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Gaza under attack yet again.

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So, innocent people in the US and Israel should perish because you feel outraged?

Maybe we should have a few more 07/07 here in London as well, seeing as how your govt routinely sucks up to the Israeli Govt and its actions? Not to mention it's endless position up Uncle Sam's back passage?

Not to mention the reprisals would be even worse.
Personally I should not be overly bothered if both Israel and the States got few more 9/11 events

If it was a case of, say, a few hundred innocent people dying in US/Israel/somewhere else in the West, widely publicised, bringing lots of attention to the issue of innocent people being slaughtered in Palestine, people of West/Israel pressure govt into taking action and which ultimately saves tens of thousands of innocent people in Palestine - I could see your point.

What would actually happen though is a few hundred innocent people would die, it would be widely publicised, Hamas/Palestinian resistance would be seen as terrorists and IDF 'widen the operation' even further, with much more bloodshed, maybe the West would give them even more money/weapons...well it just would get a whole lot worse.
somewhere on this thread someone was asking if any Jews are criticising the actions of Israel.

These ones seem to be


apparently on demo in Leeds today. Source here.

NK are part of the "religious Israel" current I've spoken of. They strongly believe that entry to "The Promised Land" before being called there spiritually, is corrupt and wrongheaded, and that the Zionists are actually retarding the possibility of this ever happening.
the total area of Gaza is about the size of inner London or half the size of Singapore, but some that consists of farms etc, so places like Gaza City have the density of the old Kowloon Walled city.
Into this tiny area the IDF is poring thousands of shells, coupled with the terror techniques of phones calls
There can be no excuse for this kind of behaviour
Meantime their paymasters the US are involved in threatening Russia with dire consequences while turning its back of what its racist little colony is doing
Very, very by way of complaint by the global Jewish communty
Personally I should not be overly bothered if both Israel and the States got few more 9/11 events
Fuck em, fuck em to hell
Individual boycotts dont mean much but an avoidance of things Yank or Israeli will make me feel marginally better

"Global Jewish community"?
My father and his family were forcibly dispossessed from his home at gunpoint by zionist terrorists in 1948. He has been a refugee ever since. His family lost everything. To this day, we have relations who live in abject poverty in refugee camps scattered around Jordan and Lebanon. This is the price we have had to pay for the creation of 'Israel'. And to be honest with you, my family are some of the lucky ones. My father is alive. Many others were gunned down on sight. 'Israel' is still murdering and terrorising in pretty much the same way that it did in 1948.

So excuse me when I can't bring myself to refer to the zionist entity as 'Israel'.

I never refer to the state of Israel as "Israel", because for me, and I suspect for many Jews, the two things are not the same. For some of us, Israel is more a religious sentiment and mythical object of yearning than it is an aim. The state of Israel is the creation of Zionism. To call it "the Zionist entity" is strictly accurate, in that it would not exist as a political and geographic reality except for Zionism. As far as I'm concerned, just because the word "Israel" is the name bandied by the state of Israel, that doesn't in any way endorse their project to me. An exclusively-Jewish state in the midst of other states of mixed ethnicity and religion is, in and of itself and outside of religious and political arguments, abhorent. That the nationalist-Zionist project (an official project, let us bear in mind, bestowed with political legitimacy by other states) resorts to the worst excesses of prejudiced sentiment in order to promulgate the project's purposes merely adds to my revulsion.
So, innocent people in the US and Israel should perish because you feel outraged?

Maybe we should have a few more 07/07 here in London as well, seeing as how your govt routinely sucks up to the Israeli Govt and its actions? Not to mention it's endless position up Uncle Sam's back passage?
Fuck off you vile mudrerous Tague cunt
If it was a case of, say, a few hundred innocent people dying in US/Israel/somewhere else in the West, widely publicised, bringing lots of attention to the issue of innocent people being slaughtered in Palestine, people of West/Israel pressure govt into taking action and which ultimately saves tens of thousands of innocent people in Palestine - I could see your point.

What would actually happen though is a few hundred innocent people would die, it would be widely publicised, Hamas/Palestinian resistance would be seen as terrorists and IDF 'widen the operation' even further, with much more bloodshed, maybe the West would give them even more money/weapons...well it just would get a whole lot worse.
I doubt that it would cause anything worse than IS to emerge
You're on the way out - in many ways. This pathetic identity hiding as an excuse for your shit politics and your sexist abuse just confirms it.
Butchers, you and I have never agreed
You are a simplistic and stupid aresewipe, you always have been a sort kneejerk twat
Thousands are dying but you have a classic silly little boy jump on your own little bandwagon tossbag response
Put me on ignore dumbfuck
Butchers, you and I have never agreed
You are a simplistic and stupid aresewipe, you always have been a sort kneejerk twat
Thousands are dying but you have a classic silly little boy jump on your own little bandwagon tossbag response
Put me on ignore dumbfuck
How do you think that you're helping the dead by engaging in sectarian or sexist abuse. Lay it out. I don't think that you are. I think that you're making it easier to allow any opposition to the Israeli state to be tied to the utterly shit things that you say. You're just what the Israeli state needs on the internet right now.
Israel is very very sensitive what the global diaspora think

Sorry, but on half a century of experience, that's a bag of arse. The state of israel couldn't care less what the diaspora actually thinks, all they're interested in is attempting to shape how the disapora thinks, which is why they spend so much time and effort getting the various Jewish "establishments" onside.

You make not like the phrase, but there is a Jewish community who worry about each other

Not in the context that "global Jewish community" creates, though, only in a very amorphous context.
Lovely, but what sanctions? What will there effect be?

Speaking purely academically, as I regard the prospect of sanctions as imposed by the UK government vanishingly unlikely, I would reckon they would be mostly financial; or at least financial/trade sanctions would stand the most chance of having any effect.
Fuck off you vile mudrerous Tague cunt

Meanwhile, you continue with your mass murder fantasies. As butcher's says, you're not doing yourself or the Palestinian cause any favours. And I don't usually agree with him.

Just for the record; I fully support Palestine but I draw the line advocating wanton destruction. Be it in Gaza, Israel or the US.
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