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Gaza under attack yet again.

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How do you mean? Morally certainly, but as I understand it Israeli public opinion is broadly behind the campaign.

That is why the country is in serious trouble, though. Bibi and his immediate predecessors have basically decided to bomb Gaza every two or three years as an alternative to having a better idea about what to do with it. His stance on Iran is (as frogwoman posted above) to make cartoons, utter threats and annoy his own allies. The likely opposition is even worse than he is.
That is why the country is in serious trouble, though. Bibi and his immediate predecessors have basically decided to bomb Gaza every two or three years as an alternative to having a better idea about what to do with it. His stance on Iran is (as frogwoman posted above) to make cartoons, utter threats and annoy his own allies. The likely opposition is even worse than he is.
Yes I agree Israel has done this before, but still American money flows in, and arguably Iron Dome works, sure Israelis have warning sirens and must run to their shelters, but Hamas rockets are window dressing compared with the military Israel has on hand and not likely to force Israel to the negotiating table.

I wonder about Hamas's charter. Would Hamas get more international sympathy, and an easier route to the negotiating table if they removed their aim of destroying Israel? A lot of pro Israel commentators (especially Americans) use Hamas's charter as a reason to discount them entirely.


Haha just watched it again. 'Anybody can read them, they're online' - oooh they're online, Benny?

I think the funniest bit, a bit I didn't notice before, is when he actually draws the line and all you can hear in the entire general assembly is the poetic sound of the squeaking pen as Benny drags it across his visual aid, that sound is most apt :D. I think the only thing missing is him wearing a silly hat and a cuckoo clock above him complete with a boing sound.
Hahaha watch it several times you notice more stuff. Like when he says 'BEFORE' and then taps the diagram to emphasise the point :D. It's fucking funny but fucking terrifying at the same time!
Yes I agree Israel has done this before, but still American money flows in, and arguably Iron Dome works, sure Israelis have warning sirens and must run to their shelters, but Hamas rockets are window dressing compared with the military Israel has on hand and not likely to force Israel to the negotiating table.

The point is though that Bibi is Prime Minister at a time that should be a golden one for the state of Israel - no regional enemies worthy of the name, an alliance with the worlds only superpower, domestic peace, economic security and growth and the potential for real diplomatic gains in the future. Instead he is engaged in bombing the worlds largest prison, in the full knowledge that bombing it will not work at resolving the problem, and that he will probably be having it bombed again by around 2017 or so.

That he cannot get out of a situation that is relatively simple would suggest that he wouldnt do that well if he was ever faced with a real emergency.
The point is though that Bibi is Prime Minister at a time that should be a golden one for the state of Israel - no regional enemies worthy of the name, an alliance with the worlds only superpower, domestic peace, economic security and growth and the potential for real diplomatic gains in the future. Instead he is engaged in bombing the worlds largest prison, in the full knowledge that bombing it will not work at resolving the problem, and that he will probably be having it bombed again by around 2017 or so.
I think you underestimate the effect of Hamas rockets. Sure they are not killing Israel's civilians, or not more than a few, but they are disrupting life and, as seen, can disrupt Tel Aviv Airport. Further they are costing millions because Iron Dome is not cheap. Plus the tunnels are an issue. I can see he felt he had to do something, but attacking Gaza was only one of the options available, he could have negotiated with Hamas looking for a peaceful solution if that was really an aim.
That he cannot get out of a situation that is relatively simple would suggest that he wouldnt do that well if he was ever faced with a real emergency.
Israel is not overly bothered about world opinion
Equally it is not overly bothered that its actions make some nutters feel that it gives them the excuse to attack Jewish people - there may even be some in the mad administration that feel its a good thing as it will force many to considering emigrating to Israel - I only think this is remotely possible because of the cynical and ruthless way this current regime has used the murder of three kids as an excuse to start a war
Provided they keep the Yanks on side, any demonstration, boycott of goods, letters of complaint,etc will have no effect
Perhaps if Bibi was forced to gargle with goat piss every time he spouted his lies it might slow the rate of tosh down, but even then, only a little
The Yanks
The target for ire must be the USA
They are the only ones that matter here
I think you underestimate the effect of Hamas rockets. Sure they are not killing Israel's civilians, or not more than a few, but they are disrupting life and, as seen, can disrupt Tel Aviv Airport. Further they are costing millions because Iron Dome is not cheap. Plus the tunnels are an issue. I can see he felt he had to do something, but attacking Gaza was only one of the options available, he could have negotiated with Hamas looking for a peaceful solution if that was really an aim.
Bizarrely as did the IRA bombing campaign on the mainland here
Cant recall bits of Derry being sealed off and shelled- do you?
page and link now deleted

FFS, Jewish people targeted on FB and ten guys attacked one of their homes, where is the French left, anarchists, there were plenty around when I was there for the ESF's. The assault on one of those listed took place on Thursday night in Bobigny, Seine-Saint-Denis, a Paris suburb. The assailants were armed with iron bars.

Bobeigny, ironically is a communist stronghold, its where the Paris European Social Forum was held.

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The paper or the issue?, I didn't even notice its identity, but anyway I will post anything I want to, I don't support the attacks on gaza, but aren't you concerned about these attacks?

anyway, maybe i'll start a thread on these attacks and see what the response is,
The paper or the issue?, I didn't even notice its identity, but anyway I will post anything I want to, I don't support the attacks on gaza, but aren't you concerned about these attacks?

Yeah because not only are they clearly anti semitic attacks, which is bad enough on its own, it's also another justification that Israel will use for its crimes.
Yeah because not only are they clearly anti semitic attacks, which is bad enough on its own, it's also another justification that Israel will use for its crimes.
Listen to BiBi
He does not need what happens anywhere as a excuse
He makes up his own as he goes or better still, creates them
I am partially (50 to 60%) of the mind that the two Palestinian boys who were shot on Nakba day were a deliberate provocation that Bibi has controlled to suit his own purposes
Apparently this spell 'Forgive Us' at an anti war protest in Tel Aviv:


I'm not sure I could if this was done to the place I live by those asking my forgiveness:


That's Shejaiya taken today. That's extreme devastation isn't it? I just don't see how anyone can buy the 'we need to take out a few tunnels' line. That's a flat out attack on civilians, no more no less.
Listen to BiBi
He does not need what happens anywhere as a excuse
He makes up his own as he goes or better still, creates them
I am partially (50 to 60%) of the mind that the two Palestinian boys who were shot on Nakba day were a deliberate provocation that Bibi has controlled to suit his own purposes

Not familiar with how hasbara works then?
yes but I was referencing the actions of the State
The social media front is full of tosh which, however unpleasant, is unlikely to phase the hard nosed or indifferent politicos

Hasbara IS the actions of the state. You know the social media stuff is tosh, I know it's tosh and so do most people on this thread. Bibi does indeed care about what the world thinks, well what America thinks, hence the constant bombardment of horse shit. Why else would they actually pay students to tweet positive slogans about Israel? This sort of horse shit needs to be swallowed in America, and it is, because if Israel starts to lose the support of American Zionists, and there are signs that it is, then the project is in serious shit.
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