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Gaza under attack yet again.

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So, go in tanks and APCs

APCs are generally armoured against infantry attack. You'd need to gamble that the Gazans don't have access to any RPGs or man-portable minor artillery, because if they did, they'd be peeling open your APCs like tins of sardines - a great way to take out 10 or a dozen IDF personnel or more at a time, for very little cost.

Shells don't destroy the rockets.
They're not meant to. The rockets are an excuse to raze infrastructure.

I can quite see that 1) the IDF don't want any casualties so shelling from a distance is preferable to close combat, but their stated objectives for this invasion was to destroy the tunnels and the missiles, you can't destroy the rockets without getting close and personal. (imho) Of course an IDF soldier's life is worth hundreds of Palestinian lives, hence shelling from a distance!

Well, quite![/quote]
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Yes. You are genetically more important than me. But only on this issue. #LPLogic
Is the state of Israel any more likely to listen to me than to anyone else? I suppose there is a point in that the edifice of zionist propaganda and tourism is largely directed at Jews rather than non Jews but there are still non Jews going to work on kibbutzes etc aren't there?
Is the state of Israel any more likely to listen to me than to anyone else? I suppose there is a point in that the edifice of zionist propaganda and tourism is largely directed at Jews rather than non Jews but there are still non Jews going to work on kibbutzes etc aren't there?

Less quite possibly, they'll just drag out the old "self-hating Jew" shtick. However outside Israel and the Jewish Community, yes, your opinion carries more weight.
Is the state of Israel any more likely to listen to me than to anyone else? I suppose there is a point in that the edifice of zionist propaganda and tourism is largely directed at Jews rather than non Jews but there are still non Jews going to work on kibbutzes etc aren't there?

I don't know actually, are there? I'm not sure if that's still a fashionable gap yah thing.


Pinpoint attacks
Which pic has been pinpointed, which has been carpet bombed?

Unfortunately, Joe and Josephine Public don't tend to appreciate that in a built-up area, you don't have to be hit by a "pinpoint" bomb (usually one hitting a "painted" target) to suffer, because if you're within the blast radius and your home is built to normal standards, it'll be destroyed or damaged by the pressure wave from the blast, regardless of not being damaged by the primary explosion.
I don't understand how the death toll is so low, I know that's a terrible thing to say. I have thought that on previous occasions too. :(

Because Gazans are well-aware that when the IDF start bombing and/or shelling, the best place to be is uunder cover or on the move.
Is the state of Israel any more likely to listen to me than to anyone else? I suppose there is a point in that the edifice of zionist propaganda and tourism is largely directed at Jews rather than non Jews but there are still non Jews going to work on kibbutzes etc aren't there?
Maybe not to you in particular but I think broadly the attitudes of Jews to the actions of the Jewish state, both in Israel and abroad (particularly the US), do carry that much more significance. Without support from the majority Jewish public the policies would never stand.
Yesterday's Bild had a front-page story headed "Nie Wider Juden Hass", i.e. "never again hate of Jews". This was accompanied by quotes from the German great and good, from The Merk herself on down, lashing anti-semitism.

Can't be a bad thing, if we're seeing stuff like this:


Except that that International Business Times is apparently owned and operated by a bizarre Moonies-style cult:

Good turnout at the London march - possibly slightly fewer than last Saturday but still massive and enthusiastic.

It's a better idea to march from the embassy to parliament rather than the other way around, because marching through kensington is hot and boring and if that's near the end you risk people ducking out before reaching the destination. Also, of course, parliament square is a way better place to finish than the middle of a street. A lot of people just left straight away last week whereas at least in parliament square you can have a sit down and eat a sandwich.
More on the apparently real anti-semitic currents in the latest German protests here:


In Berlin, prosecutors began legal proceedings on Thursday against Danish citizen Abu Bilal Ismail, an imam from a mosque in Copenhagen, who prayed for the death of Jews during a speech at a mosque in the Neukölln district last week.

CDU parliamentarian Burkard Dregger filed a complaint of incitement against Ismail with the city police. "Such people who call for violence are not welcome in our country," the politician told the Berliner Zeitung.

The mayor of Neukölln, Heinz Buschkowsky, said there was only one adequate response to the actions of the imam: "[Send him] back across the border with a ban on re-entering the country," he said.

Buschkowsky is himself a nasty bigoted prick, who has been quite happy to pander to racism and xenophobia when it suits him.
The BBC have not been bad about reporting the protests, though their coverage of the events that caused the protests may sometimes leave something to be desired. It's not like austerity protests.
Nope - any Jewish person who doesn't toe the line is a hated 'leftist'.

The Western media should report more on Israeli domestic politics. It would help the public to understand the sheer fanaticism that leads people to bringing popcorn to watch bombings.
The western media should definitely report more on Israeli politics, where the police help fascists to beat you up if you dare protest, and if that doesn't work they declare your protests illegal (as is reportedly happening today).
"The pro-Palestinians were mostly young men but the pro-Israel group were older - and some had dogs"

From laptop's link.

Lol wut? Almost everyone here has dogs. Well not everyone, but they're totally common place.
"The pro-Palestinians were mostly young men but the pro-Israel group were older - and some had dogs"

From laptop's link.

Lol wut? Almost everyone here has dogs. Well not everyone, but they're totally common place.
The pro-Palestinians were Muslims. Many Muslims consider dogs to be unclean. I don't think I have ever seen a Muslim with a dog.
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