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going for a vaccine? look up your nhs number

Pickman's model

Starry Wisdom
got this email earlier, thought some of you might find it useful

Our Trust has just sent the following info:

There is now an online look-up system for finding your NHS number. Please share this with anybody going for vaccination – the vaccination centres can run most efficiently when people know their number. The link is:

i thought others might like to know about this service
I can tell you nothing about my NHS number though I know my hospital number off by heart.
When I went for my test I was asked for a name and date of birth (I Think) and was checked off on a list.
No mention was made of NHS number, but, I was invited as opposed to apply.
I know my national insurence number off by heart. No idea about my NHS number though. Probably have it on a letter somewhere :hmm:

Yes, I also know my NI number without looking it up - maybe i signed on the dole too often in my younger years...

I know my old NHS number (5 letters and 2 numbers) which I've got on a bit of cardboard that's nearly as old as I am. Not sure I've ever had to use it for anything, so not sure why I've committed it to memory (my memory works like that) but I think they have metricated it or something and it's a load of numbers now. I've probably got something with it on somewhere...
I just tried the website but it didn't offer me the email or text options. Only letter by post.

I think it depends on what they have in your GP's records. My GF had options of text or post only, I had all 3.

And having lived next door to someone who worked on the NHS IT system it wouldn't surprise me if even if the GP has your full details it doesn't always leach through. It was a right old mess.
I think it depends on what they have in your GP's records. My GF had options of text or post only, I had all 3.

And having lived next door to someone who worked on the NHS IT system it wouldn't surprise me if even if the GP has your full details it doesn't always leach through. It was a right old mess.

I haven't been to the doctor for a few years to be fair. I guess people who visit more often are more likely to have been asked for email or phone numbers.

Still at least i know how they will contact me when it gets round to my vaccine turn.
I know my old NHS number (5 letters and 2 numbers) which I've got on a bit of cardboard that's nearly as old as I am.

How many people of the relevant ;) generation still have that NHS-number card, I wonder? :confused:

I have, and I know exactly where it is :)

But as for all this bollocks about people knowing their NI number and NHS-card number off by heart, WTF?????? :eek: x 10,000!

Knowing how and where to look stuff up saves you all that memorising malarkey! :)
But as for all this bollocks about people knowing their NI number and NHS-card number off by heart, WTF?????? :eek: x 10,000!

Knowing how and where to look stuff up saves you all that memorising malarkey!

I don't have to try - my memory just works like that.

I tend to remember phone numbers and addresses down to the postcode

i tend to remember vehicle registration numbers without trying (i can remember some teachers' / neighbours' car registration numbers from the time i was at primary school and there's no reason why i would have intentionally committed them to memory)
Sorry, Puddy_Tat -- I wasn't intending to have a go at you, although I can see why it might have looked like I was :oops:

I think my (beer-addled! :thumbs: ) pondering just now was less about how people can memorise numbers to the extent you describe, than why ..... ??

Is being able to do that automatic for some people then? :confused:
Still got a couple of NHS cards but both with old addresses on (so both over 30 years old, and one dates back to the 1960s).

Also have my NI number memorised, however the days I could remember things like that are pretty much gone so for the NHS number I just carry the tear off bit of a filled prescription in my wallet.
I don't have to try - my memory just works like that.

I tend to remember phone numbers and addresses down to the postcode

i tend to remember vehicle registration numbers without trying (i can remember some teachers' / neighbours' car registration numbers from the time i was at primary school and there's no reason why i would have intentionally committed them to memory)

Yeah phone numbers that i learnt in pre-mobile days i can remember. More recent numbers i just store in my phone contacts so don't know them as well.

I know my credit and debit card numbers and bank account no and sort code off by heart though and my ni number and several passwords. But NHS no i don't know.
Sorry, @Puddy_Tat -- I wasn't intending to have a go at you, although I can see why it might have looked like I was :oops:

I think my (beer-addled! :thumbs: ) pondering just now was less about how people can memorise numbers to the extent you describe, than why ..... ??

Is being able to do that automatic for some people then?

no offence taken - didn't read it like that at all.

basically, different peoples' memories work in different ways, and i don't understand it all

if i read / see something, i tend to remember it. if i hear something, it's likely to go straight out the other earhole...
Unfortunately for my bank balance, I can easily remember all of my bank card details. It's not automatic, but only takes me about a minute of effort for a new card. I'm sure if I had to go and find my purse to get my card, I'd be distracted enough before doing so to at least prevent some of my purchases.

I've always known my NI number. Don't know my NHS number, but only because I haven't really needed to know it. I will learn it now!
Cheers pickmans. I dont know mine...but I know they have my middle name wrong which always irks me. I wonder if it means my death certificate will be in the wrong name.
I haven't been to the doctor for a few years to be fair. I guess people who visit more often are more likely to have been asked for email or phone numbers.
I wonder whether it might be to do with using online prescription services - you have to provide an e-mail and usually phone number, so the GP might have access to that. I don't remember whether I gave these to my GP directly, but could have done years ago.
Definitely worth giving your GP surgery a mobile number or email address if you're not sure they have one. Obviously it's organised in different ways depending on where you are, but all the important communication I've received since I signed up with my current GP practice has been by text.

The text I got inviting me to go for a jab contained a link to the appointment booking site. Not very useful on my unsmart Nokia 2600 but happily it gave the text of the link address which I could copy into a browser. Even if I couldn't have done that it would have alerted me to the need to contact the surgery.
How many people of the relevant ;) generation still have that NHS-number card, I wonder? :confused:

I have, and I know exactly where it is :)

But as for all this bollocks about people knowing their NI number and NHS-card number off by heart, WTF?????? :eek: x 10,000!

Knowing how and where to look stuff up saves you all that memorising malarkey! :)
The NHS number may be expired on those old cards.
I discovered when I got my ancient NHS card out that mine was defunct, and there is now a completely new numbering system.

May not be true in every case, but worth checking to make sure!
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