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Gaza under attack yet again.

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I saw some footage today that captured the moment paramedics saw a buried woman's hand move amongst rubble. I didn't know whether to cry out of happiness or sadness.
somewhere on this thread someone was asking if any Jews are criticising the actions of Israel.

These ones seem to be


apparently on demo in Leeds today. Source here.
Does anyone else feel this is worse than cast lead? The reports coming out of Shaja'iya have been absolutely horrific. Schools, homes and shops all targetted. I've had the stream I linked to earlier on for most of the night and there's been a constant sound, and I do mean constant, of drones flying over head. For what purpose can that be other than to terrorise the civilian population?
Hearing Ramadan prayers over minarets on OccupiedAir whilst seeing flashes of artillery fire, hearing the shells thud amid the constant sound of drones flying overhead is up there with the most eeriest things I've ever seen :(
Does anyone else feel this is worse than cast lead? The reports coming out of Shaja'iya have been absolutely horrific. Schools, homes and shops all targetted. I've had the stream I linked to earlier on for most of the night and there's been a constant sound, and I do mean constant, of drones flying over head. For what purpose can that be other than to terrorise the civilian population?

I'm not sure. I think it's better reported. The media is more alert and less willing to except Israeli propaganda at face value in the wake of Cast Lead. Just my impression.
@jala_leb: "Urgent : dense and weird gases are being fired in Gaza city right now ! haven't experienced such a smell before" - a voice from #Gaza
Does anyone else feel this is worse than cast lead? The reports coming out of Shaja'iya have been absolutely horrific. Schools, homes and shops all targetted. I've had the stream I linked to earlier on for most of the night and there's been a constant sound, and I do mean constant, of drones flying over head. For what purpose can that be other than to terrorise the civilian population?
Seems worse but no white phosphorus or cluster bombs this time as far as we know. As Knotted said it's better reported this time. The horrific images from Gaza appearing on American TV are now making it impossible to portray this as 'each side is suffering.' Israel is losing the PR war & that's probably what's going to stop this.
Speaking to Fox News ahead of his trip to Cairo to try to resolve the crisis, Kerry did not appear to be aware that he was being recorded.

He sacastically questioned Israeli claims about the accuracy of the offensive, by saying "It's a hell of a pinpoint operation. It's a hell of a pinpoint operation." He was speaking to an aid named only as John.

He added: "We've got to get over there. Thank you John. I think John we ought to go tonight. I think it's crazy to be sitting around."

Questioned later about his remarks, Kerry went back on message and said he alluding to the difficulty that Israel faces combatting Hamas in such a a dense area.

"You have people who come out of tunnels. You have a right to go in and take out those tunnels," he said.

From the Guardian latest updates page http://www.theguardian.com/world/20...ama-call-for-immediate-ceasefire-live-updates
This is truly some shameful shit, how many UN resolutions (LOL) have Israel not complied with?

These are war crimes but not a peep about international arrest warrants, I wonder why?

Individual boycotts dont mean much but an avoidance of things Yank or Israeli will make me feel marginally better

I already avoid products from Israel and curse if I ever pick something up by mistake. Does the USA actually make anything anymore? Bearing in mind I'm not in the market for military hardware atm.
This is truly some shameful shit, how many UN resolutions (LOL) have Israel not complied with?

These are war crimes but not a peep about international arrest warrants, I wonder why?

I already avoid products from Israel and curse if I ever pick something up by mistake. Does the USA actually make anything anymore? Bearing in mind I'm not in the market for military hardware atm.

We supply more packs of medicine to the NHS each year than anyone else – that's around 15% of total packs of medicine in the UK5

Winers of the British Israeli Business Awards (well thats the spelling out the window too!)

Its hard to avoid
I may do a bit of phone work on some firms today......
I agree with much of what you say but please stop the insanity of calling Israel the Zionist entity. A previous poster commented on this also. It makes you sound like a loon. Israel exists even if you'd rather it didn't.

My father and his family were forcibly dispossessed from his home at gunpoint by zionist terrorists in 1948. He has been a refugee ever since. His family lost everything. To this day, we have relations who live in abject poverty in refugee camps scattered around Jordan and Lebanon. This is the price we have had to pay for the creation of 'Israel'. And to be honest with you, my family are some of the lucky ones. My father is alive. Many others were gunned down on sight. 'Israel' is still murdering and terrorising in pretty much the same way that it did in 1948.

So excuse me when I can't bring myself to refer to the zionist entity as 'Israel'.
My father and his family were forcibly dispossessed from his home at gunpoint by zionist terrorists in 1948. He has been a refugee ever since. His family lost everything. To this day, we have relations who live in abject poverty in refugee camps scattered around Jordan and Lebanon. This is the price we have had to pay for the creation of 'Israel'. And to be honest with you, my family are some of the lucky ones. My father is alive. Many others were gunned down on sight. 'Israel' is still murdering and terrorising in pretty much the same way that it did in 1948.

So excuse me when I can't bring myself to refer to the zionist entity as 'Israel'.

Very well said.
Attempting to look at this from an Israeli point of view, surely they have "made their point" now, and any further attacks are purely gratuitous - the "massive retaliation" has been carried out.

Even Obama is demanding an immediate ceasefire now.
Attempting to look at this from an Israeli point of view, surely they have "made their point" now, and any further attacks are purely gratuitous - the "massive retaliation" has been carried out.
This only makes sense if you assume that they are acting rationally.
Trying to find a bright side in all this, maybe it will be a massive PR disaster for them, and turn the US and UK governments from blindly siding with them, and look at the situation more objectively, or at least make them pause.
We did that with South African goods when I was in the Bristol Anarchist Group, in about 1985.
There can be no excuse for this kind of behaviour...

Personally I should not be overly bothered if both Israel and the States got few more 9/11 events
Fuck em, fuck em to hell
Individual boycotts dont mean much but an avoidance of things Yank or Israeli will make me feel marginally better

So, innocent people in the US and Israel should perish because you feel outraged?

Maybe we should have a few more 07/07 here in London as well, seeing as how your govt routinely sucks up to the Israeli Govt and its actions? Not to mention it's endless position up Uncle Sam's back passage?
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