The KPD made mistakes. What party hasn't made mistakes? But 'shouting from the sidelines wasn't one of them'. It was the primary and only consistent, (physical and otherwise) opposition to the fascists from 1924 onwards. So to accuse them of spectating is a cowardly lie. It is cowardly for a multitude of reasons, not least that many rank and file communists died for the cause, but also because in finger-pointing at the inadequacies of the KPD, the wretched and much bigger SPD are left off the hook almost entirely.
Paul Foot was a repeat offender in this regard, even employing his column in The Guardian to vilify anti-fascist militants. Bambery was another who distinguished himself in this regard.
Odd isn't it that even now Trots still prefer the company of the political sponsors of the Free Corps (nazis fore-runners in many respects) to the working class revolutionaries of the KPD?
Then again when you think of their own record of sleazy collusion not that odd after all.
fair point about the KPD. Shouting from the sidelines was more in reference to my point the other day about anarchists in Seattle, and on here. So in correction I should have said the KPD made a similar mistake to this.
It was similar, in that they sought to act as a minority of pure revolutionaries, rather than uniting with the majority SDP
workers. I underline workers because it is them Revolutionaries have to unite with imo, not the SDP leadership, to create a MASS direct action.
No it is not odd. Even though it was the SDP who sent in the soldiers to put the rifle butt through Rosa Luxemburg's head, the SDP
workers were the majority of the working class, and the emancipation of the working class has to be the act of these people, and revolutionaries have to stand with them to win them to revolution imo.
Referring to these
workers as social fascist, ghettoised the KPD from the vast bulk of the working class. It's like the call for revolutionary unions, where all the workers with the most revolutionary ideas about transforming society join this fantastic union, leaving the vast bulk of 'capitalist workers'to be influenced by the the 'reformists'.
so the SDP/reformist leadership 'collusion', is only a means to an end, uniting with the vast bulk of 'capitalist workers' to produce mass antifascist action By the working class for the working class, rather than a self-selected minority carrying out anti-fascism on behalf of the 'capitalist workers' imo.
In short Joe, I can see your point, but I do not agree with you that a minority can substitute for the majority, which is what the KPD/AFA were doing IMO.