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Gaza under attack yet again.

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So according to the ranting old bitch, philips, palestinian children are terrorists, as they are among the dead, whom she calls terrorists.
Her problem with Hamas is that it calls for the extermination of Israel which includes a lot of innocent people, thus Hamas are a terrorist organisation.

My problem is that Hamas have no chance to achieve this aim, so the statement is almost irrelevant, but on the ground in the regular clashes, the entity that is killing far and away the most civilians is the state of Israel who claim not even to target them!
She's been investigated by the PCC in the past for hate speech but of course nothing happened.
Nothing ever does.

The PCC is as effective as a raincoat made of bogroll.

I'm only sad Giles Fraser didn't turn around and tell her to fuck herself with a chainsaw.
Soon after its creation, the forum paired with right-leaning Israeli NGO Im Tirtzu, which promotes a no-nonsense form of Zionism on Israeli campuses, and began actively recruiting Christian youths in their hometowns.

A no-nonsense form of Zionism

er ...

wow :facepalm:
Her problem with Hamas is that it calls for the extermination of Israel which includes a lot of innocent people, thus Hamas are a terrorist organisation.

My problem is that Hamas have no chance to achieve this aim, so the statement is almost irrelevant, but on the ground in the regular clashes, the entity that is killing far and away the most civilians is the state of Israel who claim not even to target them!

I was talking with someone on the 'hamas uses human shields' thing last night.

When you explain the population density to people they get this, you can't hit a shed that won't be occupied. It's crazy how packed that strip is.

I'd say anti-Semitism on the left is a definite problem (I've argued this on threads again and again) I would also say that sometimes SOME critiques of Israel are motivated by anti-Semitism

however "those who oppose Israel's attack on gaza"


all of them? I'm jewish, i'll probably be going to synagogue this Friday night. I think its important to go and important to realise the fact that Israel's actions are not the same as Judaism.
More and more people are getting this. There is an increase in anti-Semitism but I highly doubt that they are all on Palestine demos
... When you explain the population density to people they get this, you can't hit a shed that won't be occupied. It's crazy how packed that strip is.
Indeed. And I hate how the news focusses on deaths only, sure nearly 700 Gazan civilians have been killed so far but also more than 4,000 have been injured and many of these will have serious injuries, lost limbs and the like, including injuries paints a much more serious picture than just focussing on deaths.
Nothing ever does.

The PCC is as effective as a raincoat made of bogroll.

I'm only sad Giles Fraser didn't turn around and tell her to fuck herself with a chainsaw.

In that programme, Colonel Richard Kemp said that if Israel were actually targetting civilians, then you wouldn't see just 600 dead, you'd see 60,000 dead. Admirable restraint by Israel.
I'd say anti-Semitism on the left is a definite problem (I've argued this on threads again and again) I would also say that sometimes SOME critiques of Israel are motivated by anti-Semitism

I agree - I think a lot of it is to do with the whole "hate the overprivileged/support the underprivileged" stance a lot of the left takes.
Jews are seen as being pretty rich, well off people with a high standard of living, generally, so are bound to get a bit of flak before theyv'e even bombed any children...
Another US veto:

The UN has said Israel may have committed war crimes in its offensive against Hamas in Gaza, in which hundreds of Palestinian civilians have been killed in two weeks. In Geneva the UN human rights council voted to launch an international inquiry, with the US opposing the move and 17 countries abstaining.
I agree - I think a lot of it is to do with the whole "hate the overprivileged/support the underprivileged" stance a lot of the left takes.
Jews are seen as being pretty rich, well off people with a high standard of living, generally, so are bound to get a bit of flak before theyv'e even bombed any children...

I wish that stereotype was true for me at the moment :rolleyes: :(
Also this "those who oppose Israel's attack on Gaza" thing also misses the fact that probably most of the people involved in supplying the weapons and components involved in the attack on Gaza are not Jews, the American politicians who supply the Israeli government with aid, the Saudi Arabian/Egyptian governments who are all colluding in this etc
Getting a bit annoyed with a lot of stuff I'm seeing on facebook today about "guardianistas" and that sort of thing as well. I get annoyed at those types too but it's basic humanity to oppose what Israel is doing in Gaza isn't it? They're very annoying but they're not the main issue here right?
In that programme, Colonel Richard Kemp said that if Israel were actually targetting civilians, then you wouldn't see just 600 dead, you'd see 60,000 dead. Admirable restraint by Israel.
Were there even 60,000 people in Gaza?

I found his comment odious. Yes of course Israel could be even more bloodthirsty, that's ahrdly a counter argument.
I'd say anti-Semitism on the left is a definite problem (I've argued this on threads again and again) I would also say that sometimes SOME critiques of Israel are motivated by anti-Semitism

however "those who oppose Israel's attack on gaza"


all of them? I'm jewish, i'll probably be going to synagogue this Friday night. I think its important to go and important to realise the fact that Israel's actions are not the same as Judaism.
It only helps the Israeli propaganda machine, who can then smear all those who oppose the IDF's actions as anti-Semites. The attack on synagogues in that French town, for example, is being used by Israel's supporters as 'evidence' that opposition to its murderous actions is motivated entirely by anti-Semitism. The question is, how do we isolate these bigoted scum?
It's often insidious and difficult to escape though. The organisers of those taglit-birthright programmes have blood on their hands. (Israeli as well as Palestinian) :(
It only helps the Israeli propaganda machine, who can then smear all those who oppose the IDF's actions as anti-Semites. The attack on synagogues in that French town, for example, is being used by Israel's supporters as 'evidence' that opposition to its murderous actions is motivated entirely by anti-Semitism. The question is, how do we isolate these bigoted scum?
The first thing you do is name them, don't let them hide amongst the rest of us and use us as human shields. Some good examples of that on this thread.
I saw the bodies get carried out form Russell Sq tube, heard the bus blow up directly behind me, turned and saw the dust still rising.
I had friends who worked at Eurobrokers and Cantors, was watching the second tower get blasted with a good friend whose brother was in it
Equally I was in two IRA bombings,Baltic Exchange and Bishopsgate, I walked away, many others didnt
This is not a happy choice, but as you well know from what happened in your own country, the bomb starts the conversation
How else do you suspect the Yanks might pay attention?

Not by creating another post 9/11 world, that's for sure. One was quite enough. I think Palestinians need to be portrayed more sensibly in the media over there but that will require a change to the mindset of the conservative pro-Israel crowd.

I'm sorry for your experiences. I lost a colleague in 07/07 and I have many friends and family in the US. As for my country; I don't have one. I live here and that's that for now.
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