work, or pay and not a fantastic career move either, but as they say needs must.

What would you do? Call for their deportation perhaps?
A lot of gypsies in Britain used to depend on seasonal fruitpicking and other casual agricultural labour. From what I've heard and seen in East Anglia, they have been all but displaced from this kind of work as farm managers now favour East Europeans over gypsies.

Hardly anyone gives a damn about gyspies and we certainly won't be expecting sympathetic articles on their plight in the Daily Express. But this is a case of cheap labour from abroad having bad consequences for those who don't have many other options in the labour market.

By all means we should let new people come to Britain, but not when it leads to zero-sum competition for jobs or housing with those already living here. Otherwise you will have to accept a trade-off whereby we have historically high net levels of relatively unregulated immigration along with increasing anti-immigration sentiment.

1. Take our jobs
2. Take advantage of our generous benefits system
3. Take advantage of the NHS
4. Go to the top of the housing list
5. Steal our women.

Are there any more myths that anyone would like to share with us? :D
dash_two said:
Ending all your posts with the little grinning Prozac face does not improve their wit.

Whereas there is a total absence of wit or intelligence to your posts.

Over to you, shit-for-brains.
MC5 said:
Where in that post have I stated what you have just spinned me to have said pray tell?

He's fond of that sort of thing, MC5. he's like the rest of them: If he doesn't like what you are saying, he'll make it up. What an imagination he has.
nino_savatte said:

1. Take our jobs
2. Take advantage of our generous benefits system
3. Take advantage of the NHS
4. Go to the top of the housing list
5. Steal our women.

Are there any more myths that anyone would like to share with us? :D

:D good point...

This endless debate is wearing thin - I can hardly be bothered anymore. The debate itself is painful to have to go through, perhaps we had better focus on actually changing/doing things as Mr Marx said?
Attica said:
:D good point...

This endless debate is wearing thin - I can hardly be bothered anymore. The debate itself is painful to have to go through, perhaps we had better focus on actually changing/doing things as Mr Marx said?

Isn't it? There is the tendency among those who share particular views on immigration to get defensive. I'm getting pretty bored with it all too. Recently these threads have become a haven for crackpots, trolls and twits like SwarthyThug (who is lurking).

If they aren't being defensive, they're misrepresenting your posts and making up lies about you.
nino_savatte said:
Isn't it? There is the tendency among those who share particular views on immigration to get defensive. I'm getting pretty bored with it all too. Recently these threads have become a haven for crackpots, trolls and twits like SwarthyThug (who is lurking).

If they aren't being defensive, they're misrepresenting your posts and making up lies about you.

Yeah - its got to stop. It's obsessive and I struggle to see any good it is doing... infact its probably doing political harm.
dash_two said:
If you don't want the BNP to do well, don't have so much immigration.

So, slash_two, let's go back to this post. So, by your logic, anyone with surnames like Singh or Patel shouldn't be allowed into this country, nor should anyone who has dark skin or curly hair...so that 'we' can 'defeat' the BNP.

What the BNP want are people with names like Van der Merwe or Botha. Maybe you do too.
nino_savatte said:
So, slash_two, let's go back to this post.


Urban75 Posting Rules said:
8. Privacy Please respect people's privacy and refrain from posting up any personal details without their permission. Do not piss about with user names or refer to people by their real names (unless they already appear in their user name, of course).

Now I would never report a post as that's strictly for creeps, but please pay attention to the bit of the Posting Rules I've put in bold, and let's start again.
dash_two said:

Now I would never report a post as that's strictly for creeps, but please pay attention to the bit of the Posting Rules I've put in bold, and let's start again.

Aw, bless...shame you have no compunction about breaking the rules yourself though - eh?

This is your only defence because your idea of pandering to the BNP is pretty disgraceful and you know it, swarthy.

Go on, report me. Like I give a fuck.

You do realise that there is a rule regarding returned posters who have been previously banned, don't you?
Originally Posted by dash_two
If you don't want the BNP to do well, don't have so much immigration.

Such simplicity of thought; what a shining example of binarism.

Are you all for pandering to minority parties of the far right, swarthy?
Attica said:
Jim - could you show me please where you are taking your BNP % analysis from? Or have you done it yourself? ta.

myself. its going into their results in depth- and going beyone the headline figures. for every kirklees there was a rotherham. for every sunderland there was a sedgefield. simply looking at results- comparing to previous results- and taking a wider view than "BNP down in Oldham"
KeyboardJockey said:
I found the site entertaining but took a very lacksadaisical view of the bnp.

I keep going on about this and people still don't pick it up. The fash have treated this election as a training ground. They are on the cusp of ditching (at least in public) the meatheads for more electable candidates and that is the time to really worry.
this is so true. in many of the areas they stood this time, they havent stood before- so they were starting from scratch in the mechanics of standing for elections and comminuty campaigning- and a first time poll of 10-15% in that context isnt bad (say Northampton as good example).
Correct, the normalisation of voting BNP is now a fact in many areas, and they are also steadily putting in place the process to achieve this nationally - just look at the astonishing number of good competetive second places in wards where they're standing for only the 2nd or 3rd time, then add that to the ones you mention and i think the dynamic is pretty obvious.
torres said:
Correct, the normalisation of voting BNP is now a fact in many areas, and they are also steadily putting in place the process to achieve this nationally - just look at the astonishing number of good competetive second places in wards where they're standing for only the 2nd or 3rd time, then add that to the ones you mention and i think the dynamic is pretty obvious.

Agreed that it is the normalisation of voting bnp that is worrying. It used to something that people felt a bit ashamed of but not now.

Thats why I think that the traditional methods of fighting the extreme right that used to work when they were all meatheads isn't going to work now.
dash_two said:
'Binarism'? If you can give the Rubbish-to-English translation I'd be grateful.

You're far too thick to understand, any attempt to explain something as simple as binarism would be totally wasted on you.

Pity you dodged my question about your original post -eh. dash? Or should I call you Mr Lustbather? No, you don't spell that bad. :D
dash_two said:
A lot of gypsies in Britain used to depend on seasonal fruitpicking and other casual agricultural labour. From what I've heard and seen in East Anglia, they have been all but displaced from this kind of work as farm managers now favour East Europeans over gypsies.

Hardly anyone gives a damn about gyspies and we certainly won't be expecting sympathetic articles on their plight in the Daily Express. But this is a case of cheap labour from abroad having bad consequences for those who don't have many other options in the labour market.

By all means we should let new people come to Britain, but not when it leads to zero-sum competition for jobs or housing with those already living here. Otherwise you will have to accept a trade-off whereby we have historically high net levels of relatively unregulated immigration along with increasing anti-immigration sentiment.

East Europeans are not 'competing' for jobs, or housing. They do the shit jobs, on a temporary basis that no one else wants to do and are holed up in multiple occupancy, usually in the private rented sector, again on a temporary basis. I don't recognise what you are saying about gypsies?

There is no 'unregulared' immigration, even the illlegal variety is 'regulated' by the supply and demands of the black market.

Anti-immigration sentiments are not knew to these shores. pandering to it doesn't help matters any.

Anyway, I thought we we're talking about migrants here and not immigrants?
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