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Gaza under attack yet again.

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5 broken cameras is a great film.

I would recommend it as its made by a Palestinian who started filming his friends protesting at Israeli encroachment on their land.

So its from the point of view of an average Palestinian.
Yeah and most British people are at least two generations away from the Somme.

One of my paternal great-grandfathers died at Ypres, and yet I don't hold that against anyone - what's done is done. Nothing can change that.
Most of my maternal extended family died either under the Soviets, due to the starving of Ukraine, or from the Nazi einsatzgruppen that swept through Ukraine behind the army. I'm a couple of generations away from that, too, and yet I don't hold it against anyone, or fixate upon my "victimhood".
Much of what goes on with the state of Israel with appeals to past historical persecutions are, in my opinion, nothing more than attempts to secure exceptionalism - "you shouldn't hold this against us, because we were so badly persecuted and traumatised" - well fuck that! We're human beings, and capable of growing beyond such childishness, and it seems to me that the state of Israel isn't keen on Jews doing so, because then a plank of modern Zionist thought - Jewish exceptionalism - goes out of the window, and a justification (actually an excuse) for appallingly murderous behaviour likewise goes out of the window.


Pinpoint attacks
Which pic has been pinpointed, which has been carpet bombed?
It's not intended to be a justification or an excuse. If you understand the reasons why people (countries) act, it helps.

I'm not meaning to be vulnerable to the old "understand a little less, condemn a little more" criticism. I just think a simple blanket, Israel are evil doesn't go anywhere.
One of my paternal great-grandfathers died at Ypres, and yet I don't hold that against anyone - what's done is done. Nothing can change that.
Most of my maternal extended family died either under the Soviets, due to the starving of Ukraine, or from the Nazi einsatzgruppen that swept through Ukraine behind the army. I'm a couple of generations away from that, too, and yet I don't hold it against anyone, or fixate upon my "victimhood".
Much of what goes on with the state of Israel with appeals to past historical persecutions are, in my opinion, nothing more than attempts to secure exceptionalism - "you shouldn't hold this against us, because we were so badly persecuted and traumatised" - well fuck that! We're human beings, and capable of growing beyond such childishness, and it seems to me that the state of Israel isn't keen on Jews doing so, because then a plank of modern Zionist thought - Jewish exceptionalism - goes out of the window, and a justification (actually an excuse) for appallingly murderous behaviour likewise goes out of the window.

Was the same argument used (and still is used) by Serb nationalists.
Is that success? Increasing complaints?

It's a victory.

I'm sceptical about Tel Aviv but maybe you know more than me?

Different type of munition to what comes down on Sderot. Basically using the Fajr 5 missile design, a rip-off of an Iranian short/intermediate range missile. It's hard to build, hard to hide and resource-heavy, hence the Gazan resisters tend to build few and husband them.
The Hamas "drones" were not armed but merely to survey the build up of the IDF and their positions. Think stuff you can buy off Amazon, not heavily armed Predators/Reapers of Israel costing over 10 million each plus the cost of the missiles.

In fact, the sort of stuff that's more worring than a Reaper because it has a tiny footprint, is quiet if you're using battery-powered motors rather than liquid fuel motors, and can be in and out of an area before anyone notices it, if the handler is skilled. Perfect eye-in-the-sky material for about the same price as a couple of pairs of decent night vision goggles.
It's a victory.

Different type of munition to what comes down on Sderot. Basically using the Fajr 5 missile design, a rip-off of an Iranian short/intermediate range missile. It's hard to build, hard to hide and resource-heavy, hence the Gazan resisters tend to build few and husband them.

Ok, I didn't know that so thanks - should I take from this that they have a few half-decent missiles which they tend not to use very often?

I'm still not sold on the "causing complaints as victory" thing.
I don't understand how the death toll is so low, I know that's a terrible thing to say. I have thought that on previous occasions too. :(

Modern medicine has progressed hugely in dealing with traumatic injuries compared to recent decades and the doctors in Gaza have years of experience in dealing with trauma as well as having volunteers from other nations. The number of injured, mutilated and maimed for life will sadly be absolutely massive of course.
But disrupting supply lines by blowing up train tracks did cause problems for the Nazi's. I dont see how rockets which are incapable of causing damage to infrastructure and which barely ever even kill anyone can be understood as the same thing.

Because the possibility of them being deployed means that those towns within the range of these mortar "rockets" have to keep on a "war" footing; because "Iron Dome" has to be deployed on standby 24 hours a day, rather than being stood down for long periods; because the troops and civil defence workers in those towns will suffer all the issues that being on a "front line" brings, even though they're not in an active theatre.
Talk to anyone who served in Northern Ireland. Ask them what it was like to do 4 or 6 months where you're rarely ever in "relaxed" mode, where you're constantly hyper-vigilant, even in your sleep. It takes a toll.
If the IDF is going after tunnels and missiles in Gaza why is it bombing and shelling schools and hospitals. If Hamas have hidden missiles in hospitals and schools why not go there, feet on the ground, and destroy the rockets - not shell civilians from afar. Shelling isn't likely to destroy many rockets or tunnels!

Because it would be very poor tactics to enter in strength in a built-up environment (even if most of it is rubble) with a task that would require being static for any length of time (searching derelict buildings/rubble would mean being static for at least tens of minutes in poor cover. Add to that an enemy that has access to a network of tunnels that you have no maps for, no clue to access or egress points, and would you put troops in a situation where they could be walking into intersecting fields of fire at any point in their mission?
This is why they're shelling. They know the human cost of a ground invasion in strength; they know that if they send armour in, in support of infantry, they also have to send excavation gear to clear a path; they're aware that shelling from a distance incurs a minimum human cost on the state of Israel, as does sending in reconnaisance patrols and special forces only - a human cost acceptable to the public. If the IDF were incurring casualties at the same rate as Gazans are, the IDF would have been pulled out in days, and "search and destroy" missions hunting for missiles which may or may not be fictitious would incur a lot of casualties.
Or maybe it's not just about the tunnels?

Presumably without the tunnels there would be a whole lot more work for Israel because as I understand it many of the necessities of daily life go into Gaza through tunnels. Even Israel could not slowly choke 2 million people to death.
Or maybe it's not just about the tunnels?

Presumably without the tunnels there would be a whole lot more work for Israel because as I understand it many of the necessities of daily life go into Gaza through tunnels. Even Israel could not slowly choke 2 million people to death.
Someone was pointing out that destroying all the tunnels is basically a genocidal act.
Someone was pointing out that destroying all the tunnels is basically a genocidal act.
I don't think it's about the tunnels. Anyway, yeah.

Can anybody recommend an impartial dummies guide to the history of this conflict/ the current situation. I've heard of the Oslo agreement but that's about it. I prefer short and sweet to long and weighty.

Thank you.

eta it's ok I found 2.
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Because it would be very poor tactics to enter in strength in a built-up environment (even if most of it is rubble) with a task that would require being static for any length of time (searching derelict buildings/rubble would mean being static for at least tens of minutes in poor cover. Add to that an enemy that has access to a network of tunnels that you have no maps for, no clue to access or egress points, and would you put troops in a situation where they could be walking into intersecting fields of fire at any point in their mission?
This is why they're shelling. They know the human cost of a ground invasion in strength; they know that if they send armour in, in support of infantry, they also have to send excavation gear to clear a path; they're aware that shelling from a distance incurs a minimum human cost on the state of Israel, as does sending in reconnaisance patrols and special forces only - a human cost acceptable to the public. If the IDF were incurring casualties at the same rate as Gazans are, the IDF would have been pulled out in days, and "search and destroy" missions hunting for missiles which may or may not be fictitious would incur a lot of casualties.

Very true, even if the IDF razed Gaza to the ground most of Hamas underground defences would survive. The IDF have found a few tunnels but the vast majority remain intact and functioning and as you rightly say no way will the IDF dare to come looking for them even among the ruins of a destroyed city.
But it might make a good eyerolling NS article about slutshaming.

After reading LP's article on Gaza etc (it was a bit "stream of consciousness", and as usual La Pennionara managed to make it all about her), and reading the rest of the New Statesman, I was annoyed but unsurprised at how most of their reportage attempted to somehow render HAMAS as actual rather than putative aggressors. Typical wiberal philo-Semite bollocks.
Because the possibility of them being deployed means that those towns within the range of these mortar "rockets" have to keep on a "war" footing; because "Iron Dome" has to be deployed on standby 24 hours a day, rather than being stood down for long periods; because the troops and civil defence workers in those towns will suffer all the issues that being on a "front line" brings, even though they're not in an active theatre.
Talk to anyone who served in Northern Ireland. Ask them what it was like to do 4 or 6 months where you're rarely ever in "relaxed" mode, where you're constantly hyper-vigilant, even in your sleep. It takes a toll.

I get that it would have a huge psychological impact on anyone living there. I understand that you're saying that being an annoyance constitutes meaningful resistance (although I'm sceptical). I remain convinced that the rockets are far more about Hamas cementing their image as freedom fighters than anything else.
Or maybe it's not just about the tunnels?

Presumably without the tunnels there would be a whole lot more work for Israel because as I understand it many of the necessities of daily life go into Gaza through tunnels. Even Israel could not slowly choke 2 million people to death.

Bear in mind we're talking about 2 broad "species" of tunnel:
1) The border smuggling tunnels, and
2) the bunker/tunnel complexes beneath parts of Gaza, used for anything from food and fuel storage, to paramilitary training and war materiel storage.

What the state of Israel are doing, is claiming to be targeting this second class of tunnels, when they're bombing hospitals and clinics and schools, although of course there's absolutely no proof that there are any subterranean spaces beneath these venues, and there's no way to detect them via satellite in a built-up area, in fact the only way to detect them is manually, or through infiltration and informing.
After reading LP's article on Gaza etc (it was a bit "stream of consciousness", and as usual La Pennionara managed to make it all about her), and reading the rest of the New Statesman, I was annoyed but unsurprised at how most of their reportage attempted to somehow render HAMAS as actual rather than putative aggressors. Typical wiberal philo-Semite bollocks.

Got a link? This should be delightful...
I heard many years ago from Jewish relatives by marriage who lost a son in Lebanon that one never sees wounded or mutilated ex IDF soldiers in Israel. They were convinced that their son who lost both legs after his tank was hit was killed while in hospital for further treatment, their theory was that this was done to maintain morale and hide the true cost of fighting. Personally I thought they were talking tin foil hat bollocks because of their loss and what they perceived as racism due to their skin colour and having Arabic as a first language.

100% true story from back in 1982 or 1983 I swear. Have you ever heard anything similar?

I've never heard about IDF veterans being bumped off (on the whole most states use the image of injured veterans to bolster support), but I've heard trickles of conversation over the last 30 years about the more severely-disabled veterans being encouraged to emigrate to somewhere with better accessibility and a higher level of "disability-friendliness" - usually the US.
Bear in mind we're talking about 2 broad "species" of tunnel:
1) The border smuggling tunnels, and
2) the bunker/tunnel complexes beneath parts of Gaza, used for anything from food and fuel storage, to paramilitary training and war materiel storage.

What the state of Israel are doing, is claiming to be targeting this second class of tunnels, when they're bombing hospitals and clinics and schools, although of course there's absolutely no proof that there are any subterranean spaces beneath these venues, and there's no way to detect them via satellite in a built-up area, in fact the only way to detect them is manually, or through infiltration and informing.
Oh thanks. I only knew about the first kind of tunnels.

Actually I just googled and it seems that Egypt have destroyed most of the tunnels in the later part of last year. I don't know if they were operating again more recently.
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