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    Lazy Llama

Griffin and BNP strategy

yes, this is by the ex marxist, proto blairite, martin jaques, so should be approached with caution, but words do speak for themselves.Certainly, Euro-fascism is on the rise

This was demonstrated by the manner in which the supporters of Gianni Alemanno, the new mayor of Rome, a man steeled in the fascist tradition, celebrated his victory in the Campidoglio with fascist salutes and cries of "Duce, Duce!", just as Mussolini was once acclaimed by his adherents. Or the way in which Berlusconi felt able to declare, in response to the victory, that "we are the new Falange" - the name given to the fascist party in Spain in the 1930s. Or the fact that Umberto Bossi, at the first session of parliament, threatened violence if the centre-left did not acquiesce in its plans for federalism. "I don't know what the left wants [but] we are ready," he told reporters. "If they want conflicts, I have 300,000 men always on hand."

both so called militant anti fascism ( antifa) and the ANL mark 2 strategy seem to have completly missed out on understanding euro fascism of which the BNP is a varient .. this fascism does not march on the streets or provocate .. it organises quietly in middle and working class communities and nowadays by email and internet .. to oppose this by militant anti fascism and festivals of predominantly middle class kids ( as vivky park was) simply does not work .. ..

tbh you would think that antifa people would note what ex RA/AFA people say ..

Who cares what Red Action say - O'sheash talks bollox:hmm::D

It's a strange view which orientates politics cos of what the fash do. There are many other and better starting points for our politics than that, for example - class struggles.

raw ssalc said;

The level of street violence against the left, anarchists, immigrants is increasing. There are no -go areas in Rome for opponents to fascists. Two days a go a squad of skinheads severely attacked some democratic Party activists whilst they were flyposting. The offices of the radical left party sinistra arcobeleno (disobedientti types) was firebombed in Naples last week. Social centres were also attacked, people beaten in the street who looked alternative, chineses migrants stabbed.

Don't underestimate the effect these elections are having on Italy. The new fascist mayor of rome plans to continue from the outgoing walter veltronis stance on Roma Gypsies by evicting the ALL out of Rome. Basically they will organise a pogrom in the next months against these people.

The communists have organised an emmergency meeting, where around 200 representatives turned up in Rome. What they propose? The same old lefty bollocks. The Autonomists are organising a nation-wide movement meeting this Sunday to discuss the situation. Lets see what they plan in response.

On a last note, when Forza Nuova Fascists opened up an office in Padova (aut op heartland) in 2006 - a cladestine cell of the autonomists planted a bomb in it and blew it up
Who cares what Red Action say - O'sheash talks bollox:hmm::D

It's a strange view which orientates politics cos of what the fash do. There are many other and better starting points for our politics than that, for example - class struggles.

raw ssalc said;

The level of street violence against the left, anarchists, immigrants is increasing. There are no -go areas in Rome for opponents to fascists. Two days a go a squad of skinheads severely attacked some democratic Party activists whilst they were flyposting. The offices of the radical left party sinistra arcobeleno (disobedientti types) was firebombed in Naples last week. Social centres were also attacked, people beaten in the street who looked alternative, chineses migrants stabbed.

Don't underestimate the effect these elections are having on Italy. The new fascist mayor of rome plans to continue from the outgoing walter veltronis stance on Roma Gypsies by evicting the ALL out of Rome. Basically they will organise a pogrom in the next months against these people.

The communists have organised an emmergency meeting, where around 200 representatives turned up in Rome. What they propose? The same old lefty bollocks. The Autonomists are organising a nation-wide movement meeting this Sunday to discuss the situation. Lets see what they plan in response.

On a last note, when Forza Nuova Fascists opened up an office in Padova (aut op heartland) in 2006 - a cladestine cell of the autonomists planted a bomb in it and blew it up

They get everywhere them autonomists.
Who cares what Red Action say - O'sheash talks bollox:hmm::D

It's a strange view which orientates politics cos of what the fash do. There are many other and better starting points for our politics than that, for example - class struggles.

it is unbelieveably ( maybe not) nieve of attica to dismiss those who ran militant anti-fascism from the early 8ts to the mid 9ts ... and your second comment is equally off mark
it is unbelieveably ( maybe not) nieve of attica to dismiss those who ran militant anti-fascism from the early 8ts to the mid 9ts ... and your second comment is equally off mark

That's b'cos they bashed the fash when they were out in the open (on a plate) and it didn't matter. The BNP were never gonna get power then cos the authoritarian right already had it.

Why then, do they abandon direct action JUST WHEN IT IT IS NEEDED in the new conditions with a Labour govt? When direct action is actually that little bit harder to do.

It does not make sense.
As you will know, Barnbrook elected to GLA on 5.3% vote

Disaster for antifascism and time to totally re-appraise tactics from the bottom up. We, the so called antifascist "experts" mucked up big time. We said- " this is how to stop the BNP"- and what we suggested did not work.
No Platform did not work
Raising turnout did not work
Banning them from Advertising did not work
Pinning the Nazi Label on them did not work
Exposing their convictions did not work
A Rock against Racism carnival did not work

I personally apologise for reading the GLA Election so very wrong,and disparaging those who cleqarly were closer to the ground for getting it right as to the mood in London.

It is time for other antifascists to apologise to the wider political community we purport to serve. Absolutely no sign of this from the space cadets at Searchlight and Lancaster UAF, who are posting almost cheery, upbeat statements, and cherry picking bad BNP results, using dodgy stats, to prove a non existant BNP Decline.

Time for sober, quet, contemplation. And Nick Knowles and Gerry Gables to find another job
As you will know, Barnbrook elected to GLA on 5.3% vote

Disaster for antifascism and time to totally re-appraise tactics from the bottom up. We, the so called antifascist "experts" mucked up big time. We said- " this is how to stop the BNP"- and what we suggested did not work.
No Platform did not work
Raising turnout did not work
Banning them from Advertising did not work
Pinning the Nazi Label on them did not work
Exposing their convictions did not work
A Rock against Racism carnival did not work

I personally apologise for reading the GLA Election so very wrong,and disparaging those who cleqarly were closer to the ground for getting it right as to the mood in London.

It is time for other antifascists to apologise to the wider political community we purport to serve. Absolutely no sign of this from the space cadets at Searchlight and Lancaster UAF, who are posting almost cheery, upbeat statements, and cherry picking bad BNP results, using dodgy stats, to prove a non existant BNP Decline.

Time for sober, quet, contemplation. And Nick Knowles and Gerry Gables to find another job

it is good you have the charecter to say this :)

bu there are positives .. millions did not vote at all let alone for the bnp .. and where good local campaigns were run they seem to have soem affect .. but fundamentally yes we need a re good reappraisel of what we do .. AS GRIFFIN DID .. politics must must must go back to the base ..imho only this will have any affcet on the bnp and wider politics
That's b'cos they bashed the fash when they were out in the open (on a plate) and it didn't matter. The BNP were never gonna get power then cos the authoritarian right already had it.

Why then, do they abandon direct action JUST WHEN IT IT IS NEEDED in the new conditions with a Labour govt? When direct action is actually that little bit harder to do.

It does not make sense.

sorry but you have entirely missed the point of why RA gave up anti fascism .. you clearly do not understand euro fascism and the change in tactics that led so such big votes in france austria etc and has led to the election of fascists in italy and no to the BNPs tactics here .. while you show such total ignorence of what uk fascism is in 2008 it is no wonder you have no idea how it can be stopped and balther about turing over tables in barnsley .. and ignoring how well the fasc then did in the election .. it is sad that you are not have the humility that jimpage has shown .. we desperatley need a bit of that
They'll need another 95 sigs of members in good standing to even be able to make the challenge. He'll have no chance as things are, even if he gets the required sigs. And if his teams tactical acumen consists of tricks like announcing this the day after they pick up a GLA seat then i don't think NG really has anything to worry about.
it is good you have the charecter to say this :)

Cheers, it is a day to be introspective and self critical I think. I hope the left as a whole thinks the same, that old tactics, based on this result, will not work any more. I dont know the solution any more, but feel that the leadership of most of the antifascist organisations need to fall on their swords as part of the solution. They misjudged , extremely badly, how to stop the BNP in London, and I for one went along with them, arrogantly slagging off fellow antifascists who diagreed with me.
sorry but you have entirely missed the point of why RA gave up anti fascism .. you clearly do not understand euro fascism and the change in tactics that led so such big votes in france austria etc and has led to the election of fascists in italy and no to the BNPs tactics here .. while you show such total ignorence of what uk fascism is in 2008 it is no wonder you have no idea how it can be stopped and balther about turing over tables in barnsley .. and ignoring how well the fasc then did in the election .. it is sad that you are not have the humility that jimpage has shown .. we desperatley need a bit of that

Don't talk BULL crap. Look I do know and I've read O'Haras analysis too, though not his entire PHD. I do not accept that they are theoretically correct. You are laughable when you say I do not know what UK fascism is, that's just RUBBISH.

I haven't blathered on at all - that's just chit chat about Barnsley, not a developed political position.

See Mayday issue 1 for that, and Mayday issue 2 will have several articles about Fascism 2008 (more than anybody else with perhaps the exception of Borderland) and that includes you cos you do not write for any magazines as far as I know.

You are ignoring their %% drop in the vote, it is going down year on year - it dropped last year and it has again. You need to read MAYDAY issue 2 for the analysis. RED ACTION/IWCA cannot and do not explain this drop, and MAYDAY will be the first mag to do so.:eek::hmm::D
sorry but you have entirely missed the point of why RA gave up anti fascism .. you clearly do not understand euro fascism and the change in tactics that led so such big votes in france austria etc and has led to the election of fascists in italy and no to the BNPs tactics here .. while you show such total ignorence of what uk fascism is in 2008 it is no wonder you have no idea how it can be stopped and balther about turing over tables in barnsley .. and ignoring how well the fasc then did in the election .. it is sad that you are not have the humility that jimpage has shown .. we desperatley need a bit of that

Attica has from the beginning shown all the consistent inconsistency of a fifth rate fifth columnist.

That he isn't, dosen't in my opinion, make his contributions any more worthy of time or consideration.
Attica has from the beginning shown all the consistent inconsistency of a fifth rate fifth columnist.

That he isn't, dosen't in my opinion, make his contributions any more worthy of time or consideration.

You have always been a wanker -fuck off. You just haven't got the intellectual ability to write anything.:eek::D
Attica has from the beginning shown all the consistent inconsistency of a fifth rate fifth columnist.

That he isn't, dosen't in my opinion, make his contributions any more worthy of time or consideration.

have you read MAYDAY issue 1 yet Joe? It's time to put the old guard to bed or to the sword as Jim Page said:D
And if his teams tactical acumen consists of tricks like announcing this the day after they pick up a GLA seat then i don't think NG really has anything to worry about.

It's almost if the challenge was predicated on the BNP not achieving that particualar target, prompting another round of 'BNP in Crisis!' headlines but went ahead possibly by default anyway.
A ward in Sunderland - Redhill, saw 2 groups of nazis opposing each other in 2007;
BNP 585 votes
N9S - British First Party 78

In 2008, just the BNP;
BNP 517 votes.

SO - BNP vote down 11.62% in that ward alone!!

Combined fascist vote down by 146!!
BUT - st annes ward 2007;

N9S BFP - 257
BNP - 260

St Annes 2008;

BNP 415.

UP 155, and picking up easy votes off a different player, but still less than the combined total the year before for the fascists.
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