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Gaza under attack yet again.

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@lisang: No more foreign journalists in or out of Gaza via Erez, announces Israel's Gov't Press Office (via @glcarlstrom & @HughNaylor). V. worrying.

Originally found via here

A Hebron-based Palestinian media outlet called Marah FM posted the following clip on its Facebook page today.

According to the description, it shows a Palestinian family trying to escape from Shuja’iyah, a neighborhood in eastern Gaza City, during the intense bombardment that began Saturday night, and which has so far killed at least 66 people.

The clip is four minutes long and conveys with raw, immediate intensity the terror of running through streets under bombardment, clutching children and bundles of belonging as ordnance lands with deafening crashes and booms, creating huge dust clouds that make it almost impossible to see. One explosion follows another, while the adult men and women yell in a panic and pray while the children scream for their mother.

And this is what the residents of Shuja’iyah—most of Gaza, in fact—have been living with, day and night, for more than two weeks.
So an update on this from the Graun. I didn't realise at the time of my original post that it was a decision taken independently by airlines themselves:
BBC report flights stopped because of rockets fired from Gaza.

Was it rockets, or is this more spin?
People like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primo_Levi

If this is a Man and the Walk should be read by everyone.

About a week before all this blew up, I was walking across Rosa Luxemberg Platz, and four teenage German girls came up to me and asked if they should still be learning about the Holocaust in school (I'm not making this up, hard to believe though that is, I know).

I told them that yes they should, and that they should read Primo at the earliest opportunity.
About a week before all this blew up, I was walking across Rosa Luxemberg Platz, and four teenage German girls came up to me and asked if they should still be learning about the Holocaust in school (I'm not making this up, hard to believe though that is, I know).

I've heard German teachers questioning whether they should be teaching young children (aged 11) about the Holocaust. They argued that it shouldn't be compulsory, but children could choose to learn about it when they reached a suitable age. I didn't have much sympathy with the idea, but I had to admit that I had never been taught any of the crimes of the British Empire when I was at school.
I've heard German teachers questioning whether they should be teaching young children (aged 11) about the Holocaust. They argued that it shouldn't be compulsory, but children could choose to learn about it when they reached a suitable age. I didn't have much sympathy with the idea, but I had to admit that I had never been taught any of the crimes of the British Empire when I was at school.

My understanding is that it starts from age 4 around here. It's also one of the main reasons homeschooling is illegal in Germany, so that the Brown-shirted ones won't be able to keep their kids home from school and tell them Hitler was a great guy.

An expat woman I know here was asked by her six-year old girls why they never saw German flags much in the town. She found there was actually quite a bit of age-appropriate material on the net, when she decided to give them the precise historical reasons for this fact of German life (even with the world cup there hasn't been much in the way of flags, not compared to other places I've been).

But this is all a derailment.
Dima_Khatib: Democracy! "@benad36: Jewish woman in #NY arrested for reading names of civilians massacred in #Gaza: http://t.co/Ux1tgLuwy7 v @asra_ghauri"

I do believe that a tipping point has been reached in terms of public opinion. Whereas before, I sensed apathy from the public, now I can see proactive support outside of a pro Palestine demonstration. I've had people come up to me and ask how they can support the Ghazzans, I've seen randoms in the street wearing Palestine football shirts and bracelets. Suddenly there are a load of pro Palestine Facebook posts from people that I would never have thought even gave a shit about politics in the UK, never mind a continent away.

I hope this continues.

I think you're right, yesterday at the Palestine demo I didn't really see any of the "usual suspects". People carrying shopping bags etc and just passing by were joining in the demo.
I disagree; the US banning all US flag carrier flights into Israel - on a spurious pretext - is of great portent indeed.

Is it specified when the flights will be allowed?

I think it's a massively big deal. Especially when it's never happened before.

Anyway, I was talking to my Bangladeshi housemate last night about this, and he was quite aware that Judaism and Zionism weren't the same thing at all.
rachshabi: Hearing Israel's diverting flights to a tiny domestic airport near Eilat. Huge blow - practical, financial, psychological

glcarlstrom: John Kerry has braved the airport and landed in Tel Aviv, presumably after last-minute attempts to charter a yacht in Egypt failed.

I had to laugh at the second one
If the missiles were more effective Israel would have wiped every Palestinian off the face of the map already.

They can't, even if that was the case they can't. It's what they want to do certainly but there is constraints placed on Israel for that sort of thing. Further oppressing the Palestinians incrementally? There's not constraints on that.
UN Human Rights Council expected to launch probe into alleged Israeli war crimes

The UN Human Rights Council is slated to hold a meeting Wednesday morning over the IDF operation in Gaza, and is expected to issue a severe condemnation of Israel, to include operative steps.

The Palestinians and Arab countries have filed the Council with a draft, which includes the establishment of an international commission of inquiry to probe alleged war crimes and violations of international law by Israel. The draft does not mention Hamas.

Despite Israeli lobbying with the Council's member states to prevent the meeting taking place, the Palestinians managed to get the signatures necessary to hold the meeting.

The U.S., most of the EU states and additional Western states, including Australia and Canada, are expected to oppose the draft. However, like in other UN bodies, the Palestinians hold an automatic majority which allows them to pass any resolution....


As much as it loathes me to say I do have to give the Telegraph a bit of credit. As far as I know they're the only UK paper showing a stream of Gaza's skyline, they've posted this piece and not only that, they've provided an accurate picture of how the west bank looks and clearly shown the bantustans Israel has divided the west bank in to, it is in fact worse and more divided than I thought it was! I've not see any other UK outlet do that. I in fact complained to the BBC for not doing it and still showing the west bank as if it's all unoccupied land. Did the BBC get back to my complaint? Did they fuck!
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