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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Assuming for a moment that you are posting in good faith, your posting is stupid. You assume rationality and underestimate anger.

If your front door is any good, kicking will achieve nothing in the direction of getting to the sofa. But many will kick it anyway.

Which is, in effect, what David Ward Tweeted.

All this proves is you can't kick a door in properly - don't call me stupid just cos you can't break into your own house.
Are you a fucking idiot?

They are still in charge over there, and the rockets have cost the Israelis at least a billion dollars (plus more than a billion from the Yanks) just for the Iron Dome - to say nothing of the cost in shelters, warning systems, at least two failed invasions to try and stop the things being fired, the cost of repair on the rare occasion when they actually hit something, and of course the wider social impact of having most of Southern Israel reminded on a daily basis that there is an occupation going on.
Regardless of whether the rockets can be deemed a success - personally I think physically they are not much of one [edit] though I have overlooked the financial cost courtesy of Agricola but psychologically they might be considered to be so, the Hamas leader has just completed an interview the essence of which is reported by Reuters:

Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal said he was ready to accept a humanitarian truce in Gaza where the Islamist group is fighting an Israeli military offensive, but would not agree to a full ceasefire until the terms had been negotiated.

"Everyone wanted us to accept a ceasefire and then negotiate for our rights, we reject this and we reject it again today," he said at a news conference in Qatar.

But he said Hamas "will not close the door" to a humanitarian truce if Israel ended its siege of Gaza.

Ah; the old "go home if you don't like it" schtick.

I too, deplore the Israeli Govt/IDF actions in Palestine. However, calling for mass slaughter in the US and Israel is stupid and no help to the Palestinian people. Which is why I tossed in the 07/07 reference to show you how ridiculous and offensive your 9/11 comments were.
I saw the bodies get carried out form Russell Sq tube, heard the bus blow up directly behind me, turned and saw the dust still rising.
I had friends who worked at Eurobrokers and Cantors, was watching the second tower get blasted with a good friend whose brother was in it
Equally I was in two IRA bombings,Baltic Exchange and Bishopsgate, I walked away, many others didnt
This is not a happy choice, but as you well know from what happened in your own country, the bomb starts the conversation
How else do you suspect the Yanks might pay attention?
BBC Radio 4 The Moral Maze : are discussing Gaza at the moment.
Moral Maze - http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04b1v8q
Presented by Michael Buerk. Panellists: Matthew Taylor, Melanie Phillips, Giles Fraser and Jill Kirby. Witnesses: Colonel Richard Kemp, Mehdi Hasan, Dr Hugo Slim and Ted Honderich.

Of the witnesses Ted Honderich [1] supported Hamas, much to Phillips's ire, he didn't get enough time to explain himself though. Kemp and Slim were middle of the road and Hasan was pro Palestinian (and well argued) but against Hamas.

[1] http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~uctytho/
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Honderich
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As they are still there after everything it is certainly successful, that's why Israel is attacking them.

You are the idiot here if not something worse.

I'm not something worse I promise. You're of course free to consider my opinions idiotic but don't accuse me of being Hasbara. I'm gonna insist though that if you think the reason that Israel is attacking Gaza is that Hamas is firing a few pathetic rockets at them, then you are at best naive.
I think my door-kicking skillz are slightly more advanced than my missile-building skillz, which appear (though untested) to be similar to those of the Gazans...

Shit at building rockets as well eh? Its into the Gulag with you, my lad, you sound useless.
they should step back from simply killing...........
Ah, that was the Phrophet's teaching.......
After the Murder of Ali, all was open.....
With a picture of a BA plane :)

That's funny, I was just wondering about exactly that. www.easyjet.co.uk is still offering me tickets for Tuesday and telling me Sunday is sold out.

BA is still offering LHR - TLV twice a day, and offering connections via Madrid with Iberia.
Step back from this madness Brother
Do no walk happily into the Satanic grasp
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