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Glastonbury 2005

Will they be showing the football?

aqua said:
another thing for me lose then

*is tempted to spend the money going abroad*

That's not logical aqua. The Property Lockups are completely reliable (ask baldrick -- I think she's worked in one in past Glastos) and if you stick your passport** or driving licence in an envelope as soon as you've used it to get in, and deposit it in the Property Lockup straight off, first day, before you have a chance to start to get trashed (ie within half an hour of arrival :D ) then leave it there for the entire festie, then the chances of losing it are much minimised .... :)

**subject to confirmation that they'll be allowed as ID
I shall just take my driver's license and keep it in my wallet. Might come in handy if any bother with the fuzz while driving the minibus down there or back.

Citizencard must be loving this - if they get another 50,000 cards sold at £9 a go

(wild assumption as to proportion of peeps who might buy them as opposed to using drivers license or passport).

so in terms of travel strategy which is the best way to get there, car or train, and which are the best times to plan to travel there and leave to avoid the worst of the queues? also what's the worst traffic jams anyone's experienced getting in and out?
nightowl said:
also what's the worst traffic jams anyone's experienced getting in and out?

Never queued more than a few minutes to get in on the Wednesday. Waited 6 1/2 hours to get out in 2000 & don't even bother trying until early evening these days.
moose said:
6 points? :(
19 quid, apparently, for the licence. :mad:
The only thing I'd let you referee is a cider-drinking contest. :p

6 points - yup. Clean license for 22 years & I get done twice on the Grantham by-pass within 5 minutes!!! No amount of pleading letters about it surely being a single offence would cut the mustard. Just a warning that if I contested it I could end up with an even heftier penalty. Cunts! :mad:

£19???!!! Fuck it I'm taking my passport & be damned!

And I'm not refereeing any cider drinking contest unless I can officially pronounce myself the winner! :D
Tort said:
Never queued more than a few minutes to get in on the Wednesday. Waited 6 1/2 hours to get out in 2000 & don't even bother trying until early evening these days.

yup I had a nightmare in 2000 too. I was the closet I have ever been to fainting and the queue of traffic was moving so slowly that when our car all fell alseep and awoke an hour later the car infront only moved about 6ft!

and it took us a good seven hours to get out :(
Tort said:

Quote:- "Thanks to the Glastonbury Festival, you can now apply for a CitizenCard free of charge (normally they cost £9)."

Well, that's something anyway.

I looked on their main page and although it mentions Glastonbury on there, it does not (as of 1.29pm Wednesday) mention the freebie. Maybe they just haven't updated it yet.

The other thing that Citizencard have (maybe inadvertently) done, is to allow ANYONE AT ALL to apply for their card for free, instead of paying the 9 quid. I wonder if loads more people will apply than actually want, or get, Glasto tickets.

Get your free Citizen Cards here, folks!

Originally Posted by mdp on efestivals
Mods on TOS are now saying that it is the police who have strongly recommended that you do not bring your passport as ID - however it appears it will be allowed

The "mods" in question was in fact our very own Cheffy, so that's good enough for me!!! :D
mdp on efestivals said:
Mods on TOS are now saying that it is the police who have strongly recommended that you do not bring your passport as ID - however it appears it will be allowed

Tort said:
The "mods" in question was in fact our very own Cheffy, so that's good enough for me!!! :D

Cheers for that Tort, that's very reassuring -- I'm PM him later in any case.

Can I urge all Urban75 Glasto goers to BOYCOTT the 'Citizens Card' and use either driving licence or passport instead?

I've now realised (I think!) something I wasn't clear about before -- Glasto is asking people to apply for the Government Citizens card, and the Festival doesn't seem to be intending to introduce its own (am I right?).
This morning, I had thought that there were two types of 'Citizens Card' in the pipeline -- a Government one and a Glasto one.

I foresee problems with some Glasto goers (an ever increasing number of the 'old school; who will be further discouraged from going by this shit). People with 'No Fixed Identity' who have hitherto avoided getting ID'd up. This could be particularly problematical for Crew (a few of whom are still Travellers, ex Travellers, marginalised, countercultural people) -- unless a diferent system will apply for Crew passes with known people just being given crew passes with a less stringent ID required to work??

Well, for us punters, I say stay well clear of this prototype ID card and use your own, already existing ID instead.

You won't lose them -- the Property Lockups are there for keeping safe things safe from the clumzoidness of their drunken/munted owners ... :D
Can't be fussed trying to get into Fort Knox, sorry, Glastonbury this year. Looks like it's time to head for the Big Chill. Now, where did I put my picnic hamper and deckchair?
Be aware there won't be one in 2006, citrone ...

I'm going to quite a few other festivals myself this year (see my other thread) but I can't miss my eleventh Glasto ....

Beginning to wonder heretically whether it's worth all the hassle though :( :(

Fallow year (2006) will give me some thinking time, but no doubt I'll have such a good time this year anyway, that I won't be able to keep away ... especially after an enforced year off ....

But I wonder whether trying to get a job :eek: might be an option for 2007 ... it's not like I don't have contacts.

No litterpicking though :eek:
William of Walworth said:
You won't lose them -- the Property Lockups are there for keeping safe things safe from the clumzoidness of their drunken/munted owners ... :D
You just have to remember to get stuff out at the end of the weekend :o
William of Walworth said:
I've now realised (I think!) something I wasn't clear about before -- Glasto is asking people to apply for the Government Citizens card,

that's what I understood too - hence my suggestion that once the cards had been used to gain entry to the festival they should be burnt!
According to their own web site www.citizencard.com, Citizen Card is NOT the proposed government ID card.

It's a private, not-for-profit company backed by (among others):

* Association of Convenience Stores
* Camelot
* Experian
* Ladbrokes
* National Federation of Retail Newagents
* Somerfield
* Tobacco Manufacturers Association

So, since it's free, why should people have a problem with it. It does provided a low-cost but widely-accepted piece of photo ID, thus avoiding the need to either spend money on, or risk losing, passports, driving licenses etc etc.

Wolfie said:
that's what I understood too - hence my suggestion that once the cards had been used to gain entry to the festival they should be burnt!

But if you have one, you'll already be registered by then anyway, so burning it won't make a bit of difference :(

I might have to bite the bullet and get a photo driving license. I've been avoiding it for years. Better send it off now before the big rush for Glasto ID.

I agree with William. The Citizen Card is best avoided. It's a lead in to ID cards and they will use the fact that x amount of people already have the Cituzen Card as a reason to intorduce full ID cards for everyone.

Not happy that Eavis is supporting such a move :mad:
Wolfie said:
I don't think you'd enjoy it James - an awful lot of the people that attend .....

...take drugs! :eek:

a large proportion of them even drink coffee :eek:

you'd have to spend the whole weekend running around telling them to desist!

Perhaps that was in the bad old days according to that thoughtful link to efestivals. Apparantly this year all those dealers in mushrooms will be dealt with in an appropriate manner, and why not. They really should serve decent wine though.

With regard to all the id issues, why not have the chip/skin idea taken forward here? If it is good enough for Madrid VIP club goers why not embrace it? It would save a lot of hassle, certainly I would not want to go to a festival with a passport or driving licence. I might have it stolen by a yob.

The chip sounds practicle, it's only the size of a grain of rice and fits under the skin and is hardly noticeable.

What do you think William?
James Hangar said:
Perhaps that was in the bad old days according to that thoughtful link to efestivals. Apparantly this year all those dealers in mushrooms will be dealt with in an appropriate manner, and why not. They really should serve decent wine though.

With regard to all the id issues, why not have the chip/skin idea taken forward here? If it is good enough for Madrid VIP club goers why not embrace it? It would save a lot of hassle, certainly I would not want to go to a festival with a passport or driving licence. I might have it stolen by a yob.

The chip sounds practicle, it's only the size of a grain of rice and fits under the skin and is hardly noticeable.

What do you think William?

Getting a bit too obvious now mate
James Hangar said:
Perhaps that was in the bad old days according to that thoughtful link to efestivals. Apparantly this year all those dealers in mushrooms will be dealt with in an appropriate manner, and why not. They really should serve decent wine though.

With regard to all the id issues, why not have the chip/skin idea taken forward here? If it is good enough for Madrid VIP club goers why not embrace it? It would save a lot of hassle, certainly I would not want to go to a festival with a passport or driving licence. I might have it stolen by a yob.

The chip sounds practicle, it's only the size of a grain of rice and fits under the skin and is hardly noticeable.

What do you think William?

having trouble getting it up these days huh, ahh bless
Looks like the final bit of persuasion needed for me to get a replacement driving licence... a govt approved (and chaired by Baroness Llin Golding, formerly the Labour Member of Parliament for Newcastle-under-Lyme.) 'citizen card' to get into Glastonbury?! How things change! :eek:
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