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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Cool. I thought you meant frogwoman as you were replying to her post.
What do people think about the BDS thing then? I've always sort of been against it because I don't think putting sanctions on any state is a good idea but what is the alternative? I feel completely helpless tbh.
You're an anti-Semite. And for what you said to Weepiper and Butchersapron a misogynist and a racist to boot.
How do you deduce that?
Ah yes of course, you are a sound bite analyst
From 5 to 15 words you know all
I am happy for you in your absurdly certain analysis
Enjoy yourself
on BDS I'm increasingly convinced that that these only end up affecting those at the bottom of the social pile, the leaders don't give a shit and as a 'shaming' tactic it doesn't work in an almost 90% pro-israeli press.

A cultural embargo might draw the odd headline, but its never stuck to 100% (morrisey, rolling stones)

I haven't got solutions but boycotting goods isn't going to do anything imo.
Sorry about what happened to your family but no I won't excuse you for refusing to acknowledge reality. This is what Israel is doing in refusing to acknowledge the existence of Palestine. ISRAEL exists. Deal with it.
Ace advise for the few remaining descendants of Tecumseh for example
But hardly a moral high ground dontcha think?
Meanwhile, you continue with your mass murder fantasies. As butcher's says, you're not doing yourself or the Palestinian cause any favours. And I don't usually agree with him.

Just for the record; I fully support Palestine but I draw the line advocating wanton destruction. Be it in Gaza, Israel or the US.
Oh dont be an idiot
A thread is 38 pages old, suddenly you appear and slag me off - blinding
No causal relationship?
Bugger off infant
Speaking purely academically, as I regard the prospect of sanctions as imposed by the UK government vanishingly unlikely, I would reckon they would be mostly financial; or at least financial/trade sanctions would stand the most chance of having any effect.

Probably the only sanctions that could meaningfully affect the state of Israel would be to curtail imports of raw materials into the country, as they make a fair bit out of finished goods (especially military hardware) that they have no indigenous materials to manufacture.
Won't happen, of course.
Channel 4 news just showed a video of a Palestinian civilian being shot by a sniper - then shot two more times while he lied injured on the floor.
What the hell can we do? I more or less agree with you but what is the alternative?

As individuals, not much. Give to a gaza aid appeal. Attend a march if you can- it might be ignored by press but I hope solidarity means something, even if its just that, to the people in gaza.

To shift US policy, Israeli policy, the european pro-israeli slant...I don't know. Something has to give though, theres no way a complete ethnic cleansing could be ignored but this drip drip attrition every 18 months is slow burn cleansing and ghettoisation.
I can't quite fathom it. Not just him but every apologist I've come across. There's a weird disconnect, completely, from reality. Is it propaganda that's done it? Is it inability to confront the horror of what you apologise for or is it something else? As I said earlier, it's so bizarre to me I'm having to constantly check to see if I'm in the wrong.

We expect logic, and apologists seldom have any truck with logic. They deal in "emotional truths" such as "our land" and other partialities. They do, however, attempt to structure their apologism as if it were logic, hence the "what the fuck"ness of so much apologia.
What the hell can we do? I more or less agree with you but what is the alternative?

I feel like a bit of a gawping cunt at times but I've been on a stream broadcast by a man and his wife for a lot of the time since yesterday. However, he wants people there, to see it and urges people to share it so the world can see. I know it sounds a bit silly but I do feel a sense of solidarity with him and the Gaza civilians. It's such a small and probably insignificant thing but, like you, I dunno what to do :(

Resistance always wins in the long run, what a little hero.

This photo sums up perfectly why Israel has no future.
I think what you mean is that if it was a sniper, it was an ill-disciplined and probably pscychopathic sniper?

Not really. Snipers tend to be the most heavily psychologically-screened specialism in the military after pilots, which is why I presume it was an infantryman (especially as IIRC the IDF still uses the old "sharpshooter"/marksman" designation for skilled shots who aren't at sniper level).
Ill-disciplined wouldn't surprise me in IDF infantry either. Outside of the elite brigades, a lot of them are arsehole cosncripts who use their national service for licenced mayhem.
... as they make a fair bit out of finished goods (especially military hardware

Fair enough but companies of theirs are involved in military projects abroad including here in the UK. If you could get them closed down that's bound to hurt financially. Does have a bit of 'never going to happen' feel about it too though.
What the hell is going on with that country when senior parliamentarians are making what are essentially calls for genocide????

What the hell is going on with the 'international community' that is only just maybe starting to think about the possibility of, at some indeterminate point in the future, shaking their heads and tutting loudly?
Fair enough but companies of theirs are involved in military projects abroad including here in the UK. If you could get them closed down that's bound to hurt financially. Does have a bit of 'never going to happen' feel about it too though.

IMO the biggest part of the problem with joint projects is exactly that the joint nature means that the state (i.e. the British state) will protect their interest by protecting its' own interest, which means that even if we get feet on the pavements, we have to deal with the state's goons as well as private industry's goons.
another one I'd considered on BDS- we know from evidence like the iraq sanctions that for a ruthless state such sanctions result in dead children and the impoverishment of those who are as much at the mercy of their own government as anyone. Isn't a boycott then simply a form of grassroots non-state sanctioning? Not to mention the ongoing disempowerment implications that our consumer choices are the only meaningful way to express dissent and anger
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