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Gaza under attack yet again.

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@UrgentFromGaza: #Urgent from #Gaza| Artillery bombardment renewed along the eastern border of the #GazaStrip

@GazaYBO: Heavy artillery shelling on east of Al- Shujae'ya Now. What are they bombing exactly? nothing is left there.

@NabeelaZahir: Israeli army - resuming its raids on Gaza by land, sea and air - AFP

Apparently this spell 'Forgive Us at an anti war protest in Tel Aviv:


I'm not sure I could if this was done to the place I live by those asking my forgiveness:


That's Shejaiya taken today. That's extreme devastation isn't it? I just don't see how anyone can buy the 'we need to take out a few tunnels' line. That's a flat out attack on civilians, no more no less.

But the Israeli people protesting the attacks are qualitatively different from the Israeli state. They could perhaps do more than they are doing but given the brutal way anti-occupation protestors are treated in Israel, even little stunts like this are quite brave. Furthermore, for this occupation to end (and it will) Israeli's will need to turn on their govt on a significant scale.
TomUS post: 13297410 said:
They'll need to replace their government with a rational one.

Yeah, cos thats whats wrong with their govt. Its irrational. If people werent so silly and irrational we'd be fine eh?
Yeah, cos thats whats wrong with their govt. Its irrational. If people werent so silly and irrational we'd be fine eh?
It is rather irrational, from a long term point of view, to live in a state of semi constant war where you are entirely dependent on a big power to help you
Think of The Shah or perhaps Marcos
If the Yanks ever pull the plug Israel is surrounded by enemies by now
They will exact their revenge
But the Israeli people protesting the attacks are qualitatively different from the Israeli state. They could perhaps do more than they are doing but given the brutal way anti-occupation protestors are treated in Israel, even little stunts like this are quite brave. Furthermore, for this occupation to end (and it will) Israeli's will need to turn on their govt on a significant scale.

I think it's pretty bloody obvious from my comments in this thread that I'm aware that the Israeli people are 'qualitatively different from the Israeli state.' Every country's people are mostly in disagreement with the actions of their state. It is quite brave to do that little stunt I agree. Again, I still would find it difficult, for a long time at least if not necessarily for as long as I live, to just be 'Oh it's ok I know it's not YOU who's destroyed my home, murdered my children, left me destitute and have repeated the same actions over a forty year period, it's just your government.' It's difficult to think like that, at least at first, and personally I don't think anyone has the right to expect it either.
This is why the Israeli state would prefer to 'martyr' it's soldiers than see them taken...

Implementation of the Hannibal Directive comes on the heels of the freeing of Gilad Shalit after five years in captivity. The nation freed 1,000 Palestinian prisoners in order to release Shalit. Israeli hardliners screamed bloody murder about freeing murderers with blood on their hands. Some said it would have been better if Shalit had died rather than face this ignominy.

"In the past week I’ve seen and heard the popular statement “let the I.D.F. win” more and more frequently. It’s been posted on social media, spray-painted on walls, and chanted in demonstrations. Lots of young people are quoting it on Facebook, and they seem to think it’s a phrase that arose in response to the current military operation in Gaza. But I’m old enough to remember how it evolved: first formulated as a bumper sticker, and later turning into a mantra. Of course, this slogan is not addressed to Hamas or to the international community—it’s intended for Israelis, and it contains within it the twisted world view that has been guiding Israel for the past twelve years.

The first erroneous assumption it contains is that there are some people in Israel who are preventing the Army from winning. These supposed saboteurs could be me, my neighbor, or any other person who questions the premise and purpose of this war. All these weirdos, daring to ask questions or raise concerns regarding the conduct of our government, tying our military’s capable hands with nagging op-eds and defeatist calls for humanity and empathy, are allegedly the only thing separating the I.D.F. from a perfect victory.

The second, much more dangerous idea that this slogan contains is that the I.D.F. actually could win. “We’re prepared to receive all these missiles non-stop,” many southern-Israelis keep saying on the news, “as long as we can finish this, once and for all.”"
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