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Gaza under attack yet again.

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I have family who were killed in the war (the closest one wasn't jewish by the way) and its insulting because there are people of Palestinian descent I consider my friends and I have no desire to steal anyone's land and kill kids based on what Hitler did, if you go down this line of argument you end up excusing Israel's crimes.
Ok. I did say collective not individual. But fair enough.
I have family who were killed in the war (the closest one wasn't jewish by the way) and its insulting because there are people of Palestinian descent I consider my friends and I have no desire to steal anyone's land and kill kids based on what Hitler did, if you go down this line of argument you end up excusing Israel's crimes.

I heard many years ago from Jewish relatives by marriage who lost a son in Lebanon that one never sees wounded or mutilated ex IDF soldiers in Israel. They were convinced that their son who lost both legs after his tank was hit was killed while in hospital for further treatment, their theory was that this was done to maintain morale and hide the true cost of fighting. Personally I thought they were talking tin foil hat bollocks because of their loss and what they perceived as racism due to their skin colour and having Arabic as a first language.

100% true story from back in 1982 or 1983 I swear. Have you ever heard anything similar?
I heard many years ago from Jewish relatives by marriage who lost a son in Lebanon that one never sees wounded or mutilated ex IDF soldiers in Israel. They were convinced that their son who lost both legs after his tank was hit was killed while in hospital for further treatment, their theory was that this was done to maintain morale and hide the true cost of fighting. Personally I thought they were talking tin foil hat bollocks because of their loss and what they perceived as racism due to their skin colour and having Arabic as a first language.

100% true story from back in 1982 or 1983 I swear. Have you ever heard anything similar?
I have never been to Israel and have never heard this so wouldn't know.

I am getting to the point where nothing would surprise me :(
I have never been to Israel and have never heard this so wouldn't know.

I am getting to the point where nothing would surprise me :(

Thanks for the reply, much appreciated. I've only ever really heard first hand about Israel from Arab-Jews who went there in adulthood, about 50% of who couldn't take it and left for Europe or even back to Africa.
If the IDF is going after tunnels and missiles in Gaza why is it bombing and shelling schools and hospitals. If Hamas have hidden missiles in hospitals and schools why not go there, feet on the ground, and destroy the rockets - not shell civilians from afar. Shelling isn't likely to destroy many rockets or tunnels!
If the IDF is going after tunnels and missiles in Gaza why is it bombing and shelling schools and hospitals. If Hamas have hidden missiles in hospitals and schools why not go there, feet on the ground, and destroy the rockets - not shell civilians from afar. Shelling isn't likely to destroy many rockets or tunnels!

I would guess because they might get ambushed and killed in suicidal attacks?
If the IDF is going after tunnels and missiles in Gaza why is it bombing and shelling schools and hospitals. If Hamas have hidden missiles in hospitals and schools why not go there, feet on the ground, and destroy the rockets - not shell civilians from afar. Shelling isn't likely to destroy many rockets or tunnels!

Why send a soldier when a shell will do? Shells go astray. Soldiers are instructed.
If the IDF is going after tunnels and missiles in Gaza why is it bombing and shelling schools and hospitals. If Hamas have hidden missiles in hospitals and schools why not go there, feet on the ground, and destroy the rockets - not shell civilians from afar. Shelling isn't likely to destroy many rockets or tunnels!

I suspect that the idf know that they have lost the ground force fighting prowess that they once had. They lost southern Lebanon, lost against hezbollah and made tentative moves in Ghazza this time and faced fierce resistance that has actually managed to hurt them. Hence the the relentless bombing from afar. Cunts.
Article here on Geneva convention. Points out that even if Hamas are using civilians as shields that does not under the Geneva convention let Israel government off the hook.

The Geneva conventions state: "The presence or movements of the civilian population or individual civilians shall not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations, in particular in attempts to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield, favour or impede military operations. The parties to the conflict shall not direct the movement of the civilian population or individual civilians in order to attempt to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield military operations."

International law also bans the use of medical units or prisoners of war to deter enemy attack.

However, even if Hamas were violating the law on this matter, it would not legally justify Israel's bombing of areas where civilians are known to be.

"Any violation of these prohibitions shall not release the parties to the conflict from their legal obligations with respect to the civilian population and civilians, including the obligation to take the precautionary measures," the conventions say.

Israel claims Hamas routinely uses hospitals, mosques, schools and private homes to launch rockets at Israel, store weapons, hide command and control centres, shelter military personnel, and conceal tunnel shafts. This is their justification for targeting such places, despite the legal requirement to ensure its attacks are proportional, distinguish between military and civilian objects, and avoid civilian casualties.
I would guess because they might get ambushed and killed in suicidal attacks?

So, go in tanks and APCs

Why send a soldier when a shell will do? Shells go astray. Soldiers are instructed.

Shells don't destroy the rockets.

I suspect that the idf know that they have lost the ground force fighting prowess that they once had. They lost southern Lebanon, lost against hezbollah and made tentative moves in Ghazza this time and faced fierce resistance that has actually managed to hurt them. Hence the the relentless bombing from afar. Cunts.

I can quite see that 1) the IDF don't want any casualties so shelling from a distance is preferable to close combat, but their stated objectives for this invasion was to destroy the tunnels and the missiles, you can't destroy the rockets without getting close and personal. (imho) Of course an IDF soldier's life is worth hundreds of Palestinian lives, hence shelling from a distance!
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Hung around for a couple of hours at the BBC Occupation in Bristol today. Not many there but were a friendly bunch, had a few discussions. Was a bit surprised at some of the lack of knowledge exhibited, nothing too major but I don't even consider myself that clued up on the conflict. Perhaps they're there less for the politics of the situation and more for the human side of it? Which is fair enough I can't argue with that. The second time I went down in the evening I arrived in the middle of some meat head really laying into three of the protesters, I was quite shocked at his level of aggression! Saying how no one gives a fuck about Palestinians, we're all a bunch of cunts, fuck Palestine I support Engerlish soldiers and blah blah. Another old bloke seemed personally affronted that they had dared to occupy the BBC's lawn! That was pretty funny :D.

All in all was a good experience. I've not really got involved in anything like this before, I did pay a brief visit to occupy Bristol a few years ago but didn't stay and chat much. I guess aggressive passers by like I mentioned are par for the course at these sorts of things? Ah well, just thought it was weird and couldn't really understand his problem. Was good chatting to passers by who did seem interested and wanted to know more though.

As an aside I did actually go down there this evening to watch 5 Broken Cameras as it said on their little board they were screening it, except during the afternoon it was still the board from last night! Bloody hippies can't even sort their film times out :p. Anyway I came home and watched it myself. I can honestly say I'm amazed at the restraint shown by the villagers. I can't honestly say I would be as peaceful as they were if that was being done to me. They were throwing stones, which isn't exactly peaceful of course but that's all they have and it's justified I think. I'd join in, or at least like to think I would! So many times it just rained, literally, with gas grenades fired from an occupying army against people with stones. The use of live ammunition shocked me a bit too. I knew it was used of course but I didn't think it was used that readily.
@iFalasteen: UPDATE: Ceasefire to start from 8am to 8pm in Gaza. And right now Israel forces extensively bombing Gaza before ceasefire

@iFalasteen: NOW: every place in Gaza Strip is getting attacked before the ceasefire.

@JonDonnison: IDF says during 12 hour "humanitarian window" it will continue to "locate & neutralise" tunnels in #gaza. So not in fact a full ceasefire.
"@Palestinianism: Despite prior arrangements with IDF, ambulances are not allowed into Khuza'a. IDF fired at them."

12 hour "Humanitarian" window?
Only another 160 deaths. To go and they will have reached 1000 dead arabs and with the rehab hospital and others blown up tough luck if you've been crippled :mad:

General melchett must be proud pointlessy killing the other side is a vast improvement on getting your own troops needlessy killed pity its achieved nothing as long as hamas can lob even a bottle rocket at isreal they can claim to be still operational.:rolleyes::mad:
And they were done for an external power that was coming. I think that hipipol's needs to read a bit more of resistance history. They were provided with exact targets that when met helped that wider coming power. A facile comparison.
Towards the end of the war , you are probably right, but as the groups first formed, they were not controlled or driven by anything other than a need to do SOMETHING.
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