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Griffin and BNP strategy

You live in your own little dreamworld, don't you? :D

BTW, I don't have any authority, and don't pretend to (I speak for no-one but myself, whereas you're forever speaking for "most people", aren't you?), so don't try and pull that petty shite, there's a good boy.

Still not found a single example then?
Destructive actions? I'd love to destroy most of the fekking irrelevant so called London 'anarchists' who do nothing useful, who create no realistic political alliances and so on. Instead they are fetishistically clinging onto an ultra left version of politics of purity - they will always be fekking useless. It fills me with no joy to say this, but having been there and done it, seen what they are like and so on those are the conclusions I have come too. They have no way of being with people other than anarchists, and that is one of the reasons why the anarchist movement has shed so many good people who move on.

Ultra left is easy to understand, it is those who eschew work in united and or popular fronts, who are critical of charities without any alternative, who are critical of Trade Unions without a mass membership organisation, who generally can't work with other groups of civil society who are not anarchist. That is what the anarchists are like, that is why they have fallen out with me cos I have called it as it really is.

That bizarre rationalisation about the genuineness of my conclusions is just pure rubbish. The logic, framework and descriptions of my theoretical and evidence gathering approaches are clear. That you do not critisize them and come up with baseless generalisations says that it is YOUR conclusions that are suspect. If you were genuine you would critisise the arguments themselves not the person saying it. Politics not people should ALWAYS be the starting point for political debate.

So if your "ultra left" label accords to the definition you give above, how is it you use it on people who don't conform to your own definition?

You're a clever lad, I'm sure you can backwards engineer a definition that more closely matches the actual spectrum of people you attach the label to if you put your mind to it.
1st that doesn't make thise any clearer
Speaking for myself, I think you're seeing anarchism and a state of anarchy (not quite the same thing) as a political platform with specific pre-established goals. It's more amorphous than that because it isn't about having a political class to manage a state, it's about (IMO) living for ourselves and each other without recourse to those sorts of structures, finding solutions to issues on an ad hoc basis, and involving the community in formulating those solutions.
Okay, so not everyone gets their ideas used, but everyone gets an open say, untrammelled by party lines and party discipline, and without the baggage of some over-arching pre-codified ideology "setting the course" for any solutions.
what we're aiming for though is a classless society. in achieving that how does your ""Anarchy" is an ongoing state" differ from my " The means and the ends are the same thing. The only way to create anarchy in the future, is to be anarchy in the present. " Am I mirepresenting you?:confused:

Only, I think, on scale. You still seem to have the idea of a homogeneous "movement" that doesn't really reflect reality (which is that if you have two anarchists in the room, you'll soon have three different arguments starting about which dead old guy had the best take on things :)).
A) So if your "ultra left" label accords to the definition you give above, how is it you use it on people who don't conform to your own definition?

B) You're a clever lad, I'm sure you can backwards engineer a definition that more closely matches the actual spectrum of people you attach the label to if you put your mind to it.

A) I was not aware that i had, who are you talking about?

B) There is no need for B because A has not happened as far as I am aware. If i have used it mistakenly I will admit it, but as far as I know I have used it appropriately.
Destructive actions? I'd love to destroy most of the fekking irrelevant so called London 'anarchists' who do nothing useful, who create no realistic political alliances and so on. Instead they are fetishistically clinging onto an ultra left version of politics of purity - they will always be fekking useless. It fills me with no joy to say this, but having been there and done it, seen what they are like and so on those are the conclusions I have come too. They have no way of being with people other than anarchists, and that is one of the reasons why the anarchist movement has shed so many good people who move on.

Do you count your older self as one of the fekking irrelevant or not?
As I said a couple of pages ago, I'm not looking. Did you miss that oft-repeated point in your self-righteous indignation? :facepalm:

To be fair, it's pretty reasonable to ask you to post the evidence of someone lying in a post. Afterall, it may make others think you're the one doing the lying here?
To be fair, it's pretty reasonable to ask you to post the evidence of someone lying in a post.
It might be if I hadn't made it clear that I wasn't going to trawl through six years of his shit to find specific posts before he started pulling his "wounded pride" schtick.
Afterall, it may make others think you're the one doing the lying here?
Perhaps, but frankly I'm not that arsed. If I had a history of mendacity I might be worried, but I don't.
A) I was not aware that i had, who are you talking about?
Mr. O'Hara, for example, he doesn't fit your definition (except perhaps in your own imagination).
B) There is no need for B because A has not happened as far as I am aware. If i have used it mistakenly I will admit it, but as far as I know I have used it appropriately.
And yet A) exists.
Perhaps it's the case that your label is your own version of an "enemy of the state" label, where anyone who you argue with is discursively transformed into a state of membership of this "ultra-left", where "ultra-left" encompasses whatever you, and only you, want it to, rather than a rational category of political ideology.
Speaking for myself, I think you're seeing anarchism and a state of anarchy (not quite the same thing) as a political platform with specific pre-established goals. It's more amorphous than that because it isn't about having a political class to manage a state, it's about (IMO) living for ourselves and each other without recourse to those sorts of structures, finding solutions to issues on an ad hoc basis, and involving the community in formulating those solutions.
Okay, so not everyone gets their ideas used, but everyone gets an open say, untrammelled by party lines and party discipline, and without the baggage of some over-arching pre-codified ideology "setting the course" for any solutions.

Only, I think, on scale. You still seem to have the idea of a homogeneous "movement" that doesn't really reflect reality (which is that if you have two anarchists in the room, you'll soon have three different arguments starting about which dead old guy had the best take on things :)).
you know, you are the only anarchist on here, who can actually talk about what you think. Every single one I have come across, define them self, by what they are against, rather than what they are for.

I think you are presuming too much about what I think. I totally understand what you're saying there.
I don't personally believe you need such "purity". I'd argue that a good example set before people tends to take on a momentum of its own. This is what happened in the '70s with the NF. It wasn't just the marches and protests that did the job, it was people from one estate or road or close getting together to fuck the Nazis off, and folks on other estates etc realising "we don't have to put up with that shit either, lets do what those folk down the road did", and gradually you had an informal network, where people would phone each other if the slugs were canvassing locally, so a welcome party could be arranged. It doesn't have to be primarily about doctrine or dogma, let alone about a revolutionary vanguard!
the funny thing is, the swp eulogise about this also.

So getting back to the topic, when you say "give up anti-fascism", you would also rule out the above? For some reason like it's no longer possible?

ps, I don't mind you correcting my wording, it often helps to clarify what you're saying, but if you stop trying to second guess me, and realise my interest is purely non partisan, academic, it will be more interesting.

I did explain when I first came on 7 years ago, my interest in the rest of the left, was a bit like watching the discovery channel. Sure I am sw, and probably always will be (regardless of whether SW remains SW), but that doesn't mean that the rest of the left cannot pique my genuine interest. That it has taken seven years to get an answer on contradictory levels of consciousness, comes from his inability to chill imo. It is not as if an Internet forum is of any consequence.
you know, you are the only anarchist on here, who can actually talk about what you think. Every single one I have come across, define them self, by what they are against, rather than what they are for.
I don't actually see anything intrinsically wrong with any ideologically-motivated person defining themselves by what they're against (in fact it's what most politicians seem to do!), but it doesn't present a "holistic" picture, does it?
I think you are presuming too much about what I think. I totally understand what you're saying there. the funny thing is, the swp eulogise about this also.
But from a slightly different perspective. From what I remember of what I heard and read, the swp have always maintained an emphasis on what I'd call "ultimate control", in that they lionise revolutionary activity on the one hand, but want to harness it to their own ends on the other, whereas the empowerment of communities and the individuals in their communities is more usually the end for anarchism, unless you have (as some anarchists do) a programme and a platform for further and or wider political action.
So getting back to the topic, when you say "give up anti-fascism", you would also rule out the above? For some reason like it's no longer possible?
I haven't said "give up anti-fascism", so much as I've said "seek effective measures, not symbolic ones". If we leave in place the causes of hard-right resurgence (i.e. by voting for the existing neo-liberal political parties), then while we may temporarily roll the hard-right itself back, we leave in place the structural factors that have militated towards that resurgence.
To put it simply: By adopting a strategy that displaces the BNP rather than seeking to eliminate the causes of their rise, we grant permission to them to come back and have another go, and by doing so, a message gets sent to people who otherwise might have fucked the BNP off that "nobody gives a shit, or they'd have got rid of this shower ages ago".

I don't like seeing the BNP given leeway to legitimate their shit-house brand of politics, but that seems to be the way things are going unless decisions are made to challenge them on the basis of their politics, rather than on the basis of the personal histories of their candidates, with a little bit of politics thrown in.
ps, I don't mind you correcting my wording, it often helps to clarify what you're saying, but if you stop trying to second guess me, and realise my interest is purely non partisan, academic, it will be more interesting.
But, but..it's so much fun to tease swappies and second guess them!!
You wouldn't deprive me of my fun, would you? :(

I did explain when I first came on 7 years ago, my interest in the rest of the left, was a bit like watching the discovery channel. Sure I am sw, and probably always will be (regardless of whether SW remains SW), but that doesn't mean that the rest of the left cannot pique my genuine interest. That it has taken seven years to get an answer on contradictory levels of consciousness, comes from his inability to chill imo. It is not as if an Internet forum is of any consequence.
It's as good a forum as anywhere to exchange views, and for people like us with difficulty getting around, more accessible than some physical venues.
Mr. O'Hara, for example, he doesn't fit your definition (except perhaps in your own imagination).

And yet A) exists.
Perhaps it's the case that your label is your own version of an "enemy of the state" label, where anyone who you argue with is discursively transformed into a state of membership of this "ultra-left", where "ultra-left" encompasses whatever you, and only you, want it to, rather than a rational category of political ideology.

That's because you have joined the Lizards.

A) exists does it? Well cop this, when I describe something somebody has said as Ultra left, it does not automatically mean every inch of their being is Ultra left. What it does mean is that this particular aspect of their thought is ultra left.

You know, or you should be aware of my analysis, that says there is no b/w model. You are not either TOTALLY ultra left or totally not ultra left. Instead there is a continuum, ranging from totally ultra left at one end, to the opposite at the other end (in short a leftism, or anarchism if you prefer, that is pluralistic and totally open).

Those around here are certainly towards the ultra leftist end of the spectrum, of that I am in no doubt and I do not think 'rational political debate' could think any other way. The outside and against the Labour movement position IS ultra leftist, and that includes political formulations and strategy that thinks 'we have to be pure', 'we have to start again' etc....

Evidence of larrys ultra leftism is where he uses the politics of the playground and uses his 'trump card' and says "tag, you're state". Its pathetic ultra leftism and if you can't see that you're blind or do not want to see. Here's the "tag, you're state" post, the last line http://www.urban75.net/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=10367923&postcount=2980

Independent thought is not allowed UNLESS it conforms to ultra leftism, and I know, and everybody should, that that is the road to nowhere.
That's because you have joined the Lizards.

A) blah blah blah...

TBH earlier:


'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone,' it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.'

Shame he doesn't have a bit more of this sort of self awareness:


'...it is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.'

Louis MacNeice
Nothing important- just interesting for a comment i've quoted below:

University College School's mock election ‘goes too far’

ONE of the country’s best-regarded private schools has found itself under fire for allowing a British National Party (BNP) candidate to stand in mock general elections this week.

The 17-year-old candidate came second in the pretend elections at University College School in Frognal, Hampstead, on Tuesday but insisted he had only done it to “mock” the party.

blah blah etc

But this, this is genius:

One recent student criticised the BNP’s inclusion and said it had no place in a school founded on the principles of a radical 18th-century thinker.

He said: “It’s amazing that a school that was founded on the Liberal ideals of Jeremy Bentham allows a racist and fascist party to stand."
University College School's mock election ‘goes too far’

Also interesting because not even a desperate local rag would be likely to cover the story if any other small or medium party had a candidate. "BNP = News" once again, though you might have a go at me for daring to point it out.
Metro had an interview with Nick Clegg about 10 days ago. The front page reference and about 1/2 the article were given over to his opinion on the BNP. You can bet your arse he had other things to say and wouldn't have dwelt on a much smaller party for an amount of time proportionate to coverage. But what Cleggie thinks and says doesnt count as much as a chance to mention every rag's favourite anti-heros.
University College School's mock election ‘goes too far’

Also interesting because not even a desperate local rag would be likely to cover the story if any other small or medium party had a candidate. "BNP = News" once again, though you might have a go at me for daring to point it out.

Dare away my brave warrior boy.
Butcher's: You have never appeared to accept my premise that the fascist party gets disproportionate coverage for their size. Could you outline why that is?

btw: I don't post here on behalf of a party any more than you do. As I've said before, it would be a sad and ineffectual thing to do and I would probably be a lot more considered.
Another instance: a couple of months ago the Manchester Evening News ran about 3/4 page on the selection of a fascist candidate to run against Blears in Salford, with a nice big photo. No candidate for any other seat or party has had such a big article since. They are presumably not hate-fuelled enough to qualify as "news"
Another instance: a couple of months ago the Manchester Evening News ran about 3/4 page on the selection of a fascist candidate to run against Blears in Salford, with a nice big photo. No candidate for any other seat or party has had such a big article since. They are presumably not hate-fuelled enough to qualify as "news"

Actually the MEN ran days and days of anti BNP articles during the last election mainly supplied by Searchlight.
Actually the MEN ran days and days of anti BNP articles during the last election mainly supplied by Searchlight.

Yes, and Oscar's law that being talked about is worse than not being talked about was, I think, suspended for those articles. They were pretty good.

But it still conforms to the theory: Fascism is news. Hate sells.
But "no such thing as bad publicity" seems to be suspended as well


I noticed Dominic Carmen was due to appear on the same programme as the one Griffin refused to appear on. Carman says he 'doesn't have a silver bullet, one specific piece of info so damaging to Nick Griffin that it would lose him all credibility, but Carmen does say the information he does claim to have can be presented in such a way it will make Griffin "uncomfortable".

The claim of a photo existing of Griffin giving a straight arm salute in Scotland not surfaced yet? Some dosh out there, if true, for the someone who has in the past claimed to have such a negative?

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