It's bound to be a fucking scorcher
Its bound to be a fucking scorcher
It's bound to be a fucking scorcher
Its bound to be a fucking scorcher
and now here's William with the weather
19sixtysix said:I may have to put this thread on ignore. My niece is getting married on friday of Glasto 2010 and so I can't go
that means you've only got 9 months or so to pick a fight, take umbridge and then disown her so you'd better get your skates on.
Why anyone would want to go to the disgrace Glastonbury has become is beyond me.
i swear it should be a gap year net year
Lord Camomile said:2006 was the last fallow year, so I think '11 should be the next one (every 5 years, right?)
2012 is the next one, what with the that thing in London and that...
Bob said:Glastonbury is not a sell out, it's what you make it... FACT
Why anyone would want to go to the disgrace Glastonbury has become is beyond me.
Still the best weekend of the year. Glasto number 10 for me so I'll be a proper veteran & everything. Tortlet Snr is coming along to find out what all the fuss is about too!
It'll be the last one I get for a long time as well so I'm going to try and make it.
When did you last, or ever, go then?
so, so many things are beyond you, to be fair
It'll be the last one I get for a long time as well so I'm going to try and make it.
First went 1995, last went the first year with the big fence, 2002 was it?
Old school then
First went 1995, last went the first year with the big fence, 2002 was it?
2002 is generally regarded as the worst Glastonbury, it had the fence but hadn't adjusted to the impact that would have, so it was all very sanitised. It's improved year on year since then
first year was around '91 been to most since.
2002 is generally regarded as the worst Glastonbury, it had the fence but hadn't adjusted to the impact that would have, so it was all very sanitised. It's improved year on year since then
Definitely spend more time away from the main stages and large it up in the smaller venues.
I went twice in the early 90's and have been the to the last two, its different but still rate it, I help a mate on a stall so there is the bonus of having fry ups and making are own cocktails. Definitely spend more time away from the main stages and large it up in the smaller venues. The only thing that slightly annoys is the sound of all nitros people at the stone circle, its not even proper drugs and has hardly any effect on me. Highlight last year was some old school looking people rig up a human catapult and launch water bombs at people sitting up there, twas prper medieval
If I get the same gig as last year, I'm in like Flynn
questions on the Info desk if you get confused about anything mind
BTW 1991 was a fallow year ......