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Gaza under attack yet again.

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26 members of the Abu Jame’ family, including 18 children, were killed in a single strike. http://972mag.com/photos-a-gaza-funeral-for-24-members-of-one-family/94069/

An old comrade from PSC is half Palestinian and his son lives in Gaza :( and two days ago their house was destroyed :(
Meanwhile, in another part of the forest:

“The only thing that can deter terrorists, like those who kidnapped the children and killed them, is the knowledge that their sister or their mother will be raped.” This assertion was made by Middle East scholar Dr. Mordechai Kedar of Bar-Ilan University about three weeks ago on an Israel Radio program. “It sounds very bad, but that’s the Middle East,” added Kedar, of Bar-Ilan’s Department of Arabic.

just heard it's not his son but a guy who he and the family are very close to and calls him dad. how shit, anyway :(

Wow just been looking at that website. The other headlines are incredible, its like north korea in terms of the tone, and disconnection from reality.

'It was another 'death to the Jews' weekend'
'Believe nothing from the BBC'
'Time to raise our flag and our pride'


Indeed. The web has a lot of warriors who are primed for times like these.


But not all conscripts are arseholes, right?

Very true; aren't there conscripts called the "refuseniks"?
Reports of anti-semitism at a pro-Palestine demo in Berlin:


Also this, in a story about an Arab bloke who tried to burn himself outside the Israeli embassy in Berlin:

On Monday, in an article in the Berliner Zeitung, Israel’s ambassador to Germany Yakov Hadas-Handelsman compared chants at pro-Palestine demonstrations to the behaviour of the Nazis.

He wrote: "Where are we? Where do we hear these slogans? In Nazi Germany in 1934?"

He said Islamists, neo-Nazis and the far-left were all targeting Jewish people in the country.

“Each group has their own agenda but they have a common denominator - hatred of the Jewish people and of the state of Israel," he wrote.

What does he mean by targetting?

doesn't surprise me to be honest :( that's why I've stayed away from that sort of thing in the past because of seeing that sort of shit

im starting to think that on the next gaza demo i might just think fuck it and go though, there's bound to be plenty of normal people there ...
Thing is, how do you stop these anti-Semitic cunts from attending a demo? The Israelis love to make a lot of capital out of stuff like this. They see a couple of anti-Semitic placards and tar everyone with the same brush.

It's like all the marches I've been on where there are loads of SWP placards. I'm not a member of the SWP, but there are people who are lazy enough to suggest that because I am on that march and there are loads of SWP placards, then it follows that I'm a member. :facepalm:
I wonder how long they're gonna be allowed to carry on this attack. Looking on the stream last night they don't seem to have got very far into Gaza and they've been shelling the same areas, mainly east Gaza city, for days. Last night I saw rockets being launched from an area that wasn't the east and there were no attacks from the Israelis in that area, dunno about today though. If they are allowed to carry on until, as they say, 'neutralise' Hamas then this is going to be a longer operation than cast lead was :(.
Thing is, how do you stop these anti-Semitic cunts from attending a demo? The Israelis love to make a lot of capital out of stuff like this. They see a couple of anti-Semitic placards and tar everyone with the same brush.

It's like all the marches I've been on where there are loads of SWP placards. I'm not a member of the SWP, but there are people who are lazy enough to suggest that because I am on that march and there are loads of SWP placards, then it follows that I'm a member. :facepalm:

Another demonstration on Saturday in Berlin's busy thoroughfare Unter den Linden nearly resulted in violence as a group of protesters ran towards an Israeli man wearing a Kippah, according to the American Jewish Committee (AJC).
"They were shouting at him and yelling 'you Jew, we will get you!" Fabian Weißbarth from the AJC told The Local.

And a Berlin imam has openly prayed for the annihilation of Zionist Jews, asking Allah to "kill them to the very last one," according to a video published online by Israel's Haaretz daily.

bit more than a few placards.

any link to the video?
New Labour are hardly known for their love of Palestinians :hmm:

My MP, a member of "Labour Friends of Israel", reckons he's also a member of "Labour Friends of Palestine", but given that he was banging Luciana Berger in the not-too-distant past, and what a pro-Zionist fuckhead she is, I'm not inclined to believe him.
Keeping on the insane line. I'm sure some of you have seen this already. I heard about it but only saw it today:

What. The. Fuck is this? I'm beginning to think maybe it's better to just back away slowly from Israel rather than challenge it.

Apparently former prime minister Moshe Sharett wrote in his diary that if Israel is crossed 'we'll go crazy.'

Yeah no shit!

Oh, the Iranian uranium (try saying that quickly when pissed!) enrichment schtick from 2012-ish, with Fat Benny giving it the biggun about how the state of Israel will bomb the snot out of Iran if they enrich beyond this level (waves at ridiculous graphic).
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