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Gaza under attack yet again.

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It's very unlikely to be just spin. Too much money involved all round.

I'd say it's not quite spin, but it is a small fear spun into a big one, and one that the US hasn't previously been able to use. That HAMAS have missiles (few, and far -between though they are) that can reach Tel Aviv allows the US State Dept to make this call.
If the missiles were more effective Israel would have wiped every Palestinian off the face of the map already.

No, if the missiles were more effective, i.e. had decent guidance systems, rather than back-of-an-envelope trignometry, the state of Israel would sit on its' hands a lot more often. They've a history of backing off if they think the human cost to them is going to be more than cursory, most recently from south Lebanon after Hezbollah stopped their tank brigades in their tracks using simple hundreds of years-old artillery tactics, modified slightly to offset air surveillance.
Have you got a source for that?
He certainly was part of a group that entertained the troops and expressed a desire to join up but as far as I'm aware he never did.
My source is a biography of the man I read years ago, and whose title and author I cannot now remember.
Stopping the rockets will do nothing. It will achieve nothing. The rockets have only ever been an excuse to assault Gaza.
Indeed. These rockets have no guidance systems and are largely ineffective. Yet, Regev and the rest of the propagandists exaggerate their efficacy in order to, as you say, use it as an excuse to continue attacking Gaza.
Fairy muff, I think the author is probably wrong,if you read the first post on this page:


you'll see he spent three months with the entertainment group and although he exhibited fantasies of joining various branches of the military they were just that fantasies.
"That's just what we need to cheer up the troops - the melancholic folk stylings of Leonard "laughing boy" Cohen".
What do you think the rockets are for? To beat back the invading aggressor?

I think it is fairly obvious what rockets are for, I was lamenting their inability to do the job to any degree of accuracy.
But as mentioned without guidance systems, they are always going to be more for propaganda than military purposes.
Bizarre piece of doublespeak

Dermer: IDF deserves Nobel Peace Prize for ‘unimaginable restraint’

Mind you when you consider the audience is a load of Christians (probably of the lunatic persuasion) I suppose he could have said pretty much anything.

Not really -

During World War II, the British army responded to German attacks with the “carpet bombing of German cities,” Dermer said. While he was unwilling to criticize the United Kingdom for doing so, he continued, “at the same time, I will not accept, and no one should accept, criticism of Israel for acting with restraint that has not been shown and would not be shown by any nation on earth. I especially will not tolerate criticism of my country at a time when Israeli soldiers are dying so that innocent Palestinians can live."

One notes with zero surprise that he chose to mention the RAF raids on German cities, rather than the USAAF's raids (which of course included the two atomic bombings) on Japan - which were more deadly in terms of civilians killed per raid, and which took place against considerably weaker opposition.
.. One notes with zero surprise that he chose to mention the RAF raids on German cities, rather than the USAAF's raids (which of course included the two atomic bombings) on Japan - which were more deadly in terms of civilians killed per raid, and which took place against considerably weaker opposition.
Indeed, always got to be aware where the funding is coming from.
Big respect to Massive Attack

Massive Attack make Gaza statement using headline stage at Longitude Festival


Award-winning band and veteran political activists Massive Attack used their headline slot at Longitude Festival this weekend to highlight their solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.

The musicians played at Marlay Park, Dublin, on Sunday, kicking off their set with ‘Battlebox’ before using their backdrop to send out messages to the packed audience...
Disgusting excuse for a human being

French politician asks if Palestinian children killed in Gaza are “halal meat”

In an extreme sign of the anti-Muslim hatred and pro-Israel sentiment among France’s political elite, an elected official took to Twitter to ask mockingly if Palestinian children killed in Israel’s onslaught on Gaza were “halal meat.”

Jacques Renaud, the deputy mayor of Montreuil-Juigné in western France, uses Twitter to post a constant stream of anti-Palestinian and pro-Israel propaganda.

Twitter user @StonMichel responded to one of Renaud’s tweets, calling for “a bit of humanity” and attaching a graphic image apparently of the dismembered body of a young Palestinian child.

Renaud responded, “It’s halal meat, I suppose.” ...
So, innocent people in the US and Israel should perish because you feel outraged?

Maybe we should have a few more 07/07 here in London as well, seeing as how sucks up to the Israeli Govt and its actions? Not to mention it's endless position up Uncle Sam's back passage?
First off let me say sorry for the insult I delivered to you a couple of days back
It was out of order
The next observation is:-
"here in London" then "your govt"
First off, what are you doing here as "my" govt - a claim of which I am very much insulted by - " sucks up to the Israeli Govt and its actions"?
Why are you in London, and if its not your Govt and you hold it in such contempt, why have not returned to where you feel more comfortable?
I do not agree with ANY of the UK govts statements on the way Israel is slaughtering the condemned in its Gaza concentration camp, but, I hold a UK passport and was born in this state
It is thus my responsibility to try to put that right
Judging buy your board name you claim some relationship to Ireland
Pot, kettle etc, but is your homeland not an even bigger US arse crack licker?
"Global Jewish community"?
The diaspora is global
Certain things provide a sense of unity
One, judging by friends I have here in the UK, the US and as far away as sheep farm in the South Island of New Zealand, is what Israel does
You pull me up because it sounds so much like the propaganda produced my Goebbels and crew
Not meant that way
IF the diaspora make their feelings plain, especially in the US, Israel will take note
I doubt they will listen to anyone else
I can't stop thinking about these groups of british people going off to fight for Israel. it worries me that I may have met people who might have done this, or know people who have. it's really upsetting me :(
I know 3
2 I am still in vague contact with.......
Suspect if I voice any opinion that is real when I see them next, it may be reduced to none
First off let me say sorry for the insult I delivered to you a couple of days back
It was out of order
The next observation is:-
"here in London" then "your govt"
First off, what are you doing here as "my" govt - a claim of which I am very much insulted by - " sucks up to the Israeli Govt and its actions"?
Why are you in London, and if its not your Govt and you hold it in such contempt, why have not returned to where you feel more comfortable?
I do not agree with ANY of the UK govts statements on the way Israel is slaughtering the condemned in its Gaza concentration camp, but, I hold a UK passport and was born in this state
It is thus my responsibility to try to put that right
Judging buy your board name you claim some relationship to Ireland
Pot, kettle etc, but is your homeland not an even bigger US arse crack licker?

Ah; the old "go home if you don't like it" schtick.

I too, deplore the Israeli Govt/IDF actions in Palestine. However, calling for mass slaughter in the US and Israel is stupid and no help to the Palestinian people. Which is why I tossed in the 07/07 reference to show you how ridiculous and offensive your 9/11 comments were.
The American ban on flying into Ben Gurion Airport at Tel Aviv has been extended for a further 24 hours.

I can't see a realistic end to this, unless Gaza contains no more missiles.
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