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Gaza under attack yet again.

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I don't think you understand the importance of the Charter. It may have been written by a bunch of over-excited teenagers cowering in a basement, but it's the Founding Document.

Might as well suggest the US scrap the Constitution and adopt something that offers a workable government :D

And if Hamas did scrap it, a True Believer organisation would spring up within seconds...
Then they should amend it. Founding documents go out of date.
I have already apologised
But I shall do it again
I am sorry, I got the wrong end of the stick
I am sorry
Mea Maxima Culpa
Does that suffice?

Heh. You didn't have to apologise twice mate in fact there is no onus on you to even apologise once, though I appreciate it. I have only just returned to the thread having been doing some music and then going up the pub with a mate - so I only just got round to reading everything. :)
@HamdoDelic In the holy month of #Ramadan there is 1 God,1 Command, 1 World & 1 Demand

how does it "polarise" the muslim world? i thought it more likely to unite muslims. incidentally i heard there were a lot of xisn palestinians.

You are right. I should have used unify rather than polarise.

Regarding Christian Palestinians, they are a sizeable minority. They tend to live in specific neighbourhoods and towns. Up until now, there have been no problems between muslim and Christian practicing Palestinians. But the zionists are trying to change this by dividing the population. They have 'invited' the Christians to serve in the idf, have been quoted as saying that the Muslims cannot be part of the system etc.
The IDF released the findings of its investigation into the incident on Sunday morning. According to the inquiry, Palestinian militants opened fire from the area of the school, shooting morters and antitank missiles at Israeli forces. In response, the investigation reveals, the IDF decided to return fire with mortars.

According to the army, whose inquiry included investigations of the ground forces and video footage of the incident, “one of the mortars fell in the school’s courtyard whilst it was empty of people.”

“In light of the investigation’s findings, we have rejected claims of casualties in the school grounds as they were presented by various elements immediately after the incident took place,” the IDF Spokesman’s Unit announced Sunday morning. “The IDF regrets any harm to citizens who are not involved in the fighting but continually emphasizes that this occurs as a sad result of Hamas’ choice to use civilians as human shields.”

CHRISTOPHER GUNNESS: Well, we made the—we gave the GPS coordinates, the precise GPS coordinates of a U.N.-designated school—it had a blue U.N. flag on the top of it—to the Israeli army over a period of hours. We appealed to them, we begged them, we pleaded with them to allow a humanitarian pause, a window of opportunity, so that women, children, men, civilians, the sick, the elderly, babies, the dying could be let out of the conflict zone. We appealed desperately. We explained the situation at the school. But no answer came back that was positive. In the end, we could not do that civilian evacuation, and the consequences of that were absolutely tragic. The carnage, the pitiless carnage that you saw on your screens yesterday, was the result.

AMY GOODMAN: And the Israeli military saying that perhaps this was a Hamas rocket that hit the UNRWA shelter?

CHRISTOPHER GUNNESS: Well, Qassam rockets are notoriously inaccurate. So the idea that within a few minutes a group of Qassam rockets could hit roughly the same area seems beyond miraculous. But if that’s what the Israeli army and military spokesman and others, like Mr. Regev, were saying, that’s fine. But, you know, it’s perhaps useful to ask them why it is that weapons, when they fly into Israel, it’s said that they’re completely inaccurate; apparently they can all land in roughly the same space within a matter of minutes yesterday in Beit Hanoun. I think that needs some kind of unpacking.

Is Gunness the source that Mad Benny claims said there were Hamas rockets being hidden in a school or was that something else? He alludes to it in this video.

Gunness has had a proper slating on social media from around the world.

By Israel's apologists? I note he also tweeted this:

So the video I linked to of Nethanyahu is just him spouting his usual pack of lies then? Incidentally I just saw an ITV news report of that school strike. I think that's the fourth time I've now cried about all this.
Documenting death: the man who counts the bodies in Gaza

GAZA CITY (AFP) -- Inside Ashraf al-Qidra's cramped office in Shifa hospital, the phone never stops ringing, with news flooding in of the latest victims of Israel's devastating 20-day military operation.

With over 1,060 people killed and more than 6,000 wounded, counting the dead is a full-time occupation for the 41-year-old spokesman for Gaza's emergency services.

On the RTÉ Nine O’Clock News on Wednesday there was a segment by RTÉ’s Carole Coleman on the Gaza-Israel conflict, during which a woman in Gaza was on camera shouting.

As the woman is in the frame, Ms Coleman says in her report,

‘This Palestinian says she’s ready to strap on an explosive device and fight.’,

When in fact what this incredibly distressed Gazan woman was saying was;

"“Everyday four kids die, everyday five kids die, where is the world, where is the religion”.

RTE have responded.

"The voiceover on the report was not intended to be a direct translation. The reporter was paraphrasing the woman’s view – clearly stated in the information RTÉ received – that she was ready to resist the Israeli offensive. There was no attempt on RTÉ’s part to misconstrue the woman’s message or any intention to cause confusion. "

FUCK YOU RTE. That is not how news works.

That is the most craven bullshit non apology I've ever heard.

I'm going to hope that you didn't have a Arabic Speaker on standby to check the script against what was actually said by that woman in the provided video package (The video came from a 3rd party). Because if RTE did have someone who spoke Arabic and who understood what that woman saying; you must have intentionally twisted a grieving woman crying out for mercy into a terrorist, for no goddamn reason other than it fits your narrative for this story, and that is utterly despicable.

So I'll assume this was a mistake.

RTE, I don't mind that you dont have the resources to have a Gaza bureau. I don't mind that you don't have a Arabic speaker on staff to check the 3rd party feeds. I mind that you give that bullshit as a excuse for this fuckup.

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no idea how much good it will do fast but is the outrage and protesting a fair bit stronger around the world with this latest invasion / bombardment maybe and people that have not took an interest reading up etc ?
I know a few of my family & friends etc are finally taking notice and I have struggled to get them to understand what was going on or get them to care in the past so maybe it is a turning point - anyway thanks to all giving good information in this thread

some photos of world protests at this link

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Bit harsh on the poor Irish!
ooh boolocks
Mea culpa -see above
By way of excuse I am suffering from a well bad reaction to mozzie bites, arm and leg all swollen, I mean huge - and have pretty much overdosed on anti-histamines - slightly floating
Still no real excuse
Will read more carefully
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