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Gaza under attack yet again.

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A depressing, but important article -
Gazans could not hide their disappointment with their fellow Palestinians in the West Bank. They believe that one main reason why confrontations broke out with Israel was their rage over what the occupation forces did to West Bank residents. Now they are waiting for them to reciprocate as they follow some of the confrontations there.
How the West Bank was domesticated
So once this current offensive ends and (assuming if) the Palestinians are able to rebuild Gaza at least. What happens with regard to Hamas? I get they were democratically elected, I get their rockets are hopeless pea shooters compared to the western backed nuclear might of fascist ISrael, but their attitude is too intransigent for anything other than more provocation of the beast next door. And Israel doesn't seem to need very much provocation. Something has to give surely, otherwise the Palestinians will give their lives once and for all.
Surprised on some forums by the unblinking American support for Israel.
It seems for some Israel can do no wrong.
you should hear Bill Maher (don't know why it surprises me that he makes excuses, another hollywood hack) make excuses. He slagged off the entire arab world for not having as many nobel prizes as Jews.
Posting for anyone who missed it:

Norman Finkelstein (on Democracy Now!):

As to how we got to where we are, the general context is perfectly obvious for anyone who wants to see it. A unity government was formed between the PA and Hamas. Netanyahu was enraged at this unity government. It called on the U.S., it called on the EU, to break relations with the Palestinian Authority. Surprisingly, the United States said, "No, we’re going to give this unity government time. We’ll see whether it works or not." Then the EU came in and said it will also give the unity government time. "Let’s see. Let’s see what happens."

At this point, Netanyahu virtually went berserk, and he was determined to break up the unity government. When there was the abduction of the three Israeli teenagers, he found his pretext. There isn’t a scratch of evidence, not a jot of evidence, that Hamas had anything to do with the kidnappings and the killings. Nobody even knows what the motive was, to this point. Even if you look at the July 3rd report of Human Rights Watch, they said nobody knows who was behind the abductions. Even the U.S. State Department, on July 7th, there was a news conference, and the U.S. State Department said, "We don’t have hard evidence about who was responsible." But that had nothing to do with it. It was just a pretext. The pretext was to go into the West Bank, attack Hamas, arrest 700 members of Hamas, blow up two homes, carry on these rampages, these ransackings, and to try to evoke a reaction from Hamas.

This is what Israel always does. Anybody who knows the history, it’s what the Israeli political scientist, the mainstream political scientist—name was Avner Yaniv—he said it’s these Palestinian "peace offensives." Whenever the Palestinians seem like they are trying to reach a settlement of the conflict, which the unity government was, at that point Israel does everything it can to provoke a violent reaction—in this case, from Hamas—break up the unity government, and Israel has its pretext. "We can’t negotiate with the Palestinian Authority because they only represent some of the Palestinian people; they don’t represent all of the Palestinian people." And so Netanyahu does what he always does—excuse me, what Israeli governments always do: You keep pounding the Palestinians, in this case pounding Hamas, pounding Hamas, trying to evoke a reaction, and when the reaction comes—well, when the reaction comes, he said, "We can’t deal with these people. They’re terrorists."

Similar points made in this NY Times column piece, essentially, the US/EU/Israel did their best to destabilise the Palestinian unity government when it seemed on the road to real progress:

An image just popped into my head of Jewish Pilgrims fleeing religious persecution in Europe and landing on Palestine Rock...

Do you get turkeys in Palestine?

When the Jews were expelled by Ferdinand & Isabella from what is now called Spain they were taken in by Muslim countries in particular the Ottoman Empire. I may be wrong here but afaik the word Sephardi refers to Sephard their word for the Iberian Peninsula.
When the Jews were expelled by Ferdinand & Isabella from what is now called Spain they were taken in by Muslim countries in particular the Ottoman Empire. I may be wrong here but afaik the word Sephardi refers to Sephard their word for the Iberian Peninsula.

Yep, interestingly there are still some speaks of Ladino, a Romance language equivalent of Yiddish, still alive and living in Israel. A lot of the language is intelligible to speakers of Spanish

600 and counting, no doubt there will be heavy shelling again tonight aimed at 'military/terrorist' targets. Words fail me.

How is there owt left to bomb in Gaza?

Where do you evacuate people to in a landlocked piece of coastline with a maritime blockade on it whilst 'targeted' missiles and shells rain down from from one of the worlds best equipped armies and 'intelligence' agencies. It's a fucking turkey shoot of abomination.

Go to The Hague, do not collect 200 shekels and pick a card you cunts.
Yep, interestingly there are still some speaks of Ladino, a Romance language equivalent of Yiddish, still alive and living in Israel. A lot of the language is intelligible to speakers of Spanish

I've heard of this, always confused it with the the other "Ladino" which is a minority language in Switzerland. Was in daily contact with another dialect, "Judeo-Arabic" for many years but only picked up the swear words which happened to be Arabic!
The UN has reported that hamas weapons were found in a school. I was only half listening but I'm sure it was a school. Sorry to play devils advocate.

Rockets were found in a disused school and then handed over to the Police who are controlled by hamas so it is not known what happened to them.
UN and Israel have a poor record with Israel believing they are on the Arabs side and can't be trusted.
A vacant school.

Also completely unsubstantiated, but also next to the hospital they shelled yesterday. I'm no expert in these matters but looking at the footage from the hospital there were no obvious signs of secondary explosions from hidden weapons caches next door. Just the remnants of the intensive care wards where Israeli munitions killed those who were lucky to be hanging on from the previous days attacks.
How is it that the media are managing to sell hiding weapons in an abandoned school as being worse than bombing schools and hospitals?
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