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Gaza under attack yet again.

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So why don't STW give a shit about how many people Assad kills? Perhaps they should rebrand themselves Stop One War In Particular.

Well they do use the definite article. They aren't called the Stop War Coalition and they've never claimed an aspiration to bring about world peace. They were founded in response to the war in Afghanistan, which was indeed one war in particular, and just kept the name.
Oh, and a war in Syria would inevitably wind up involving fighting the Syrian government on one side and ISIS/Al-Nusra etc on the other. I'm sure that would end fighting in Syria and usher in a new age of peace and prosperity... not to mention that the British government does not support the Syrian government, so protesting against that in the UK would in practise mean the Stop The War Coalition would be demonstrating in favour of military action, which is even more contradictory.

I know online commenters tend to be the loons, but some of the bile spewed on Israeli leftists who have the courage to support Palestinians is quite interesting:

"What was the leftists demonstration purpose??
What is this scum trying to prove...????
Were they asking for Israel to stop bombing Gaza,
stop the Iron Dome actions and endure HAMAS rockets...???
When will patriotic Israelis decide to turn them into
paraplegics, which is what this scum deserve, more so than those of Hamas......????????????"

"to the lefties...May your balls turn square and fester at the corners, may your ears turn to assholes and shit all over your shoulders"

"These far left loons should go to Gaza. That one way to get rid of these self haters, who support our sworn enemies, who would kill these morons in a heartbeat."

What I think this vicious reaction shows, as well as the violent response to the protests in Tel Aviv themselves, is a recognition that anti-war Jews and Israelis are the single greatest threat to the Zionist project. (far more so than the Palestinians themselves, who are thoroughly outmatched and impotent) Zionism is protected by silencing critics with accusations of anti-semitism - this fundamental defense of their treatment of the Palestinians would be unravelled very quickly by significant public displays of Jewish opposition. This is why the most effective and famous critics of Zionism, such as Chomsky and Finkelstein, are themselves Jewish.
Jewish National Fund set have a pro israel march in London today according to LBC. Can't see any news on this anywhere else though.
FB status post by Denny Cormier, human rights activist in Gaza:

I lost it last night. After a dozen days of witnessing the horrific deaths and the relentless pounding of this country, I finally lost it for a few hours... I tried to broadcast a live stream on the internet as I had been doing for several days because people outside Gaza wanted to hear the news.

But I lost it.

I am doing well today, and my level of suffering is minimal as compared to the great suffering that is all around me. And the level of terror that people are experiencing. But I was suddenly overcome with grief at seeing the deaths of so many children.

And I lost it.

Gratefully I was given a power source to power the laptop and a small room with a bed to broadcast, But there was no light. I could not see the keyboard.. beside me was a toilet whose smell was overpowering.... the bombs kept exploding. The shelling from offshore was non-stop. I tried to read the stories of the dead.... so badly wanted to share them.... try to stop what has become a horrific nightmare for so many civilians, so many families.

The face that I saw on the screen from my broadcast was dark - like some vision of an angel of death... I did not recognize the man from Santa Fe who had come to Gaza to share life with this beautiful people. After a dozen days, this man was a man that I did not know.... could no longer recognize.

And for a few hours I lost it.

I could not function.

I knew what was happening in cities all around me.

Reports were constant about people without water and food.

Reports were constant of a rain of death falling from the sky.

Reports were constant of the rising number of dead and injured - so many of them children.

I saw their bloodied bodies and faces.

They called out to me from Beit Hanoun, from Khan Younis, from Beit Lahia.

I lost it.

I will survive this bloody nightmare and I will stand side by side with the good people of Gaza. And there is no way that I am going to abandon them, even if I can do little but report their nightmare from a room in the dark with the smell of death coming through the window or the vision of death that I see on my computer screen hour after hour.

I feel much, much stronger today. And there is too much work to be done. There is no time or any desire to be overcome with grief. It is time to be grateful. A time to fight in the only way that I know. A time to take the weapon of my words in hand and to resist just as brothers are resisting at the borders.

This is home for me and I will protect it with everything that I have within me.

I am a Palestinian in my heart. And I will Resist until the end.

But for a few hours last night I lost it.

STWC wants war :D:confused:
Israel has nukes and arab armys even with the latest hi tech western goodies are rubbish hezbollah only look good because the idf were monumentaly stupid.
So no regime change even if the west decided israel needed to be put on the naughty step.:(

The umah might be a billion strong but its mostly 3rd world and or corrupt tyrannys with the military capability of a street gang.
Hamas and fatah are a pr nightmare either scary beards and or corrupt arseholes most of the arab world hate palestinians only slightly less than they hate jews:(
Israel has nukes and arab armys even with the latest hi tech western goodies are rubbish hezbollah only look good because the idf were monumentaly stupid.
So no regime change even if the west decided israel needed to be put on the naughty step.:(

The umah might be a billion strong but its mostly 3rd world and or corrupt tyrannys with the military capability of a street gang.
Hamas and fatah are a pr nightmare either scary beards and or corrupt arseholes most of the arab world hate palestinians only slightly less than they hate jews:(

blame the stupid sunnis for that. They are more focused on trying to get rid of the shia, rather than working with Iran to aid the Palestinians. Israel has nuclear weapons which does not seem to bother them, but any attempt by Iran to obtain them would "create a nuclear arms race" in the middle east by the stupid sunnis.

All of this, writes this top Israeli parliamentarian, is aimed at ensuring that Gaza “will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews.” And as for the Palestinians already there, “those who were not involved in anti-Israel activity will be offered a generous international emigration package.”

Generous? As one Palestinian was quoted today as saying, “you leave your home to die a thousand times, or refuse to leave and die once.” The ground invasion may have begun, but the Palestinians of Gaza remain steadfast.
They walked in their thousands, barefoot and in their pyjamas, streaming out of the eastern Gaza district of Shejaiya after a night of non-stop Israeli bombing.

They described hours of terror, as tank shells slammed into homes, with no electricity and no way to escape.

They called ambulances, but there was no way for the vehicles to get in under the constant fire.

So in the end, thousands of desperate residents fled on foot at first light, walking two hours or more into Gaza City.


At the Shifa hospital in Gaza City, ambulances arrived every five minutes.

But the wounded and the dead were also brought in by car and truck.

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