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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Yeah but you're not allowed to say that.

If I were saying it on the basis of an emotional reaction, anyone telling me I wasn't allowed say that would likely be right.
Looked at in terms of comparative analysis of political rhetoric and action, though, there's no way anyone with the ability to think critically can arrive at any other conclusion, unless they're ideologically or religiously-predisposed not to.
Attack on Gaza by Saudi Royal Appointment

There are many hands behind the Israeli army's onslaught on Gaza. America is not unhappy that Hamas is getting such a beating. As footage of the scenes of carnage on the streets of Shejaiya was coming through, John Kerry said on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday that Israel had every right to defend itself and the US ambassador Dan Shapiro told Israel's Channel 2 news that the US would seek to help moderate forces become stronger in Gaza, meaning the Palestinian Authority.

Nor is Egypt overcome with grief. Its foreign minister Sameh Shoukry held Hamas responsible for civilian deaths after their rejection of the ceasefire.

Neither matter to Netanyahu as much as the third undeclared partner in this unholy alliance, for neither on their own could give him the cover he needs for a military operation of this ferocity. And that can come not from a handwringing but impotent parent like the US. Such permission can only come from a brother Arab.

The attack on Gaza comes by Saudi Royal Appointment. This royal warrant is nothing less than an open secret in Israel, and both former and serving defense officials are relaxed when they talk about it. Former Israeli defense minister Shaul Mofaz surprised the presenter on Channel 10 by saying Israel had to specify a role for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the demilitarization of Hamas. Asked what he meant by that, he added that Saudi and Emirati funds should be used to rebuild Gaza after Hamas had been defanged....
If I were saying it on the basis of an emotional reaction, anyone telling me I wasn't allowed say that would likely be right.
Looked at in terms of comparative analysis of political rhetoric and action, though, there's no way anyone with the ability to think critically can arrive at any other conclusion, unless they're ideologically or religiously-predisposed not to.

I don't think it is fascist (because of media etc like haaretz that are still operating in Israel) but its hard to escape the conclusion that its becoming fascist.
I mean there's not really that much of a cult of an all powerful leader and there's still freedom of speech of a sort, trade unions haven't been completely smashed etc but it seems to me that all of those elements are starting to develop aren't they?
I don't think it is fascist (because of media etc like haaretz that are still operating in Israel) but its hard to escape the conclusion that its becoming fascist.
wouldn't jewish fascism be different to, say, italian or german fascisms? learning from the lessons of the past you wouldn't set up death camps but you could herd people into smaller and smaller areas and use their feeble resistance as justification of further repression, all the time creating a virulently racist society in which the former dispossessed inhabitants are turned into scapegoats. 80 years ago hitler said 'the jews are our misfortune': i wonder who'll be the first to say the palestinians are the zionists' misfortune. without those pesky palestinians the eastern mediterranean littoral would be a very paradise, no doubt.
wouldn't jewish fascism be different to, say, italian or german fascisms? learning from the lessons of the past you wouldn't set up death camps but you could herd people into smaller and smaller areas and use their feeble resistance as justification of further repression, all the time creating a virulently racist society in which the former dispossessed inhabitants are turned into scapegoats. 80 years ago hitler said 'the jews are our misfortune': i wonder who'll be the first to say the palestinians are the zionists' misfortune. without those pesky palestinians the eastern mediterranean littoral would be a very paradise, no doubt.
I thought that some people were already saying the misfortune thing.
wouldn't jewish fascism be different to, say, italian or german fascisms? learning from the lessons of the past you wouldn't set up death camps but you could herd people into smaller and smaller areas and use their feeble resistance as justification of further repression, all the time creating a virulently racist society in which the former dispossessed inhabitants are turned into scapegoats. 80 years ago hitler said 'the jews are our misfortune': i wonder who'll be the first to say the palestinians are the zionists' misfortune. without those pesky palestinians the eastern mediterranean littoral would be a very paradise, no doubt.
Isn't that what this feiglin guy has literally just said??
he didn't get it from me. and i haven't read him that much to know precisely what he's after except he wants to see millions of dead palestinians.
There's a lot I want to say but I am truly disgusted at the complicity of some organizations on this. ViolentPanda will know what I am on about. Just got off the phone after a very incoherent rant to my mum about the whole thing.
Israel isn't fascist nor turning fascist. Israel is as fascist as the colonisation of the Americas or Australia. Not everything murderous and racist is fascist. It's a completely different political-economic set up. The fascist parties in Israel distinguish themselves not so much in their hatred of Palestinians but in their desire to discipline the Jewish population cf. the Kahanist attacks on "Helenised Jews".
@RichardEngel: Horrible incident: building attacked in gaza city. Several apartments destroyed. Rescuers enter building. It collapses on them. many dead

@Ms_Hammad: “@RichardEngel: Gaza city ‘Salam tower’ collapse. Witnesses say 20 dead. some still under rubble”

@LinahAlsaafin: MT @Falestinianism: Massive destruction of Al Esra' residential tower,15 martyrs were killed #GazaUnderAttack

wouldn't jewish fascism be different to, say, italian or german fascisms? learning from the lessons of the past you wouldn't set up death camps but you could herd people into smaller and smaller areas and use their feeble resistance as justification of further repression, all the time creating a virulently racist society in which the former dispossessed inhabitants are turned into scapegoats. 80 years ago hitler said 'the jews are our misfortune': i wonder who'll be the first to say the palestinians are the zionists' misfortune. without those pesky palestinians the eastern mediterranean littoral would be a very paradise, no doubt.

and is that not what the abandoned (as inefficient and costly in terms of materiel and men) process of nazi ghettos was?
I don't think it is fascist (because of media etc like haaretz that are still operating in Israel) but its hard to escape the conclusion that its becoming fascist.

I'm not talking about fascism. I'm talking about a distinct Nazi (racially-exclusivist, murderous, excused by imagined oppressions) current to what some of the monsters in the Knesset are saying.
I'm not talking about fascism. I'm talking about a distinct Nazi (racially-exclusivist, murderous, excused by imagined oppressions) current to what some of the monsters in the Knesset are saying.

I'd agree this is closer the the Nazi "version" of fascism. Fascism (much as I hate it) doesn't necessarily have the racist, ethnic connotations of what is happening is Israel.
hitler's ghettos only lasted, what, four-five years? the zionist entity's have lasted about ten times as long: there must be something going for them to be still in existence.
Yeah I was talking about Tudjman and Milosevic to someone on Twitter in comparison to Israel for it to be pointed out that their regimes only lasted about 5 years.

In terms of duration and open air concentration camps holding people for decades the only comparable state in the entire world is north korea
There's a lot I want to say but I am truly disgusted at the complicity of some organizations on this. ViolentPanda will know what I am on about. Just got off the phone after a very incoherent rant to my mum about the whole thing.

To be frank, as things go, we've not only got a "Jewish establishment" whose opinions don't reflect British Jewry in general (and they don't - at best they reflect the predispositions of the Jewish social elite in the UK), we've also got protest organisations - the place people with a conscience naturally turn in situations like this - like the PSC who police their ranks poorly-enough that anti-Semitism has made inroads into the membership, and mostly uncriticised too.
hitler's ghettos only lasted, what, four-five years? the zionist entity's have lasted about ten times as long: there must be something going for them to be still in existence.

in the warsaw 'cleansing' the nazis were able to get away with it because of appeasers, disinterest and lack of readily available information outside of press surely?

Although on that point I did discuss with VP the other night wether anyone could actually be so long-term evil to constantly hit schools, hospitals and infrastructure with the intention of producing generations of malnourished and weakened people who are less and less able to mount even the token defence we see now- as well as encouraging anyone who can afford (in financial AND familial terms) to leave.

I don't think I'm taking the jazz pills here either, those 'think the unthinkable' sorts do do these strategising thoughts...
To be frank, as things go, we've not only got a "Jewish establishment" whose opinions don't reflect British Jewry in general (and they don't - at best they reflect the predispositions of the Jewish social elite in the UK), we've also got protest organisations - the place people with a conscience naturally turn in situations like this - like the PSC who police their ranks poorly-enough that anti-Semitism has made inroads into the membership, and mostly uncriticised too.
I was wondering whether to reactivate my psc membership?

I mean if enough normal people join it could drown out the antisemites surely?

What do you think?
I was wondering whether to reactivate my psc membership?

I mean if enough normal people join it could drown out the antisemites surely?

What do you think?

I think it's better to be inside the tent, pissing out, IYSWIM, as it at least means that the occasional (and they are still only occasional, thankfully) anti-Semite gets challenged by the membership, if not by the organisation itself (who I think are too afraid by far of criticising Muslim members who pull this sort of shit, for fear of being called racists).
I don't think I'm taking the jazz pills here either, those 'think the unthinkable' sorts do do these strategising thoughts...

I'm quite sure that part of IDF doctrine is to destroy the capacity of Palestinian society.

How much that is spelled out and how much is left to the initiative of unit commanders... that should be a matter for the war crimes tribunal.
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