The BNP are by no means a dead party yet, but with their ongoing financial problems, defections of candidates and activists to the English Democrats, and Nick Griffin's chairmanship increasingly being seen as toxic by the rank and file (and not just by disgruntled "faces"), they'd need to pull something pretty big election-wise out of the bag to halt their continued decline. There's rather a lot of sympathy for the EDL by many rank & file BNP-ers (going against Griffin's official proscription of them for being a "Zionist" front group) - take a look at the postings on the EDL by pro BNP-ers on the British Democracy Forum as an example, and you'd think that the BNP would have in fact worked to court the EDL vote - after all, there's enough ex-BNP involved in the EDL top table for Griffin and co to get chatty with. Maybe one of the reasons for this is the EDL leaders not wanting to throw their lot in with the racists and fascists of the BNP, thus making their "cause" look openly racist too to the general public?
Certainly Clive Jefferson's running of the BNP's campaign has been very flawed, to say the least - I can't find accurate figures for the amount of candidates the BNP are standing in May (the BNP themselves don't seem to be advertising this - wonder why?), but it looks to be around the 250 mark - this covers the English local elections and the NI elections; I haven't been able to find the number of candidates standing in the Scottish and Welsh assembly elections. That would be less than the 744 they stood in 2007, and even less than in 2002. Still a substasntial number by any means, but certainly quite a significant decrease too.
It's hard to see under what policies/stances the BNP will be fighting under for these elections - they don't seem to have addressed the current cuts situation (surely no.1 as a topic for their potential audience at the moment?), and as butchersapron says, the EDL are currently running with the anti-Islam ball, so what does that leave then - their "Bring The Boys Back Home" campaign? Bashing the EU? (How active/effective are Messrs Griffin and Brons? Does the man/woman on the street even know they're Euro MPs?) Calls for "British First" in jobs, housing, welfare etc (Probably their biggest draw for the potential voter)? In 2002, they could lay claim to being the "radical" nationalist alternative to the mainstream parties - whither the BNP now on this score?