Joe Reilly - Sound analysis, by and large, paras 2 & 3 hit the target in particular. I'd only quibble slightly with your comments re. Sarkozy and Berlusconi - Mr Bruni has been playing with the racist lot in France for many years - remember the Sangatte farrago between us and France, where Sarkozy basically said "Get rid of these immigrants to the UK, they're not welcome here"? And Berlusconi has been more than happy to cohabit with racist and fascist parties in his various coalitions over the years, and allowed them to influence immigration policy and rhetoric for a long while - first anti-Albanian (post-Kosovo war), then anti-African, and then anti-Romany. As for Disco Dave, he's simply following in the footsteps already laid by Blunkett, Hodge, Brown et al - "New" Labour have a hell of a lot to answer for too on this front.
And here's a thing - tonight Richard Edmonds has decided to challenge Griffin for leadership of the BNP - it's been confirmed by reliable (ie non-Searchlight) sources. The question is, why challenge now, with important elections coming up in a week's time? Hardly conducive to party unity, for starters. What is Edmonds motivation, I wonder? Theories: He's been "turned" by the State; he's embittered about being sidelined in the BNP; he's been influenced by disaffected ex-members/current members to stand; he genuinely believes he is the true voice of the BNP.....two things stand out to me: the BNP's constitution currently makes it very difficult for any challenger to stand, and even if they do, Griffin still holds enough clout in the party to win any election. And more damningly for Edmonds, if anyone in the BNP can be called an unreformed fascist, it's him. Number 2 to John Tyndall in the 80's and 90's, and a virulent racist and anti-Semite (arguably the UK's no.1 Holocaust denier), Edmonds is a throwback to the times where the BNP were the "party of power", using violence as a weapon. He may well carry affection with some rank-and-filers, but him being a leader? He'd make the BNP as popular as current-day NF. To me, his challenge will fail, no question, and he'll end up being expelled. So again, I ask the question, why now?